Big Brother 17
Daily Hamsterwatch
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 17 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. Thanks for encouraging my behavior.
Your pal, dingo

May 24: Price Is Right Big Brother edition

June 7: BB UK - watch live with HMA

June 13: BB18 cast reveal
June 22: BB18 premiere
June 23: Feeds begin


Brothers (Phil) won Part 1
Kelsey won Part 2 and 3
Kelsey evicted Tim
Brothers won the season 7-2


Take a swig to celebrate and Tim and Nikki for feeds gold

Watch BB Canada feeds from outside Canada
Or any geoblocked content



-Watch BB Canada feeds
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-VPN setup - it's very easy

-Feeds updates by @UGotBronx
-My Twitter - my screencaps
-Hamster Twitters
    BB USA - BB Canada
-BB Canada official site
-Eviction show tickets

-BB Viewer by @liquid8d

-East Coast air show streams
-CanadaTV on Roku $2/month
-Online streams 1 -2 -3 -4

-Real-time feeds updates by @UGotBronx
-On The Block McCrae & Spencer with special guests
-Dick at Nite BBCan4 Evel Dick Donato and special guests

-Latest alliance diagram by @89razorskate20
-Diary tally by @clamperls


-VPN for international viewers

-Big Brother 17 official site
-Live show tickets all seasons
-Dick at Night with @EvelDick
-Latest alliance chart
  by @89razorskate20
-Diary tally by @clamperls

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-East Coast air show streams
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13



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May 2016

Save the date(s)

Big Brother 18 is almost here! A marathon of every episode from every season began streaming May 23 exclusively in CBS All Access, and that's also where you'll get an exclusive cast reveal on June 13, so sign up now!

BB18 premieres June 22 at 8pm on CBS, and the feeds will start June 23 at 10pm Pacific/1am Eastern, after the second episode ends in the west.. the feeds will be in All Access again, which will be accessible on computer and mobile platforms again, as well as the official CBS app, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android TV, Fire TV, and Xbox 360.. All Access is $5.99 per month after a one-week free trial - no promo code required

More info to follow as it becomes available, and be sure to follow me on Twitter for more.. remember to support your BB community and sign up for All Access through a site you use! Many of us can't do any of this otherwise.. and a reminder to bookmark and use my Amazon portal for all your Amazon purchases, USA or Canada, to help me a bit without costing you anything extra.. many thanks!

February 26 thru May 12, 2016

Big Brother Canada 4


HOHs in order *denotes the competing brother
Loveita; Jared; Loveita; Joel; Maddy; Tim; Raul; Maddy; Philippe/Nicholas (*neither competed); Cassandra (her dad competed); Philippe/Nicholas*; Kelsey; Philippe/Nicholas*; Kelsey

Veto wins in order *denotes the competing brother
Philippe/Nicholas*; Christine; Dallas; Dallas; Philippe/Nicholas*; Ramsey; Jared; Jared; Ramsey; Philippe*/Nicholas; Cassandra; Tim; Philippe/Nicholas*

Evictions in order
Paige 7-4; Sharry 11-1; Christine 6-5; Kelsey 8-2; Loveita 7-2; Dallas 5-3; Mitch 5-3; Raul 6-1; Ramsey self-evict; Maddy 5-0; Jared 3-1; Nikki 3-0; Joel 2-0; Cassandra 1-0; Tim 1-0

Cassandra: 1 day laundry duty; 1 day Jackpot cleanup; Sarah coaching session
Christine: $10,000 at The Brick
Dallas: 24 hour cactus suit
Jared: Slop pass; eel dip
Joel: 1 day laundry duty; 1 day Backwards Man; 1 week no shower or most personal belongings; final 3 2 weeks on slop
Kelsey: $21,000; 1 week Secret Suite; 6 week revival
Loveita: 1 week Secret Suite
Nick: Up all night
Nick/Phil: $100,000; $25,000 at The Brick; $10,000 OxiClean prize package; 1 week skunk, bad haircuts by Sarah; sit out double eviction veto comp
Ramsey: $5,000
Raul: 1,000 lassos; 16 hour backyard isolation
Tim: $1,000 at The Brick; $5,000 Shomi entertainment package; up all night

Cast Twitters
@PaigeBBCAN; @SharryBBCAN; @ChristineBBCAN; @LoveitaBBCAN; @DallasBBCAN; @RamseyBBCAN; @mitchellmoffit; @RaulBBCAN; @MaddyBBCAN; @JaredBBCAN; @NikkiGrahame; @JoelBBCAN; @CassandraBBCAN; @timdormer; @KelseyBBCAN; @NickBBCAN; @PhilBBCAN

The fourth season of Big Brother Canada premiered March 2 at 9pm, but the pre-season buzz kicked off before that.. on February 23, they revealed the first of likely many twists: viewers can vote for two international BB alumni to enter the habitat, one male and one female, presumably as full-fledged competing hamsters

