I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better |
Summer/Fall 2023 || Big Brother 25 || Latest Episode || Daily Index || Links || Merchandise || Screencaps || Twitter |
This site is about the Big Brother 25 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo Donations via Ko-fi are gratefully accepted! Or subscribe on Patreon And get my recaps in your inbox! BB25 DRINKING GAME Going for broke! Take a swig whenever a new alliance forms - take two when an alliance breaks up QUICK LINKS & BOOKMARKS -SIGN UP FOR FEEDS -WATCH THE FEEDS after signing up - disable ad blockers Official site and socials: -BB25 official CBS site -TikTok -YouTube -Live show tickets -Donate to support this site - thank you! Ko-fi - anytime, any amount Patreon - subscription -My Twitter - my screencaps -Dick at Night with @EvelDick -BB Viewer Chrome or Firefox Extension by @liquid8d -Requires Paramount Plus account -BB25 Wiki -Hamster Twitters BB USA: chron - members BB Canada: chron - members BB USA Celebs: chron - members -Advice for cast friends/family -VPN to protect your online privacy EAST COAST AIR SHOWS East coast air show live streams: Unfortunately VideoBrother has stopped streaming BB USA. If you have Paramount+ with Showtime plan, you can watch live TV for your local timezone. Get Paramount Plus to watch Big Brother all seasons Plus tons more CBS and Viacom content Big Brother 25 SEASON FAQ -Day 1 August 2: CBS premiere -Day 100 November 9: Finale Feeds are streamed by Paramount Plus, with Flashback included, with a Paramount Plus subscription. Call 888-274-5343 for account help, including cancellation. BB25 finalist prizes are the same: $750k for the winner, $75k for 2nd place, and probably still $10k for 3rd, $7.5k for 4th, $5k for 5th. Stipend is probably still $1/k per week for all except finalists, including pre-season sequester. The habitat has 94 HD cameras (no change) and 113 microphones (no change). The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman. He and Julie Chen are the only senior staffers who have been there since Big Brother 1. |
BIG BROTHER LIVE FEEDS EXCLUSIVELY ON PARAMOUNT PLUS All Big Brother USA, most Big Brother Canada and Australia reboot seasons plus CBS/BET/Comedy Central/MTV/Nickelodeon shows, past or present Plus originals! Showtime is included with the ad-free Paramount+ With Showtime plan GET A FREE TRIAL COMPUTER - MOBILE - ROKU - CHROMECAST - MANY SMART TVs - FIRE TV >> Status/Schedules >> Daily Recaps >> Ratings >> Lines & Links of the Day >> Tallies >> Season Stats >> Permalink this page: http://www.hamsterwatch.com/bb25/082123.shtml Power StatusHead of Household: Felicia1 week chicken suit: Jag Have-nots: America, Matt, Red (ended) Original noms: Cameron, Jag Veto winner/outcome: Jag/used on self Final noms: Cameron, Hisam Evicted: TBA Alliance charts by @89razorskate20 Alliance maps by @Dolffica Diary segment tallies by @clamperls4 TV viewer ratings updated after each show Upcoming EventsFEEDS ARE UNDERWAYPressure Cooker HOH comp on Thursday ON THE FEEDS GET THE FEEDS to see the real show! Paramount Plus plans are as follows: -$5.99/month or $59.99/year includes feeds, does not have live local CBS, does have commercials for shows/movies (Increases to $6.99/month or $69.99/year on September 1) -$11.99/month or $119.99/year includes Showtime, feeds, does have live local CBS, does not have commercials for shows/movies Get one month free of either plan with promo code BIGBROTHER25 before 11/30/23 -If you get the $5.99 'Essential' plan and want to dump the ads, you can upgrade to $11.99 'Premium' plan at any time -$5.99/month legacy plan is no longer available for new subscribers, but former All Access accounts will stay as they were, including feeds and live local CBS Feeds are free on Pluto TV, with ads. Non-US can watch on Pluto with Nord VPN CBS schedule Sundays 8pm - Wednesdays 8pm - live Thursdays 9pm except -9/13 Wednesday is two hours -9/17 Sundays move to 10 or 10.30pm -Week of 9/25 no veto show? -10/3 Veto show moves to Tuesdays -10/17 Tuesday is 75 minutes -11/9 Finale is two hours Usual feeds schedule - times are Pacific -Mondays noonish: Veto meeting* -Thursdays: Eviction run-thru afternoon*, live eviction show 6pm*, HOH room late evening -Fridays: Nominations late afternoon/early evening* -Saturdays morning: Veto player draw* -Saturdays afternoon/evening: Veto comp* *Feeds blocked - adoptable anipals on feeds Daily Feeds RecapsDay 20 - Monday - August 21, 2023Morning was like a Thursday, just getting through it until the show starts: in this case, the show being the veto meeting and respective fallout. Izzy told Cirie that Cory had said Hisam should have realized no one's been working/meeting/scrambling these past couple days, and Izzy said "he's so egotistical, it just confirms his delusion." Cirie pointed out "that's what's gonna make it bad" afterwards. Popcorn fans remained hopeful, and more so when Hisam told Izzy they should put up