I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better |
February 2018 || Big Brother Celebrity Edition || Latest Episode || Daily Index || Links || Merchandise || Screencaps || Twitter || Feeds Updates |
This site is about the Big Brother Celebrity Edition feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo CELEB BB DRINKING GAME Take a swig because we've got celebs in the house - make it champagne! POPULARITY POLL View results. Please vote once a day - stuffing the ballot box is stupid. CELEB BB CBS AIR SHOWS All times are Eastern and/or local TV (1 hour earlier for Central) Weds 2/7 8-9pm Premiere Thurs 2/8 8-9pm Fri 2/9 8-10pm Live eviction Sun 2/11 8-9pm Mon 2/12 8-9pm Weds 2/14 8-9pm Fri 2/16 8-10pm Sun 2/18 8-9pm Mon 2/19 8-9pm Weds 2/21 8-9pm Fri 2/23 8-10pm Sat 2/24 8-9pm Sun 2/25 8-10pm Finale EAST COAST AIR SHOWS CanadaTV for Roku $2/month (Private channel) watch East Coast airing on Global Online streams: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 NO DOWNLOADS NEEDED BEWARE OF CLICKING POPUP ADS OR WARNINGS QUICK LINKS & BOOKMARKS -Get the feeds -Watch the feeds here after you've signed up -BB Celebrity official site -Live show tickets -Feeds updates by @UGotBronx -My Twitter - my screencaps -Amazon portal USA or Canada -Dick at Night with @EvelDick -BB Viewer by @liquid8d Requires All Access account -CBBUS page at Big Brother Wiki (RIP Attwx.com) -Hamster Twitters BB USA - BB Canada -Advice for cast friends/family -VPN to watch BB UK and/or to protect your online privacy Donations via Paypal are gratefully accepted! Click for weather forecast Watch Big Brother Seasons 1 thru 19 plus OTT and Celeb and tons more CBS content BIG BROTHER SEASONS CBS All Access Seasons 1 thru 19 Amazon DVDs BB4 - BB3 Amazon Instant Video BB19 - BB18 - BB17 - BB16 - BB15 - BB14 - BB13 - BB12 - BB11 - BB10 - BB9 - BB8 - BB7 |
BIG BROTHER CELEBRITY EDITION FEEDS EXCLUSIVELY ON CBS ALL ACCESS BIG BROTHER CELEBRITY EDITION PREMIERES FEBRUARY 7 All Big Brother USA seasons + most CBS shows past or present are included $5.99 PER MONTH INCLUDING 1 WEEK FREE TRIAL or $9.99 AD FREE COMPUTER - MOBILE - ROKU - CHROMECAST - APPLE TV - ANDROID TV - FIRE TV - XBOX 1/360 - PS4 >> Status/Schedules >> Daily Recaps >> Poll Results >> Ratings >> Lines/Links of the Day >> Tallies >> Season Stats >> Permalink this page: http://www.hamsterwatch.com/bb19/cbbus.shtml ANY AMAZON.COM PURCHASE CAN BE MADE THROUGH THESE LINKS - NO EXTRA COST TO YOU Amazon USA - Amazon Canada February 2018Upcoming EventsJanuary 31 - Day 1 Move-inFebruary 7 8pm ET/5pm PT - CBS premiere February 7 9pm ET/6pm PT - Feeds begin! Sign up NOW so you'll be ready March 7 - Big Brother Canada 6 premiere Power StatusUnconfirmed, as of now:Someone is HOH (one of the girls) Chuck, James are nominated Shannon holds veto Other News and Weekly InfoImportant If your DVR is set to automatically record every season of BB, it won't record this one. You'll need to add "Big Brother: Celebrity Edition" as a new and separate show. "Big Brother After Dark" seems to be using the same title but check your DVR to be sure if you plan to record it.A twist has been announced - we'll find out what it's about on Wednesday's premiere. All Access now accepts Paypal I know that's good news for many! Feeds sneak peeks happened Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, and among other things, we learned the feeds time is now set to your local device timezone, for some but not all. So please use a timezone when tweeting times, or use BBT to indicate the usual Pacific time we're all used to using when sharing timestamps. Congrats to Shane Jenek aka Courtney Act who won the latest round of Celebrity Big Brother UK on February 2. Big Brother Canada 6 premieres March 7, brought back from "hiatus" by popular demand - way to go, guys! More info on that including how to watch outside Canada will follow as we get closer. Real-time feeds updates and air show recaps are at Hamsterwatch Forum by @UGotBronxd, plus cast bios/photos/links and house tour video and pics. Many thanks to those who have gotten feeds with my links or at Hamsterwatch Forum where @UGotBronxd updates her brains out, and/or used my shopped Amazon with my portal, and/or made donations! Diary segment tallies, alliance charts, and overnight TV ratings will be linked here as they come along. Alliance charts by @89razorskate20: Day 3 Big Brother memorabilia drawingTo commemorate the return of spelling comps, I'm