Those in the running were USA's BB5 and BB7 Jase Wirey versus Australia's BB10 winner Tim Dormer, and Italy's Veronica Graf from Grande Fratello 13 versus UK's Nikki Grahame from BB7, 16 and Ultimate BB.. Tim and Nikki were huge fan favorites from their respective seasons - they won and entered the habitat on March 3

Day 1 move-in premiere was taped February 26, and the next twist came along already: Philippe's brother Nicholas joined the cast! See notes below

Live feeds started after the March 3 eviction show airs.. they stream free from the show's official site.. use Hide My Ass to watch from outside Canada - it's safe, secure, with great customer service for questions or problems, and it's super easy to set up.. be wary of free VPNs as they can contain viruses, spyware, malware, or open your device as a conduit for other content without your knowledge or permission

@UGotBronx is once again doing real-time feeds updates for Hamsterwatch Forum

Air shows on Global are Sundays 7pm, Wednesdays 9pm, and eviction Thursdays 8pm.. evictions are once again being taped early - as always, I'll post spoilers on my Twitter when/if I get them.. After Dark airs every night on Slice.. Side Show airs Fridays at 10pm on Slice with Arisa Cox, Peter Brown, and Sarah Hanlon

Air shows outside Canada several links for live streams are posted under Quick Links & Bookmarks to your left - links are subject to change.. if you have Roku you can add CanadaTV from the Roku channel store for $2/month, which includes Global Toronto for live air shows, plus Global BC for a replay three hours later.. shop Roku at Amazon - I just got this Roku TV and it's pretty damn cool

Archived air shows are viewable on the show's site with VPN.. various uploaders post them on various video sites - I tweet links to those if/when I see them

Premiere notes They entered in three groups (sans Nicholas - he came in later), and Dallas was the first to enter - that's the kiss of death for all Canada and USA seasons so far.. an audience member stormed the stage and ran through the doors before the third group went in, causing a huge delay and re-do's, and probably much nervousing for those waiting to go in as well as for those already inside

Philippe and Nicholas are in the house together, playing as one hamster: they'll get one vote, they'll share HOH if they win, and if/when they're nominated or evicted, they'll do that together too.. UK and Australia have done this often with siblings, twins, couples, but power in those Big Brothers isn't decided by competitions.. the brothers will alternate weeks for playing comps - Nicholas is up first for that, as decided by rock/paper/scissors.. all the hamsters voted on first HOH comp results before they started it: they voted Nicholas most likely to win (if he doesn't, he gets a night in solitary - alone or with Philippe, I'm not sure), and they voted Joel most likely to drop first (if he doesn't, he gets first noms immunity)

Your cast is listed below along with my rush-to-judgment first impressions.. video clips were posted by ET Canada: batch one - batch two - four wildcards - house tour

Cassandra Shahinfar - 12th evicted, juror
22 - Winnipeg, MB - social media strategist
She plans to befriend everyone and said her name means "seducer of all men." That combined with her wishing she could have a bottomless bottle of wine in there means she could be our designated Drunk Girl - hopefully BB won't block all the booze deliveries this year.
Pre-show interview

Christine Kelsey - 3rd evicted
47 - Vancouver, BC - housekeeper
The token "older lady" is planning the same lay-low-early strategy as Ramsey and Philippe, but she also says she can be loud and people "can't handle" her. Hopefully she can reel it in and won't end up like Risha, whose slot in the casting formula she's filling. She'll probably jump when she hears Kelsey's Diary calls.
Pre-show interview

Dallas Cormier - 5th evicted
24- Saint John, NB - welder
This year's beard says he's the life of the party, loves his booze, and claims he's both too trusting and a sore loser, so his entertainment potential is through the roof. He's a superfan of BB Canada and USA (feedster? probably not), and he's yet another member of the No Math Club.
Pre-show interview

Jared Kesler - 9th evicted, juror
24 - Winnipeg, MB - pipeline worker
He seems like a guy's guy, but a nice guy, and he named Emmett and Jon as fave alums. Normally I'd say he might be too nice to go the distance but this is Canada, and those two did pretty well. He says he won't do well with memory comps, so he better cozy up with somebody who will.
Pre-show interview

Joel Lefevre - 11th evicted, juror
33 - Edmonton, AB - actor
He actually describes himself as quirky and he looks the part, and he seems to be here to fill the USA formula spot formerly successfully occupied by Ian and Steve, yet he says he'll do better on physical comps than mental - hmm. He used to struggle with anxiety and depression, so he could be in trouble if he sticks around long.
Pre-show interview

Kelsey Faith - 4th evicted Revived - 2nd place
25 - Calgary, AB - flight attendant
Her strategy is no strategy, have fun and enjoy the experience, and she knows next to nothing about the show. Those things always sound bad but they can pay off sometimes. I don't know where she flight attends but she's worked with elephants in Thailand, so she might have some good stories. She shares Willow's last name and Calgary base, but doesn't appear to be related.
Pre-show interview

Loveita Adams - 4th evicted
25 - Fort McMurray, AB - skincare entrepreneur
With her own company, she seems to be here to fill the Neda/Naeha slot, but she named Brittnee as her hamster role model. She plans to overplay, i.e. "make as many promises as possible" which might not work out too well, but then again it might: she says she'll be good at both physical and mental comps, particularly endurance.
Pre-show interview

Maddy Pavle - 8th evicted, juror
21 - Vancouver, BC - server
She's got no strategy and says she'll fail mental comps, especially if math is involved. Jillian is her BB Canada idol, but she might not have as much upstairs as Jill. She's the type I think of as "filler" for the exploitable eye candy and possible/probable showmance role, and some of them have gone far.
Pre-show interview

Mitchell Moffitt - 6th evicted, juror
27 - Guelph, ON - YouTuber
His YouTubing is engaging pop science videos with a lot of views, rather than dingbat "look at me" stuff. He does those with his boyfriend of nine years, so if Raul's attracted to Mitch, he'll likely be out of luck. He knows adaptability is key in BB, so he's already ahead of most of them.
Pre-show interview

Nikki Grahame - 10th evicted, juror
33 - UK Big Brother 7, 16, and Ultimate BB
She's known for drama and hissy-fits both in and out of the Diary Room, and was such a fan favorite that despite not winning, she came back for two more BB seasons after her first, and got her own show out of it. In a word: feeds gold.
Pre-show interview

Paige Distranski - 1st evicted
19 - Thunder Bay, ON - vet tech assistant
She's only 19 and her cat is 16 - let that sink in. She thinks her background of trapping and hunting prepared her for BB.. okay. She's yet another cute girl who says math comps will be her downfall. She loves Gary, and she loves Canada because everyone is so nice. She might be the "who?" hamster or the one with winning hair disasters - maybe both.
Pre-show interview

Philippe & Nicholas Paquette - season winners
21 & 20 - Ottawa, ON - university students
Update There's two of 'em! Following is my take on Philippe - we didn't get any pre-show info for Nicholas.
His bio says student but he says well-known club DJ, and he also says he's "pretty successful with the women" and hopes to be the villain. I hope he's not as arrogant as he sounds, but I'm not hopeful. He plans to throw a lot of comps, which might not be easy to do with this group, and doubly so since he says he's bad at puzzles. He says he'll be ready for a showmance around Day 42 because girls are trouble for him and can't be controlled - huh?
Pre-show interview

Raul Manriquez - 7th evicted, juror
21 - Calgary, AB - fashion stylist
He doesn't have a strategy and doesn't want a strategy, and he's here for the experience. His hamster idol is Kenny because "he's just so hot" and he hopes there isn't a guy for him to fall in love with because he forgets everything else when he's in love.. that could be fun for us. He too fears mental comps - this isn't looking like a brainiacs season.
Pre-show interview

Ramsey Aburaneh - self-evicted between 7th and 8th evictions
26 - Toronto, ON - digital marketing
He plans to lay low early on and then rev it up later, which always looks good on paper but doesn't always pan out, and he plans to throw some physical comps. It might be hard for him to downplay his athleticism as much as he plans to, since sports might be his main conversation topic. He didn't know about the show before friends (or recruiter?) sent him to a casting call.
Pre-show interview

Sharry Ash - 2nd evicted
30 - Toronto, ON - customer service supervisor
She sounds brighter than some of them but that could also just be a bit of maturity over the adolescent herd, as she too is afraid of memory comps. I like that she plans to stay flexible strategy-wise, as that's the only strategy that's foolproof in there. She's got a girlfriend of two years plus who's a BB superfan, and says she wears her emotions on her sleeve - hooray for drama potential!
Pre-show interview

Tim Dormer - 13th evicted, juror
31 - Australia Big Brother 10 (winner)
He's known for winning BBAU, which is decided by viewer votes, and he's sure to be a fan favorite. He'll bring shenanigans and onesies, and he'll be sure to keep the feeds hopping.
Pre-show interview

Jase Wirey - didn't make it in
40 - USA Big Brother 5 and 7
He was the first ever to be backdoored and is also known for his reaction to the BB5 switching twins reveal, and for his Zoolanderesque mirror-face. He was fun feeds on his first round, but not so much on his second.
Pre-show interview

Veronica Graf - didn't make it in
30 - Italy Grande Fratello 13
She's known for posing in Playboy, and I don't know what else.
Pre-show interview

April 2016

Reality Rally

The annual Reality Rally ran April 8 and 9, with pre-rally events starting Thursday night, April 7.. the Rally benefits Michelle's Place, a Southern California breast cancer support center, and brings together reality fans with reality stars from various shows, including a lot of Big Brother USA and Canada alumni

Click for more info about Reality Rally, and to donate on behalf of your chosen hamster

While you're at it, please consider also throwing a few bucks to our own @cj_thumper if you can.. she's a Hamsterwatcher extraordinaire who's currently battling the disease, which is causing financial hardship along with all the other crap cancer brings

Many of the Rally formal and informal events were live-streamed - just click the buttons when they show "Live" to watch via Periscope.. streams will be archived at the same button(s) for 24 hours, and permanently archived here

  @BrophE     @ryanhooks92     @2ndCourseMedia

January 2016

Gran Hermano US

USA's second Big Brother kicked off on January 10, featuring 14 Spanish-speaking American hamsters, each going for a $250,000 prize at the end of three months.. they used the international style of gameplay, where hamsters nominate among themselves and viewers vote to evict

Congrats to Pedro Orta, representing Puerto Rican heritage, who won the debut season on April 10!

Gran Hermano US aired on Telemundo twice a week: nominations on Wednesdays at 7pm/6 Central, and evictions on Sundays at 8pm/7 Central.. they also have a daily highlights show airing Mondays thru Fridays at midnight/11pm Central.. Giselle Blondet hosted the live shows

But here's the best part: they had free 24/7 feeds! You can watch anytime on Telemundo's site, and you can meet the cast here - most browsers have a translate option.. while many or most of the hamsters are likely bilingual, they have a strict no English rule, but certain phrases sneak in here and there anyway (since when do hamsters follow rules?).. if you don't speak Spanish, you can still pick up a lot from body language and voice tone, and fights will definitely be good

Interestingly, the feeds kicked off as the hamsters moved in and held their get-to-know-you introductions, champagne toasts, and made sleeping arrangements, and their first HOH comp was live on the feeds on Tuesday 1/12 - it can be done! The feeds are geoblocked but once again, Hide My Ass will fix that if you're outside the US - just set to a US server

January 2016

Celebrity Big Brother

Emma Willis welcomed 16 new and notorious hamsters into the UK habitat on January 5 for another round of Celebrity BB.. still no 24/7 feeds, but BOTS is back and they'll be doing more "live from the house" streams this season than they have in the past.. here are your links to watch the air shows live:

Use Hide My Ass to watch from outside the UK.. there are loads of other VPNs out there but I use and recommend HMA because it's safe, secure, and easy to use (just select a UK server), available for multiple platforms, plus they have great customer service for questions or problems.. I get a small commission if you sign up using my link, so thanks in advance

You can watch live at Channel 5's online live stream link.. shows are usually daily but check the air show schedule - remember UK time is 8 hours ahead of Pacific and 5 hours ahead of Eastern.. the official site has archive air shows and talk shows, highlights, previews, and info.. also, you'll find a couple Youtube uploaders in Links of the Day below

The hamsters in the order they entered the habitat and their main claim to "fame" are as follows.. many of them are also known for scandals of one type or another, Google is your friend

Gemma Collins - reality personality, The Only Way Is Essex - 7th evicted
Johnny Partridge - actor, EastEnders - 8th evicted
Danniella Westbrook - actress, EastEnders - 9th evicted
Christopher Maloney - singer/reality personality, X Factor - 5th evicted
Tiffany Pollard aka "New York" - reality personality, Flavor of Love and I Love New York - 10th evicted
Darren Day - actor/singer, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - 11th evicted
Megan McKenna - reality personality, Ex On The Beach - 4th evicted
Winston McKenzie - boxer/politician - 1st evicted

David Gest - producer and Liza Minnelli's ex-husband - quit on Day 13
Scott Timlin - aka "Scotty T", reality personality, Geordie Shore - winner
Kristina Rihanoff - dancer/reality personality, Strictly Come Dancing - 3rd evicted
Jonathan Cheban - reality personality and Kardashian pal - quit on Day 7
Angela Bowie - model and David Bowie's ex-wife - quit on Day 15
Stephanie Davis - actress, Hollyoaks - 12th evicted
Jeremy McConnell - model - 6th evicted
Nancy Dell'Olio - lawyer and reality personality, Footballers' Cribs - 2nd evicted


Tiffany, being given a pair of pricey shoes: You don't know me from a can of paint!


Get the feeds to see the real show

Live like a hamster! Habitat items available from Amazon: adult kitty hat - child kitty hat - squirrel suit - Jonathan Adler chess set - blow-up giraffe - blow-up pool shark - duckie chlorine dispenser - octopus towel/coat hook - set of 2 hooks - whale pillow - plush llama (alpaca) - crazy cat lady action figure - crazy cat lady board game

Youtube uploads of CBB shows: Dr Detroit and/or Ermm TV

On The Block McCrae, Spencer and special guests all seasons stats, comps, factoids, and fun stuff by @attwx

Confessions of a BB feed watcher by me! for Reality Blurred

Celebrity Big Brother
Hide My Ass to watch from outside UK
Air shows live stream
Official site, info, schedule, archive shows

Ratings - That's all, folks edition

Ratings are BB17 obituaries
VTW = voted to win

Ups for delivering our summer crack on schedule, with a minimum of fishies blocks, although these overlong seasons are simply too long. I enjoyed the return of the twin twist, particularly the candid convos between Liz and Julia. It made me think a season of all twins or close siblings could be fun if they must do a casting twist (emphasis on if they must). They missed the pre-season mark by not announcing twins in advance, thus also missing the chance to say 'biggest cast ever' which they did say last year, when it wasn't.

Noticeably missing were the grill and my BBQ Smackdown as a result, and they only handed out $10k in pre-finale cash compared to $125k last year. We had one week-long costume and one temporary, compared to three week-longs and two temp on BB16. We didn't have anything to annoy them all night nor ghost faces in the windows, and that was fine. The booze drought didn't exactly end but it eased up a bit and they had a few sippy evenings, and this group found ways to entertain themselves many more nights than most casts, while still gaming their brains out around the clock.

All the early hype about a different twist every week, a takeover every week, and BOB all season long was just ridiculous, especially considering how lame the twists and takeovers were. They really need to stop lying about all that because people do remember. They also need to kill BOB and come up with something else for the Sunday shows. Old fashioned food comps were fine, and going back to that would also get rid of stupid slop once and for all. It kills their energy and thus our feeds, and it's overlooked on the air shows, so why even bother?

There were bright spots including the cast. I won't say I disagree with Mr Moonves as there are always five or six I can do without too, but overall I enjoyed this cast and the feeds in general more than I have in several seasons. The goofs tally is ridiculous this year, and the official site and Jeff segments took a little too much glee in taking unnecessarily rude pot shots, but in the end it's our summer addiction and they delivered once again. Big ups as always to everyone involved and especially to all 17 hamsters for putting themselves out there for our amusement.

Won: $500,000
He came in a nerdy superfan playing a 'dumb little kid' by his own admission, but he changed that up with some facial hair to blend in and it paid off, as did his adaptability with multiple allies. He won more comps than most expected and he had a hand in many evictions, but he was humble enough to work without grabbing the spotlight, whether he'd earned it or not. His secret partnership with Vanessa paid off in the long run obviously, even if she was two-timing all over town. His man-child act wasn't an act at all, and talking about his social problem became its own social problem, but he was refreshingly kind, he threw a hinky vote, and he took Jace's awful beatdown without incident.

Won: $50,000; Ariana field trip; ½ week Wackstreet, Outback dinner
Once again it was fun to figure out which twin was which while they were switching, albeit easier than BB5. She did that well, and she got along with most, although Julia was more socially interactive. She started not liking Austin that way but she never discouraged his advances, and with Vanessa's help in what she did and especially did not repeat as their go-between, eventually he won her over and by the end, Liz was initiating all the I love you's. Whatever undercovers action took place will or won't haunt her, but she'll also be remembered for jumping whenever Diary called her name, for always having a 'thank you' for feeds and BBAD gifts, and for making it to the end despite the odds.

Won: Ariana field trip (guest); Outback dinner; 24 hours polishing Jackie
She had a total meltdown 1st night of feeds and the big poker star was suddenly a big question mark. She continued the tears all season, often fake, but they worked, and she repeated everything until they believed it, especially about her Integrity. She demanded everyone's Words and Reasons ad nauseum, but what she said and did were often contradictory, such as telling Audrey she couldn't nom her because LGBT solidarity, but two weeks later she gave Jason the boot. She took every moment so seriously, and didn't 'own her game' even in Diary, but she won comps and ran most of the game using emotional blackmail and percentage double-talk, she was allied with everyone but the ants, and nobody wanted to deal with her histrionics.

Won: 3 week revival; 1 week Wackstreet
VTW Steve
On a show that often has cookie-cutter personalities, he's truly unique. Between his random shouty interviews, dentistry, and superb guitar & bass playing, I had no idea what to expect, and I was pleasantly surprised. I loved his dry humor and his exuberant Diaries, and he did well saving himself as long as he did because he was most everyone's easy target most weeks, mostly because they didn't know what to make of him. He kept his BB knowledge secret and slept too much when he should have been out gaming, but he was a pleasure to watch when he was awake. I think we'll never again see someone sit down to vote and greet Julie with 'What do you want?!' Classic.

Won: Outback dinner (guest)
He came in educated & articulate, with BB savvy, and training & experience roleplaying bad guys. That was all aces on paper, but he disappointed with weird moves like aligning with Jace, and then he fell hard for Liz after saying he knew showmances take hamsters' heads out of the game. He blew up his game when Operation Jason backfired spectacularly, but he salvaged certain game death by pleading with Vanessa and it worked, and I realized his social game was in far better shape than it appeared. His Judas character failed repeatedly and he alienated most viewers on a daily basis, but I don't think he deserved as bad as he got. But the beardytail has to go.

Won: ½ week Wackstreet
She did the twin switching pretty well, considering they aren't as identical as their DNA. Some called them mean girls but I loved the candid banter between them, as well as Julia's funny interactions with Steve and James in particular. I couldn't get enough of her 'shrrrrt' and 'for surrrre' gags, despite how silly and repetitive they were. Julia's facial expressions were priceless, especially her frequent shockface, and she was the best target for James to scare since she never failed to scream and she usually fell over. She wasn't crazy about her sister's showmance, and while Liz might face a firestorm when she gets out, Julia should be just fine.

Won: $25,000 AFP; Outback dinner
VTW Steve
He had the first overlong HOH and his easy personality plus everyone gaming their brains out set him up in a friendly spot with everyone. He was hated by many when he buddied up with Jeff, but James kept it humorous even then. After that, James amped up his pranks, scaring, and candy pelting. He hung out with the less lucky Goblins and they were usually fun to watch, but they spent too much time having fun while the others gamed around them. He'll be remembered for his tinfoil headphones and Swiffer, his quick and unique wit, many Jamesisms and Lines of the Day, making Liz's kitty hat his own, and his devotion to his little girl Baleigh.

Won: Gronk party cruise
VTW Steve
She's one of the best laugh-at-herselfers we've ever had, and while she got emotional losing comps and losing her friends, she was mostly upbeat the rest of the time. She was a very good sport about James and Jeff's sexual jokes, as well as with the rest of them poking about her inability to win comps. But she won a cruise in a season without many prizes, and I think it's safe to say she'll remain friends with all or most of them. She turned laying around into an art form, inspiring me to start a #LeaningMeg hashtag game that became entirely too easy, and her enthusiasm for their non-game games made them fun, as did her cereal scorekeeping system.

Won: $10,000; Never Not pass; Outback dinner (guest)
VTW Steve
She came in with that incredible train/tram story and a good attitude about it, and she called herself 'Basic Becky' which fit well when she talked about recipes, dogs, and her daily tasks and procedures at work. But she proved to be a comp beast and she lived up to her billing as Black Friday Boss when she openly targeted Vanessa. Unfortunately for her, everyone turned tail on that plan and Becky was demoted to the after-Christmas returns desk. She should have gone on a dating show but she gave us some fun with Becky Updates - even Olive Garden got in on that. She can laugh at herself and those ones are always appreciated.

Won: 1 week 6 days knight; 24 hours polishing by Vanessa
VTW Steve
She came in as a stuntcast cross-promo opp with Jeff and she was easily the better of that duo, even if she was barely seen for weeks. She had a better grasp of this show and game than he did, and she talked some big talk but didn't get a chance for us to see if she'd put it in action or not. She did her costume week with a good attitude, and she was a good-natured participant in most of their non-game activities. She gave us some behind-the-scenes 'Amazing Race' info which was fun and different. Like Victoria last year, she doesn't need all that fake hair but at least hers stayed in pretty good shape most of the time.

Won: 2,400 battles
VTW Steve
She's the type who had Star of the Season potential but she didn't quite make the cut. She was volatile, emotional, controlling, and prone to hissy fits, and she took most things personally. But she was also an unexpected comp beast, especially on the endurance wall, and she wasn't afraid to make 'big moves' even if Vanessa had a heavy hand in most of them. She did her 2,400 battles largely (and surprisingly) without complaint, and she gained some hard-earned respect with that. Her thing with Clay was odd and uncomfortable to watch, and she easily won Death Race 2015 with her curious and unflattering taped-in extensions.

Won: Ireland trip; Outback dinner (guest)
He started badly, calling himself a 'superfan' after being recruited at a basketball game and marathoning a few seasons. He said BB is about making new friends and memories, and he had a problem with lies and backstabs except when he was doing it. He spent most of his time stapled to Shelli and they got a lot of mother/son jokes, but I saw them more as creepy Lannisters, especially when she went on about how like her brother he is. He provided loads of unintentional comedy, weird mouth things and mumbling translations, he peed in HOH shower, and he got out just in time.

Won: 1 week Wackstreet
Another superfan who found out it's easier to play BB from home, he fell into Vanessa's disastrous Renom Roulette wheel and went out earlier than many hoped. He got mouthy about many of them and popped some good funnies, but he laid around most of the time until it was too late. He gave us some of the best reaction faces of all time, especially the night they played squicky truth or dare - he even had a dedicated cam for much of it. He mentioned this site often, usually saying it's 'hard to navigate' so he'll probably never see this.

Won: Nothing
She was erratic and unpredictable, and the random ways she kept them stirred up made for some of the best feeds in ages. And as a bonus, she featured in all the fights, many because the others didn't believe her telling truths. They did buy most of the fibs, and without 'empirical evidence,' but they fell for her wacky gameplay more than twice. She marooned herself in a bed and a dental chair, with some laughs in between, and she got the 2nd ever penalty vote. I enjoyed watching her, and will miss her.

Won: Nothing
I haven't given many empty wheels before their time, and I don't think any of those got them as early as he did. But we've never had such a misogynistic, inappropriate, and unfunny pig before. CBS let him get away clean and that's what it is - I'm just glad to see the back of him.

Won: Power to nullify 3 votes
She wasn't afraid to confront people nor to keep fighting to stay, which was good for us, but didn't help her much. She figured out the twins early but didn't leverage that to her advantage soon or well enough. Her 'game on' fight with Audrey and pantry rant to us were memorable, especially her catch-phrase 'get your life!' She was smart, funny, and volatile. She didn't let us take full advantage of #DaVonneHasADaughter, a hashtag that was too good to be true.

Won: Nothing
He was like a parody of all the former surf boys we've had, with all the worst qualities of asshat hamsters past rolled into one. He verbally beat up on Steve a few times but the primetime version earned him viewer loathing, even if his actoring was lousy. He ranted, streaked, flipped us off, and mostly talked about himself, but he promised to save us all someday through music.

They erroneously said last year that BB16 would have 'the most houseguests ever' but this year they really did, with 17 total after the twins split into separate entities. Now my symmetry for this section is out of whack and I don't know what to put here.


HOHs in order *denotes surviving HOH for BOB weeks
James*/Jason; Becky/Shelli*; Austin/Vanessa*; Shelli*/Lizia; Jackie/Vanessa*; James; Becky; Steve; Liz; Austin; Vanessa; Liz; Steve; Vanessa; Steve; Steve

BOB wins in order
Becky/John; Steve/Jason; Meg/Jason; James/Jackie; James/Lizia

Veto wins in order
Steve; John; John; Vanessa; Clay; James; Steve; John; Liz; Vanessa; James; Julia; Austin; John; Vanessa

Evictions in order
Jace 12-1; Da'Vonne 7-2; Jeff 7-4; Audrey 10-1 (9+1 penalty vote); Jason 7-2; Clay 9-0; Shelli 8-0; Jackie 6-1; Becky 6-0; Johnny 5-0/Revived; Meg 4-1; James 4-0; Julia 3-0; Austin 2-1; Johnny 1-0; Vanessa 1-0

Finalist Twitters
@geeksquadmcgee1; @_LizNolan

Jury Twitters
@BB17_Shelli; @jackiexisabel; @basic_becky_17; @megmaley; @AsianJamesBB17; @JuliaNolan_; @judasdraven; @BB17JohnnyMac; @VanessaRousso

Evictee Twitters
@NikolaPoe; @DayDaVonne_; @JeffWeldon21; @OddreyM; @TheJayRoy; @_clayhoneycutt


Late arrivals: 3
Jeff, Jackie, Julia

Twist delivery guests: 3
Phil Keoghan
Kathy Griffin
Rob Gronkowski

Revivals: 1

Fights: 9
Audrey vs Jace 6/28 8.21pm
Audrey vs Jace 6/30 3.25am
Audrey vs Da'Vonne 6/30 1.38pm
Audrey vs Da'Vonne 7/8 1.52pm
Audrey vs Meg 7/11 1.10pm
Audrey vs Clay plus Vanessa
 3 rounds starting 7/19 12.54pm
Liz vs the trash 7/26 1.37pm
Shelli vs Clay 7/27 2.51am
Vanessa vs James, Clay, Johnny
 plus James vs Clay 8/6 2.20pm

Pinkyswears: 6
Becky with Austin, and with Liz 7/27 2.29am
Julia and Steve, twice 8/29 1.07am
Meg and James 9/1 5.18am
Julia and Steve 9/8 6.14pm

House meetings: 1
7/19 8.43pm

Incredible backstories: 1
6/25 9:35pm Becky and the train

Uncanny coincidences: 3
7/1 4.53pm Meg & John say 'weird situation' in different rooms at the exact same time
7/8 3.47am Jason & Clay say 'hey Arnold' in different rooms at almost the same time
7/11 12.15am Jeff & James say 'beefcakes' in different rooms at almost the same time

'The Soup' mentions: 2
7/31 Johnny's dental school cadaver
8/28 Johnny's exit interview with Julie
thanks @AntmanReality, Soup Correspondent

Scandals beyond BB world: 1
Jeff/Julia 'sticky spot' incident

Makeout pairings: 2
Clay and Shelli
Austin and Liz

Sex events: 7
All Austin and Liz
8/18 3.18am
8/18 6.30pm
8/21 6.59pm
8/26 1.38am
8/30 3.28am
8/31 4.15pm
9/3 12.44am
Self-service: 3

Twin switches: 14
4 on 7/2 show recap
1 at 7/2 vote - Julia in
7/3 11.58am - Liz in
7/6 3.07pm - Julia in
7/9 10.34pm - Liz in
7/11 11.07am - Julia in
7/13 6.24pm - Liz in
7/17 2.05pm - Julia in
7/20 6.12pm - Liz in
7/22 6.26pm - Julia in
7/24 3.27pm - Liz in
7/30 show - both in


 1 Mixed up BB10 Steven with Memphis Bob
 2 Renamed Rachel 'Linda Donahue'
 3 Got Boogie's seasons wrong
 4 They probably meant #exasperated
 5 6/25 show: Julie omitted Alison Irwin in her & Phil Keoghan's BB-to-TAR rollcall
 6 Dental x-ray graphics upside-down
 7 Misspelled Dan Gheesling's name
 8 Closed captions symbol, for a minute
 9 PROMO instead of PROM
10 Wrong show time on Jeffish loop
11 7/2 show: Dead air + Julie audio leak
12 Veto comp workers on feeds
13 HOH prep workers on feeds
14 Misspelled Shelli's last name
15 Goof #10 still not fixed a week later
16 Julie got special guest's name wrong
17 Wrong show days on Youtube
18 Staff person's reflection seen
19 They erased Jeff for CBS show
20 Misspelled 'receives'
21 Mixed up Christine and Candice
22 Wonky fishies cam plus workers' feet
23 Shelli's last name again plus ordinal error
24 'Official snack' brand mixup per 7/25 slopcorn delivery of Skinny Pop and other brands
25 Misspelled Jackie
26 Julie said 'a twist every week' + BOB 'all season'
27 The Wall was HOH comp, not BOB
28 Omitted Julia from post-twins poll
29 Beauty to beast photobooth feeds vote task was given to them before vote was posted
30 '12 Craftiest BB Alliances' double screw-up
31 Same poll as #28 - no results on August 6
32 Showed Steve with veto on noms show
33 Misspelled regimen
34 Majorly misnamed feeds highlight
35 Wrong show time on Snapchat promo
36 Misspelled Derrick
37 #32 scene reused pointlessly, with veto erased
38 Misspelled argument
39 Called Steve's third comp win his first
40 Misspelled two and pyramid
41 Your/you're error on the CBS show
42 Pantry stocking staff on feeds
43 Winner does not get $1 million
44 Jeff/Jackie were not the only pre-existing pair
45 Ian never veto'd Dan
46 Wrong twin: Julia's partner was James
47 Misspelled Jocasta
48 Wrong show time on Jeffish again/still
49 Wrong day for nominations reveal
50 Wrong Twitter for Zingbot
51 Title says 8 items but there are 9
52 Austin was 10th HOH, not 9th
53 Forgot to upgrade Zingbot Twitter to 9000
54 Adoption facts wrong in James' bio
55 Misspelled Jordan's last name
56 15 minutes is 'literally' not 'hours'
57 Meg won one solo comp, not zero
58 Mixed up the twins again
59 9/11 Feeds down 2 hours longer than announced
60 Vanessa's letter was from her sister
61 9/15 show Julie said Austin's second time on the block was his first
62 Unite/tonight mix-up (judy chop intentional)
63 Pantry stocking on feeds again
64 AFP voting wasn't working right for most
65 Camera status message on feeds
66 Omitted Janelle's BB7 viewer favorite prize
67 Janelle again, omitted BB7 with her seasons
68 Cake pops had Zingbot 3000 instead of 9000
69 They meant 15 evictions, countless alliances
70 Not the 'Final HOH' - just Part 2
71 71 Audio problems at speech time on finale
72 Random peekaboo guy on finale

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Wednesday's live BB17 90-minute finale placed third for 9:30-10:00 with 2.2 rating, 7 share, 6.49 million viewers, behind Empire season premiere on FOX with 6.5/20/16.02, and Blackish season premiere on ABC with 2.4/7/7.30, and ahead of Law and Order SVU season premiere on NBC with 1.7/6/8.20. Big Brother rose to second for 10:00-11:00, ahead of Nashville season premiere on ABC with 1.3/4/5.00.

Rating & share = adults 18-49
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV


Big Brother 17 FAQ
Day 1 move-in was June 18
Day 7 CBS premiere was June 24
Day 98 finale was September 23

Feeds were streamed by CBS, and Flashback remains accessible via All Access subscription. Call 888-274-5343 for account help, including cancellation.

CBS shows were Sundays 8pm, Wednesdays 8pm, eviction Thursdays 9pm (Global in Canada).

Big Brother After Dark was on POP (formerly TVGN). It airs Monday, Tuesday 11pm-2am; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday midnight-2am; Thursday 1am-3am. The aired blocks are recorded earlier on the same night.

The CBS app (by CBS Interactive) plays BB air shows and other CBS shows, but not feeds. Use your browser to watch feeds on mobile devices. The same All Access link used to subscribe will lead to the feeds viewing page if you're already signed up.

Liz and Julia had to survive five evictions in order to play separately as individuals, which they did, with Julia officially entering the game on Day 43. They switched places every few days. They had a limited time in Diary to change clothes, adjust their appearance, and exchange info. The non-playing twin was sequestered in a 'house,' possibly the jury house.

BB17 prizes were the same: $500k for the winner and $50k for 2nd place. Stipend for the others is $1,000 per week again, including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. Recruits or those with established pre-season fan bases might get more.

The habitat has 80 HD cameras (up four) and over 100 microphones.

The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.


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and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."