Cory and Jared next week. Jag Chicken and Jared discussed next and future weeks, and then with Matt, Jag Chicken pushed booting Red this week instead of Hisam. Too late to arrange that, and Jared later told Cory he was just going along with Jag, but the sheer absurdity of a chicken having a serious convo in an asylum room was a good warmup for this afternoon's main event. Blue told America that Jared told her he's falling for her, and they did a big celebration dance about that. I don't know if Blue was happy about that on a personal or game level.The veto meeting was late to start, and then all hell broke loose. Felicia told Jag Chicken she had a question and said she knew he was playing her, and she knew what he, Red, Cameron were up to. He was taken aback, and Felicia just kept going. She said "I need you to be straight because I'm gonna be fucking pissed if I do this thing and then next week you guys are trying to attack my ass." She said she knew Blue had approached Cameron and she was "standing in the kitchen with Red all fucking morning. I will switch this shit up right here, I ain't playing, so I'm looking you in your face. I want to know if you're fucking me." Jag Chicken sputtered and stuttered, and denied, saying he hadn't lied to her at all. Felicia said "you say you haven't lied but you have" and she confronted him about telling America and Cory that she, Cirie, Izzy had flipped their vote just before the Reilly eviction. He sputtered and stuttered some more, and denied, and retell rounds happened all over the habitat. Matt explained some angles including being approached by Red and Cameron to join up with them with a goal of nominating Jag Chicken and Blue. Eventually everything settled back down again to the original Hisam plan. Felicia later apologized to Jag Chicken for coming at him "like a bear." After all that, Felicia was distrustful of Cory but Cirie and Izzy said he's on their side. All three of them were back to distrusting Red, Cameron, America, Blue, Bowie, and Mecole's name had come up as well. Hisam napped at the kitchen table through most of it, until Felicia nudged him awake to tell him to get ready for the veto meeting. Feeds finally went to extended WBRB at 1.43pm and then to adoptable anipals at 2.20pm until 4.05pm. Jag Chicken used his veto on himself and Felicia put up Hisam in his place, as tediously planned. There were no fireworks so Team Fun Feeds were glad we had that earlier mess to enjoy our popcorn. Hisam seemed stunned, and glum, and was quietly apologizing to Cirie, with Izzy standing nearby (guard duty), then joined by Bowie, then by Mecole. Hisam apologized to Cirie if he'd made her feel less than heard, that was never his intention, he'd been loyal to Professors all along, "you will see," "I believe in our goodness and I believe you got some skewed information," and "it'll be amazing television because I'll look like an absolute moron." He pointed fingers at America for the skewed info, specifically her retell that he'd told her he'd gotten "stuck with leftovers." Hisam went to work out, Izzy did a post-mortem of his apology speech to Cirie, Bowie, Mecole, and she wondered why "he's fixated on America." Izzy then went to interrogate America and Cory, saying Hisam was "ready to kill you, America" and that he was "furious, calm, devastated." Izzy asked if America had lied about her convos with him and she swore she hadn't, and she said he'd definitely used the word "leftovers." America retold to Jag Chicken and Matt. Back inside, Cory explained to Hisam the perception of the house this week, and that he believed Hisam had been targeting him. Hisam denied that, Cory said he believed him now, and Hisam said that's because he was telling the truth, and had been all along. Cory then went on retell rounds, saying Hisam will tailor his story/apology/pitch for each of them. Felicia, Cirie, Izzy, Mecole, Jared met in HOH for more retells/rehashes. Hisam and America met in Have-not where he said he did not use the word "leftovers" and he said he did. She said she didn't want him gaslighting her, and he said he wasn't gaslighting her. Hisam continued his rounds, holding meetings with individuals one after the other to plead his case and clarify all the he saids/she saids according to his version. Red's meeting was semi-interesting because he said everyone knew Hisam was going up as renom, but he (Red) lied and said he'd only found out yesterday. In more important news, a full scale assault by Team Ants was discovered in the bathroom, likely due to the many gobs and globs of corn syrup from the veto comp. (By the way, Team Ants' neighbors River Ants have not been heard from since yesterday's massive rains, but they will likely survive and thrive.) Feeds went to anipals from around 8pm to 10.22pm and came back to pizza boxes and takeout containers on the counter. They may have had music and that's why feeds were down, they may have had booze, I don't know. The whispering and griping and gossiping picked right up again, but at a quieter, calmer pace. Blue and Jared started their nightly marathon talk about their relationship, and Matt and Cirie met in the hammock. She told him about Professors and who was in them, and she said Red had made it clear he no longer trusted Jared, and she didn't want to work with flip-floppers. Jag Chicken had a nice sincere chat with Hisam about his position, with encouragement and apologies and etc. Feeds were pretty quiet for a change and I need a break from the constant complaining in my mentions, so am checking out early. If anything else noteworthy happens, I'll pick it up tomorrow. SUBSCRIBE to my Patreon to get these daily recaps in your email box! And one-time donations of any amount can be made anytime at Ko-fi. Huge thanks to all my donors - I literally could not do this without you! And everlasting thanks to my Hamsterwatch readers and followers ♥ IF YOU MISSED what came before, check my previous episode, always linked up top or from my season index, and get the feeds to catch anything you missed with Flashback! And/or to watch prior BB USA, Canada, Australia seasons, plus a ton of other shows and movies as well. Day 21 - Tuesday - August 22, 2023Overnight Hisam continued his campaign marathons, spilling info about alliances and Professors to several, who of course immediately retold to several others. Blue and Jag Chicken realized they were in a bad position overall, so Blue offered to be a double agent to Felicia, and this morning Jag Chicken made a similar offer to Izzy. Bowie's contributions remain amusing, not least because she's still saying HOA for HOH.Morning feeds are usually pretty calm with a lot of puttering around, eating and showering and chit-chatting, and the gametalks kick in gradually, but not this group. Today they all revved up immediately, retelling last night's convos then retelling them in different combinations, and generally running amok. Hisam continued his tell-alls, name drops, and pitches, right? Now including how he's conscious of playing with integrity for his job's sake, right? And how he now wants to work with the non-Professors, right? And on it goes. During another Hisam pitch to America in Have-not room, Izzy went to tell America slop breakfast was ready. All three left, America went ahead towards the stairs, and Izzy asked Hisam "why are you lying to everyone about us?" He said he wasn't, and Izzy said "screw you, I felt bad last night." Hisam again said he wasn't lying and asked if she wanted to talk? "Nope!" Izzy then vented to America about a bit, saying Hisam had been telling Cirie last night how much he loves her and how close they are, which got her upset, "and then he does this?" America said she didn't think anyone else had heard the "screw you" (but it's a safe bet they will). Cirie told Matt she thought they should stick with the (new Savage Silent Deadly Sins) seven for now, adding that she didn't trust Bowie, Red, Cameron. Matt told her how they'd watched Hisam on the spyscreen last night trying to hear them, listening at the door for several minutes, and he'd even opened and closed a door pretending he'd gone through it but then went back to eavesdropping. Felicia, Izzy, Jared joined and more Hisam retells were shared, including that he was saying they all get together and try to use him to chop each other out, "and then he'll self-evict" when it's down to the other six plus him. Red joined and showed them his response to BB telling him to remove his hair from the microphone. Izzy said she wanted to sit down nearby whenever Hisam gives a pitch speech. Bowie had a haircut/touchup with Cameron's help, apparently exempt from the usual midweek ban on such things, and the jokes continue to write themselves. Blue and Jared launched the sex events tally with some undercover handsy action. People always cry EWW! for these things but then want to know the timestamps: I didn't sit through it all but spot-checks at 2.01pm, 2.11pm, 2.18pm made it pretty clear they were doing more than gametalking. It's rare, but not unheard of, for a hamster duo to get a Sex Events tally item before going on the board as a Makeout Pairing, but if these two have kissed, I'm not aware of it. Matt wandered along to chat with them once or twice, which wasn't as awkward as remembering Jared's mom was in the next room. Around 3.40pm they finally kissed. Jared said "got that out of the way" and Blue said "told you you'd do it." America made Jag Chicken swear with an elaborate pinkyswear that he wouldn't tell anyone she'd asked Cory if he had any F2s or F3s, and he'd said his only alliance was Family Style which is over, and he "kind of" has a final two with Jared. They made a final two of their own and America suggested TOUTTE as a name, for Two Of Us To The End. (That theme didn't work out so well for FOUTTE a few years ago, and might not work out so well for America this year.) The Seven Savage Silent Deadly Sins alliance met as a group and agreed to settle on Seven Deadly Sins even though Felicia didn't like that name much. They said they should assign one of the sins to each of them, but they couldn't name them all. Blue volunteered to go on the block as a pawn against America. Red made a cake for Cameron's daughter Stevie's birthday (and props to him for doing so as a Have-not), and everyone gathered to sing the song. Cory and Jag Chicken had an extended chat about working together and kind of getting the Family Style band back together. My ability and inclination to keep up with this nonsense both died simultaneously, but they mentioned "the six" a few times, so that would include the original Family Style group minus Reilly of course, and minus Cameron. Cirie and Izzy decided their current ideal six would include Jared, Felicia, Bowie, Blue. (Blue might not stay in that list if/when Cirie finds out what she and Jared have been getting up to.) Jared, Matt, Hisam had an extended general topics chat, with no campaigning from Hisam(!) But then he relapsed and gave his lengthy, breathy spiel to Matt, which included him saying Izzy had called him "fucking idiot." She may have, but I only heard "screw you." And then he pitched again to Mecole. Right? Bowie talked about doing a group activity together later, maybe 20 Questions. They got a delivery of clothes that had been withheld for whatever reasons. Cory didn't get any: he probably followed the rules for what they should/shouldn't bring, so they didn't need to review his. Red and Cameron planned a meeting for yet another eight to meet later. Bowie, Cameron, Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Matt, Mecole, Red finally gathered in HOH for a short meeting, more or less agreeing to target Jag and Blue next with America as renom option, and they agreed on the name Legend 25 for this new group (sounds like a promo code). They did the hands-in thing and then scattered to their various corners, where most of them started whispering about/against others in the group. Jared started Izzying to Izzy and Matt about some crisis or other, Izzy started Izzying about Jared to Matt and Felicia, and Felicia, Izzy, Matt told Blue she and Jag Chicken were the named targets. A far more amusing meeting happened before that with America, Cory, Jag Chicken. America opened that with "should we call ourselves the Students?" and it went from there: Cory: Do you think there'd be pushback if we call ourselves the Professors? Jag Chicken: But we want a z at the end of ours, Professorz Jag Chicken: The Confessors Cory: We could pull Cameron in Jag Chicken: Because if they ask us anything, we fold Cory: The Inconsistents, the Unreliables.. and we have to make sure this alliance name is leaked tomorrow America: The Leakers.. let's bring in Bowie, Red Jag Chicken: We are always a backdoor option America: Always a target Cory: We throw every competition Cory: Who's in the Unreliables, just to be clear, because I'm about to go tell everyone Cory: Could we vote on a captain of Unreliables? America: Hisam Cory: Hisam I'm so sorry to see you go, but good news.. Jag Chicken: I'm gonna start lying in all my goodbye messages: I'm in a 14 person alliance All three of them were laughing throughout, as was anyone watching. SUBSCRIBE to my Patreon to get these daily recaps in your email box! And one-time donations of any amount can be made anytime at Ko-fi. Huge thanks to all my donors - I literally could not do this without you! And everlasting thanks to my Hamsterwatch readers and followers ♥ IF YOU MISSED what came before, check my previous episode, always linked up top or from my season index, and get the feeds to catch anything you missed with Flashback! And/or to watch prior BB USA, Canada, Australia seasons, plus a ton of other shows and movies as well. Day 22 - Wednesday - August 23, 2023Whew, another long scroll to get down to here, sorry. Hamsters were all in bed just past midnight (a first) so they were well rested and raring to go this morning. Matt helped Jag Chicken untangle his cape and reported last night's Legend 25 meeting, and Izzy reported it to Cory. Cory dissed his fellow Unreliables America and Jag Chicken to her, pitched them as targets, called them "random ass people" and said America was "playing the middle horribly." Felicia told Cirie "next week we'll draw the line" but Cirie said no, if Red wins HOH he'd put up Jag Chicken and they'd suggest America with him rather than Blue. She also said not to say anything about Cameron or Red in front of Bowie, and she said they needed to find out from Jared what Cameron's been saying about them.Felicia asked Bowie who her F2 is and Bowie said she hadn't thought about it, isn't it too soon? Felicia named some duos she suspected, including Cirie/Izzy especially in Izzy's mind, and said she and Cirie hadn't made an F2 deal, which surprised Bowie. They agreed on their own F2 with a small fist bump, and Bowie asked "is that how we do it?" Yes. Felicia also told her she'd already talked to Cirie about them being F3 and Bowie was okay with that idea. Hisam continued his campaign loops, and Felicia had asked to talk with him while he was cycling, saying "outside of the game" she loved him and had felt a special connection. He said "yep yep let me finish this" [his workout] but he eventually met with her in HOH to rehash. Cory and Jared had an extended talk in the pantry. Highlights included talking about the ridiculous alliance soup they're all swimming in and how most everyone knows about most all of it, and agreeing that Izzy makes things too personal about other people. Cory said she isn't as good a player as she thinks, but said she's good for both of them for the time being. They talked about America being the house target, and agreed if she went it would be a waste of an eviction at this point, and if they can keep her, Jag, Blue around for a couple more weeks they'd all be back in a good position, back in the middle. Izzy joined and pitched the idea of booting Cameron tomorrow. Cory said that's impossible at this point, they wouldn't be able to get enough votes while keeping the various hierarchies in place, and all agreed Hisam would be out for revenge if he stayed. But they discussed it some more, and said it can't leave the room (except for Cirie). Cory pushed for lenience for America for a couple more weeks and Izzy said her problem with her is she's reckless. Cory and Jared agreed about that. Cirie and Felicia joined and Felicia retold Hisam's pitch, and said she'd told the cameras "that's bullshit" when he left. They all discussed all the states of things some more, including Cirie's concern that Matt might be playing them since he retells so much to Jag Chicken. They said they should leave the pantry gradually so they aren't too obvious and Jared left first. He gave Izzy a big hug, and then gave Cirie a handclasp and hug. That was interesting, since the two of them have taken pains to not be visibly close with each other. Cirie and Felicia were the last to leave, and Felicia told Cirie she wanted Red gone, Cameron gone, Jag, Blue, America, and Bowie Jane. She thought that would leave them at jury (no, that will come sooner), but including Bowie in that hit list was interesting after having just made a final two with her. Hisam's pitch to Cirie seemed a lot more genuine to me, and different from his normal script, likely because Cirie began their talk and steered it towards relationships, and theirs was more of an actual two-way conversation than the many, many monologues Hisam had been doing. Hisam told her he'd thought Cirie and Izzy orchestrated his backdoor but then he'd "found out" it was Cameron (wrong). Hisam began his pitch to Izzy by saying "I fucked up, I really fucked up." Cirie, Jared, Felicia compared some notes and agreed Hisam still had to go. Twenty minutes later Cirie and Izzy met in HOH to discuss the possibility of flipping the vote (again), not least because they knew Cameron had talked about targeting them next, and they wondered if they could get the needed votes to keep Hisam. They stressed that if it does happen, they'd need to get to Hisam before anyone else to let him know they did it. And they pitched the thought to Felicia, who said she was sure Hisam would come for her in retaliation, partly because he wouldn't hug her after their talk. Hisam arrived in HOH and was told they were deciding if it would be possible to keep him. His eyes bugged out, and he addressed and fixed the no-hug-for-Felicia issue when she brought that up. He swore he'd keep the plan a secret, and that he'd be tighter than ever with them if he stays. After he left, Izzy pointed out that he'd only said "right?" once, indicating to her that he was being truthful. Red arrived with smalltalk and asking where Hisam was. (It's possible he saw Hisam leave HOH and came sniffing around about that, but that's just my hunch.) Red told Cirie and Felicia that he was worried about Jared because he was getting so close with Blue. Izzy reported the flip plan to Cory but he pushed back, making logical points that included Hisam would probably want revenge, he's a better/more dangerous player than Cameron, they can't control Hisam, and including America in the vote/next alliance was iffy. Afterwards Cory said to himself/us "what the fuck why why why WHY?" Elsewhere, Jag Chicken and Mecole agreed to have each other's backs. I closed feeds to grab the quotes and facts from the episode, and I came back after that hour to find the flip had unflipped (again). I should maybe delete all the above mess but it happened, so. Apparently Cory's developing his mist and/or he used his speech and debate skills to convey his arguments logically and persuasively. Izzy wondered with him and Cirie if they should let Hisam know, and they agreed not to - at least not yet. And another alliance variation was formed to include Cirie, Cory, Felicia, Izzy, Jared, Meme, to be called the True Six or For Real For Real. A meeting to formalize was planned for later tonight. Cirie and Jared had a check-in during dinner in HOH (while Mecole was in the bathroom up there - which they knew). Cirie said she'd become skeptical of Matt because news of last night's Legend 25 meeting had leaked out. Jared said they already knew Red wasn't really with them, and Cirie agreed, but said they had to consider everything. Jared got a little defensive when Cirie wondered if his relationship with Blue was interfering with his/their game. Jag Chicken got a new chicken hat to sleep in. He said it was just the same as his day chicken hat but the eyes were closed. Jared and Blue went undercovers again to play "rock paper scissors" again. Cory pitched a final two to America, with a lot of reasons and rationalizations, and he stressed he didn't want to work with Jag Chicken. He said he'd been getting a barrage of questions about America, and he also said "when we were talking about the Unreliables, I'm like man, this is not gonna fuckin happen." Team Fun Feeds shed a tear hearing that because they'd been so funny about it last night. Cory was all business and America seemed half business/half flirty but she said "I'm in" and they eventually sealed it with a hug. America went to Cirie/Felicia/Izzy to say Cory had "tried to solidify something." Felicia said "we want to bring you guys in under one condition: people think you're flaky, you've been playing both sides. If we bring you in [to For Real For Real, along with Jared and Mecole] and you're flaky, you'll be first to go." They talked it over some more, like they do, and they sealed it with America hugging each of them. Later Cory told America she was being trusted not to spill to anyone, including Jag Chicken. Also later, Mecole told herself/us she didn't trust America. Bowie, Cameron, Matt, Red played some kind of household mini golf with a broom. There were a lot of loud, laughy group convos, and Cory/America/Jag Chicken had another round of Unreliables humor, but it wasn't the same. Midnight finally rolled around and America, Matt, Red got to eat, which was also very loud with a lot of hollering from everyone. Hisam stopped campaigning after being told he'd be saved, and I don't think Cameron campaigned at all. As of now, Hisam's going tomorrow, and likely unanimously (again). Chances are someone will tip him off before Julie makes it official. And then it's the return of the legendary Pressure Cooker comp "with a Scaryverse twist" and IT WILL BE ON FEEDS! SUBSCRIBE to my Patreon to get these daily recaps in your email box! And one-time donations of any amount can be made anytime at Ko-fi. Huge thanks to all my donors - I literally could not do this without you! And everlasting thanks to my Hamsterwatch readers and followers ♥ IF YOU MISSED what came before, check my previous episode, always linked up top or from my season index, and get the feeds to catch anything you missed with Flashback! And/or to watch prior BB USA, Canada, Australia seasons, plus a ton of other shows and movies as well. Ratings - Leftovers Anniversary* editionRatings are Monday's, based on entertainment value, and subject to change*Hisam went up as blindside renom on Day 20, and whether he told America he got lumped in with 'leftovers' became a sticking point. Ameerah and Terrance went up as blindside renoms on Day 20 last year (the day after Leftovers alliance was formed). That Monday afternoon was one of the greatest feeds days ever. Noms count: original/renom/twist
Lines and Links of the Day
Tally Items
Season StatsHOHs in order: Reilly; Hisam; FeliciaVeto winners in order: Hisam; Hisam; Jag Evictions in order: Luke (ejected); Kirsten 13-0; Reilly 12-0 Cast Twitters: @kstace_ Cast Instagrams: kirstenvivica; reillysmedley |
Linking to any page here is fine. Please don't repost content from this site (or any other) without permission, and don't repost or hotlink images. The national mental health hotline has launched nationwide. Call or text 988 if you or a loved one is in crisis - help is out there. CBS All Access is now Paramount Plus Live air shows with ad-free plan (live TV will have some commercial breaks) BB1 thru BB24 plus Celebs and OTT, and loads of other shows from CBS, BET, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, MTV, Smithsonian, plus originals Tweets by @hamsterwatch GAME TWISTS Week 1 BB Multiverse Losers of four move-in comps went on the block, and HOH Reilly saved two Week 2 Nether Region Inconsistent and vague. Individuals were sent to Nether Region for varying lengths of time, receiving 'something good or bad' and selecting the next one to go. Roster of who went and for how long is in the Extracurricular Items tally. Mugs, shirts, more Visit my Cafe Press shop Anonymously secure your internet connection with NordVPN |
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