giving away two sets of four letters each from the Big Brother 18 Toezarks veto comp! One set will be letters L-A-Y-S (or S-L-A-Y) and the other will be L-I-A-R (or L-A-I-R or R-A-I-L). Winners will be by random draw. To enter, follow me on Twitter, and retweet this tweet before 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern on Wednesday, February 7. I'll contact winners by Twitter direct message. I'll give the first winner the option of which set they want, if they have a preference. Good luck! Week 1 - Days 1 thru 7 - January 31 thru February 6, 2018Daily and Noteworthy EventsHead of Household: TBAOriginal noms: TBA Veto winner/outcome: TBA Final noms: TBA Evicted: TBA Day 3 Friday 2/2 We had a sneak peek at feeds at 2pm BB time for about 15 minutes! All 11 were seen in the habitat. Chuck, Metta, Mark discussed sports and shared some stories; Ross, Keshia, James, Ariadna were all spotted hanging out and busying themselves; Omarosa, Marissa, Shannon called themselves "solid" and put the first pinkyswear on the tally. Technically it was two one-way pinkies but the three of them talked as a team. Brandi spoke into her mic and asked BB for her meds. See Hamsterwatch Forum for a complete update with convos and caps. We didn't get any indication of who's HOH or who's nominated, but those details will come. Hopefully we'll get another peek before the feeds fully launch on Wednesday night. Day 6 Monday 2/5 We had another sneak peek at 6pm BB time for another 15 minutes! I'm still unclear on who's HOH but it's someone on the girls' side, possibly Keshia, Shannon, Brandi, or Omarosa. They'd played for veto, which brought back the spelling comp plus muck and goo, and Shannon won. Apparently Mark made some noise about the girls not playing it fairly, which annoyed them as they said they were, and the guys were just being sore losers. It sounded like James and Chuck are nominated, and the tentative plan is to take down Chuck and put up Mark "to shake him up." James had been having some sort of face issue, something like hives maybe? Benadryl and sleep helped. Marissa and Ross did some studying of decor details; Chuck and James did some sparring in the gym, with Mark in tow; and Keshia might be pumping breast milk? She was hunting for an outlet. I didn't see Metta but he'd been present just before we joined - he was probably in Diary. They'd had In 'n Out burgers, and it was Omarosa's birthday so they were getting ready to celebrate that this evening when our sneak peek ended. The guys apparently aren't happy that the girls have teamed up, and the girls said they're using "bro mentality" and being resentful about that plus they're winning things. They also said James is calmer and more humble now "because he realized he's not in power anymore." I have no clue what that's about, unless he got some special power that's now ended. I'll update my various status sections when everything's officially confirmed. Head over to Hamsterwatch Forum for a full update, and/or hit Flashback once you've signed up for feeds! If you have problems setting them up, see this Twitter thread for fixes to some common problems, and be sure to hit my my Amazon link to stock up on snacks and beverages - we're almost off! Day 7 Tuesday 2/6 We had yet another sneak peek at 2pm BB time for another 15 minutes! These peeks are short and barely-announced, but it's a great idea and very cool of them to give us these little tastes. This time we learned that Ariadna and James are in baby suits with bibs, and have to crawl everywhere rather than walk, as a repercussion for something or other. Brandi and Ross were cooking and later eating with Chuck, Shannon and Omarosa were primping, and Marissa broke out a new look with long straight hair, making her look like a new cast addition with Ariadna doing her makeup. Mark was socializing a bit more than yesterday, Shannon said she'd been expecting Gary Busey to be with them, Chuck and Keshia each made some get-around rounds, James got out of the shower, and Metta did some working out in the gym formerly known as Paris. Once again, head over to Hamsterwatch Forum for a full update, and/or hit Flashback once you've signed up for feeds! If you have problems setting them up, see this Twitter thread for fixes to some common problems, and be sure to hit my my Amazon link to stock up on snacks and beverages - we're almost off! Celebrity BB USA General InformationThe much-anticipated celebrity version of BB USA premieres February 7 on CBS (Global in Canada) and will run through February 25. Shows will air almost nightly - see schedule on left sidebar - with live evictions hosted by Julie Chen. We'll have "at least" two evictions per week, and likely two full-week game cycles per week. After Dark will run nightly on Pop.But the best part as always is it will have live feeds on All Access! Using my link to sign up will help me cover the season, so thanks in advance! The splash screen and music are already running so get set up now so you'll be ready! Day 1 move-in was January 31 so they'll have the usual week on their own without us, but then feeds will kick in February 7 at 9pm Pacific/midnight Eastern, after the premiere ends in the west. The house looks good, but they might be pushing the whole "luxurious" aspect just a little bit too hard - we know things will start to crack and peel before long, and the ants will invade. Not to mention all new audio problems from a kitchen blender and espresso machine plus indoor pool table and gym. But no matter, the cast looks SUPERB! I'm very optimistic about this mini season and I think we're in for a real treat this round. @UgotBronxd will once again be posting feeds updates and screencaps galore at Hamsterwatch Forum for both Celeb BB USA and the upcoming BB Canada 6. Head over there now for house pics and tour, and cast pics, bios, social media links, and hilarious video interviews with BB Canada's Ika Wong. Stay tuned for more info, and remember to please use my links to get HMA, CBS All Access, and/or Amazon purchases anytime. None of these generate a lot of revenue, but they're the only way I can cover any of these Big Brother shows. Huge thanks in advance! My pre-season ratings are posted below, along with a quickie recap of Friday's sneak peek, Lines and Links of the Day, plus both my Extracurricular and CBS Goofs Tallies are already underway! Popularity Poll ResultsRatings - Roll Out the Red Carpet editionRatings are based on potential entertainment value, snap judgements, and the delightful Ika Wong interviews
Lines and Links of the Day
BB Celeb Tally Items
BB Celeb Season StatsHOHs in order: To followVeto winners in order: To follow Evictions in order: To follow Cast Twitters: @gutierrezary, @BrandiGlanville, @ChuckLiddell, @jamesmaslow, @peachespulliam, @MarissaJWinokur, @mark_mcgrath, @MettaWorldPeace, @OMAROSA, @helloross, @ShannonElizab |
Linking to any page here is fine. Please don't repost content from this site (or any other) without permission, and don't repost or hotlink images. NEXT-DAY AIR SHOWS Live air shows in most areas BB1 thru BB19, plus OTT and Celeb, and many other CBS shows BIG BROTHER BUDDY Get push notifications for all the big feeds events - iOS or Android Tweets by @hamsterwatch Protect your online privacy with HMA Watch Big Brother Canada, Celebrity BB UK, and other non-USA shows Mugs, shirts, more Visit my Cafe Press shop BIG BROTHER CELEB SEASON FAQ Day 1 Move-in was January 31 Day 8 CBS premiere is February 7 Day 8 Feeds begin February 7 Day 26 Finale is February 25 Feeds are streamed by CBS, and Flashback is accessible via All Access subscription. Call 888-274-5343 for account help, including cancellation. Multiple shows per week will air on CBS (Global in Canada). Big Brother After Dark on Pop TV is every night midnight to 3am. The aired blocks are live (or recorded earlier the same night, depending on your cable provider). The CBS app (by CBS Interactive) plays BB air shows and other CBS shows, as well as feeds, or you can use your browser to watch feeds on mobile devices. The same All Access link used to subscribe will lead to the feeds viewing page if you're already signed up. The winner will get $250k. No confirmation yet for 2nd place amount, and we may never know how much the others got for showing up. The habitat has 94 HD cameras (up 7) and over 100 microphones. The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman. He and Julie Chen are the only staffers who have been there since Big Brother 1. |
Footer logo by @IdolKnights Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS Everything else Copyright © 2004-2017 Hamsterwatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - The best way to contact me is via Twitter - I can't keep up with email during BB season Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Fly on the Wall Entertainment - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |