Big Brother 15
Daily Hamsterwatch
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 15 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me, and it isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo


A VPN is the surest way to watch the feed you want to see, on your schedule, without relying on re-streamers' availability. Get it here


Many thanks for your generous support for both Britney Haynes' little girl Tilly and for DogDave. Both have long roads ahead of them but both are doing well.


Heather evicted 1-0

Jon won Part 1
Neda won Part 2
Jon won Part 3 & Final HOH, and evicted Neda

Jon won 4-1 (two votes are missing)



More links and methods might be posted here as we go
-Get VPN to watch feeds
-How to set up VPN (easy!)

-Watch feeds on Slice site

Hola extension works for some to override geoblock. Some of the air show links below may stream feeds at various times.

Check back at showtime - these links are constantly changing:
-Air shows live no downloads required!
-Air shows live another, no downloads!

Archived air shows are on Slice's site, viewable with VPN - uploads by anyone else are removed quickly


Air shows are on Slice Sundays, Wednesdays, and eviction Thursdays at 9pm. Talk show on Thursdays 10pm with Arisa Cox, Gary Levy, and Peter Brown. After Dark airs every night on Slice 2am-5am ET (11pm-2am PT).

June 25: Big Brother 16 premieres - CBS shows will be Sundays 8pm, Wednesdays 9pm, eviction Thursdays 9pm


Take a swig whenever feeds go to Hush Hush


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Feeds were streamed by CBS.

Call 877-211-4367 for account help including password reset or to cancel subscription.

CBS shows were Sundays 8pm, Wednesdays 8pm, eviction Thursdays 9pm (changed from Tuesdays, live Wednesdays, Sundays).

Big Brother After Dark was on TVGN for two hours every night starting at midnight/9pm BB time (1 hour later Thursdays), and is censored. Beginning July 19, BBAD runs three hours on Fridays.

Canada ran the TV episodes on Global, and After Dark on Slice, uncensored.

Jury will be nine members, with two finalists.

Weeks 1, 2, 3: The MVP (Elissa) selected the third nominee, privately, and she didn't have to tell anyone she was MVP. If the MVP's nominee won veto, MVP selected the replacement.

Weeks 4, 5, 6: The MVP vote was to name the third nominee directly. If the viewer pick was HOH or and HOH nominee, the third nominee spot went to next highest vote getter.

BB15 prizes are the same: $500k for the winner and $50k for 2nd place. Stipend for the others is $1,000 per week (up from $750), including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. Elissa gets more.

The habitat has 65 cameras (up 12) and 98 microphones (same).

The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.


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BB Canada 2 stats

HOHs in order: Paul, Andrew, Ika, Rachelle, viewers, Heather, Neda, Jon, Neda, Adel, Jon, Sabrina, Jon

Veto wins in order: Andrew, Kenny, Ika, Allison, Jon, Kenny, Arlie, Jon, (none), Neda, Heather, Jon

Evictions: Anick 11-0, Kyle 9-1, Paul 6-4, Ika 8-1, Andrew 7-2, Sarah 4-3, Kenny 5-1; Arlie 5-0; Allison 4-0; Rachelle 3-0; Adel 2-0; Heather 1-0, Neda 1-0

The winner of Big Brother Canada 2 got $100,000 again, $25,000 at The Brick again, and a $10,000 trip from Twistos, and second place got $20,000. Stipend for the others was $75 per day.


Big Brother Canada 2

Here we go again! Canada's second season premiered March 5 at 9pm on Slice, but that live audience show and hamster move-in was actually recorded February 27 because that's how they do things up north.. the first eviction is the following day - yep, already! The Have-not room has a "half" theme, there's a "war room," and the first five to enter formed a First Five alliance - how creative.. they had an ice block-standing endurance comp for the first HOH and it ran so long, the audience was sent home before they had a winner.. now we know that Paul won

They'll also be recording their weekly "live" evictions a few hours early again, and I'll probably be posting some spoilers again for those.. there's a viewer vote for drag queen Scott/Contessa, weight loss/fitness aficionado Nathan, or Allison, a psychiatric nurse, to be the 15th hamster.. Update: I'm pleased to say I had accurate spoilers for every show but one! I think The Northern Powers That Be got a bit upset with me posting them but hey, I'm not the one who decided to pre-tape the shows again!

Here are your details: air shows will run on Slice Sundays, Wednesdays, and eviction Thursdays, all at 9pm.. Thursday shows will be followed by a talk show featuring Arisa Cox, Gary Levy, and Peter Brown.. After Dark will run on Slice every night 2am-5am ET (11pm-2am PT)

Feeds will again be free for Canadians from the Slice site, which means they'll again be accessible for the rest of us with just a tiny bit of effort.. one way to watch is with a VPN such as HideMyAss which lets you see geoblocked content from other countries.. with a VPN, you can watch your choice of feed on your schedule, rather than having to rely on a re-streamer's availability or choice of who/what to watch.. there will be links to watch online, possible YouTube uploaders, and hopefully a viewer to watch the feeds: info for all this will follow as it becomes available, check the left sidebar "Watch It" section for links as we go

Meanwhile, it's time to meet your hamsters - my first impressions plus after-the-fact ratings:

Adel Elseri - 11th evicted
Won: Veto ticket, 2 minutes with friend, 36 hours awake

27, Edmonton AB
Welder, inventor
Video intro

Pre-show: Inventor? Really? That could be fun in an unintentional humor kind of way. He describes himself as "The. People's. Champ." which probably means he won't be mine. He claims he can't read or spell well, so there's some TECHNOTRONICS potential here, and he has issues with stickers. He says he prays five times a day - we'll see if he sticks to that or slides most days like Kaysar did. He looks to me like he belongs on some other show - was he on The Glass House? Opposite Worlds? He will probably be pushing his tongue-mounted toothbrush a lot.

Post-feeds: He did talk about his tongue-brush some but luckily he didn't harp on it, and he did do his prayers fairly regularly and he got Kyle interested in learning about them, so that's something. The unofficial "Doomed Friends of Adel" alliance was ever-changing and ever-comical, and he was able to stick far, far longer than most early outcasts despite playing a very peculiar kind of game. He said some inappropriate things but for the most part, he was kooky and unpredictable, sometimes annoying but often very funny, and really that's about all I ask from a hamster. "Walla bro."

Allison White - Entered on Day 15 - 9th evicted
Won: Hidden bonus veto

25, St Johns NL (originally Lewisporte NL)
Registered nurse (psychiatric)
Video intro

Pre-show: We already had her on feeds when her bio came out, so that's moot.

Post-feeds: In the War Room, she seemed to have first class hamster potential but she plopped herself into Andrew's lap as soon as she entered the habitat and didn't get out of it until he was evicted. Early on, she gave us jazz hands to show she wasn't doing anything undercovers with him, but later she either forgot about us or didn't care, and she gave him a handie during the house-wide backyard slumber party. When things got sticky game-wise, she had several chances to save herself but didn't, and she got herself evicted after a raging drunken episode that landed her in the small but elite group of all-time epic BB drunken episodes.

Andrew Gordon - 5th evicted
Won: nothing

27, Calgary AB
Restaurant manager
Video intro

Pre-show: He's an Orthodox Jewish podiatrist from Florida who will probably get booted early.. oh wait, wrong Andrew Gordon! That'll get confusing down the road for those who follow former hamsters' every breath. I can't see this one leaving much more of a lasting impression than Captain Kosher, but he does love his beer and that never hurts. He doesn't say he's gay, but his restaurant posted this - I'm just sayin'.

Post-feeds: Sad to say, I had him as winner in a pre-season pool, but you have to admit he did look great on paper. On feeds, he proved himself to be a know-it-all sexist pig who seemed to think his biggest talent was speaking with different accents, but most of them were awful and all were annoying. Well, an early exit and much humiliation means he can go back to focusing on his real goal in life, hosting and starring in a drunken cooking show.

Anick Gervais - 1st evicted
Won: nothing

28, Hanmer ON
Reiki master
Video intro

Pre-show: I think reiki is a type of massage but I don't know what's involved in being a master of it. Maybe she'll be encouraging people to get nekkid and lay down so she can poke and prod them? She's not looking forward to the apple shipment comp (huh?) and she's all about having layers and being annoyingly bubbly. She doesn't like people who are judgemental, so this probably isn't the show for her, and she's a "violence and abuse prevention trainer" for Canadian Red Cross, which doesn't bode well for us whatsoever. "Reiki Gervais" is already a drinking game, but she's actually a business development specialist for a mining company.

Post-feeds: Considering she was evicted 24 hours after the feeds kicked on, I don't have much to go on. Her "love revolution" sounds eerily reminiscent of BB1 Brittany and we probably would have ended up with a lot of love beds and cuddle-fests had she stayed.

Arlie Shaban - 8th evicted
Won: nothing

25, Stouffville and/or Claremont ON
Video intro

Pre-show: We don't get many who claim unemployed as their official occupation - BB15 Jessie is the only other one that comes to mind. Even if they don't go off to work every day, they usually make up something. He says he plans on lying yet he wants his game to be respected by the fans? Good luck with that. He also says "I'll be the best competitor ever" - famous last words.

Post-feeds: Wild card deluxe. His goofy persona took a back seat when we saw him dramatically throwing the potato comp, and from there on out, his hidden motives were suspect (yet still largely hidden). I said early on that his game was like a cross between BB5 Cowboy and BB14 Ian and I'll stand by that, except that he streaked more than both of them put together (which is saying something), and both of them went to finals.

Heather Decksheimer - 12th evicted
Won: $1,000, 1 week 10,000 daily steps, Top Chef dinner, 2 minutes with boyfriend, banned from HOH

23, Edmonton and/or Barrhead AB
Model agency coordinator
Video intro

Pre-show: It says model agency but she looks pageant-ready to me, and highly overdressed for this occasion. She claims she's brainy (but afraid of math comps) and she says she hides that brainy behind a facade of bubbly. Oh goodie. She also says she can fake emotions & reactions, but that usually means they can't. She admits she's really here as a stepping stone to her actormodel future.. yep, another one of those. She seems to really believe this will springboard to an acting career.

Post-feeds: We missed that first critical week but somehow she became Public Enemy #1 for most of the girls, and we don't know why. When asked later, their main reasons for hating her seemed to be her high voice and she gives a lot of compliments.. okay. She held up well to all that and ended up outlasting most of them, so more power to her.

Ika Wong - 4th evicted
Won: $5,000, 48-hour bikini

29, Thornhill ON (originally Jamaica)
Hair stylist, mom of two
Video intro

Pre-show: She says she doesn't want to be the house mom but she probably will do some of that, which means she might end up doing all of that. She says she's "the kind of person that has to tell you how I feel" which could mean catfights in our future, or she could be all talk. She is here "for the experience" so she might as well kiss the money good-bye right now. She claims to be a fan of the show, but says she hasn't seen a mom like her or "any good black players" apart from BB3 Danielle and BBC1 Gary "who wasn't really black, or white, or yellow, or anything."

Post-feeds: She did bring some drama, including a lot in the first week that we didn't see. She had catfights with many of them and that's always good, and hers with Sarah over a potato chip was one of the best. Taking $5,000 for herself and shredding the others' letters from home was a no-brainer but will still go down as one of the great BB moments.

Jon Pardy - Winner BB Canada 2

23, Clarenville NL
Won: $100,000, $25,000 at The Brick, $10,000 trip, 24 hours pool laps, 200,000 Ramada Wyndham Rewards points, personal booze delivery, 1 week baby outfit, 2 minutes with dad, 24 hours solitary

Video intro

Pre-show: He's got that wholesome milk-fed look like Emmett and he's wearing his grandpa's sweater, but he loves & misses his dog Harley and that's good enough for me. He too is here "for the experience" so he won't win the season, but he admits he can be messy so that'll be fun for us. He's a former minor league hockey player but he might be playing that down to go for the generic student persona, which could be accurate. Time will tell if Party Pardy can live up to Party Daugherty but it's doubtful: BB15 Judd set that bar pretty high.

Post-feeds: He didn't know anything about the game coming in but he learned fast, and he got cutthroat at the end when he cut Neda. He was a fantastic drunken hamster and did some of his best (worst) gaming when smashed. He was well-liked by most in there and out here, despite ongoing chemical farts and not being able to keep his hands off his junk. He was only nominated once, at the end, and that's saying something. Bottom line, he was fun feeds most of the time and that's what matters, and he gave us the keeper word of the season, hundo.

Kenny Brain - 7th evicted
Won: $18.35

25, Montreal QC and/or Grand-Falls Windsor NL
Video intro

Pre-show: It seems to me that beard might severely limit a modeling career, but maybe he's more of a "model" than a model. He too is a dog guy so points for that, and his pet peeve is messy people.. heh. He says he cries easily, and that he's here to win the money. He's gay but says he'll withhold that info at first. Lies of omission have been known to come back to bite American hamsters, but Canadians are more polite.

Post-feeds: I'll never know why it took him so long to come out to them but it was a couple of sweet moments when he finally did. It's always nice (and very rare) that we get a gay hamster who isn't a raging stereotype, and it's highly unusual for one who claims to be a model to actually show up in ads during the season. Personally I'm not a fan of the beard but I'm all for a successful meal ticket, and without it we wouldn't have been able to enjoy toothpick day.

Kyle Shore - 2nd evicted
Won: nothing

24, Porter's Lake NS
Personal trainer, pickup artist
Video intro

Pre-show: Yes, he put "picking up the ladies downtown" under Occupation, and he describes himself as "jacked". He loves the Brigade, going out drinking with his boys, and he lives in his momma's basement. This guy is already a caricature of himself, and first in line to go on my ignore list, but he might provide some unintentional comedy before that.

Post-feeds: I've been wrong before with my first impressions and will be again, but this guy turned out to be the total opposite of what I was expecting. Yes he was funny unintentionally but also quite a comedian, a very good sport, and more open-minded than most expected. He was a joy to watch on feeds and he definitely left them too soon. The festivities of "Kyle's last night" were hilarious and a season highlight, especially because they happened two days early.

Neda Kalantar - 13th evicted
Won: $3,000, Top Chef dinner, 1 week slop + Easter eggs, 2 minutes with sister, 1 week without personal possessions

22, Vancouver BC
Freelance fashion stylist
Video intro

Pre-show: I'm guessing that job title means she's the one her friends call when they can't decide what to wear, but she does have some legit fashion cred around the interwebs so that's something. She has a problem with bad manners yet claims she's too blunt for her own good. Her strategy is to be nice.. yawn.

Post-feeds: Many idolize her and she did play a good game, but she landed in third place so it wasn't all that good. Anyway my criteria is entertainment value, and she just didn't bring it like so many others this season did. I will say that her hair extensions held up better than any we've seen so far - she doesn't even get a Deathrace honorable mention.

Paul Jackson - 3rd evicted
Won: nothing

43, Toronto ON (originally South Africa)
Consultant, motivational speaker, dad of three
Video intro

Pre-show: What he consults or speaks about is anyone's guess but he says he "supports people through change, taking risks, and boosting their confidence." And all this while hating whiners. He's a nail biter which will hugely annoy feedsters, and he's here to "make a connection with Canada" - oooookay. I am prepared to like this guy a lot, which means he'll probably get the boot early.

Post-feeds: Did I call that one or what? We missed his HOH week but the highlights we saw and the ongoing retells let us know it was one of the oddest first HOHs ever, and his actual gameplan (if any) remains a mystery. But he was fantastic in the outcast role and a superb ringleader for the Doomed Friends of Adel unofficial alliance. He's a good guy and a good sport, and I hope this isn't the last we hear from him.

Rachelle Diamond - 10th evicted
Won: 1 week hot dog suit

20, Edmonton AB
Video intro

Pre-show: She describes herself as loud and really loud, and those ones usually stick around a long time just to annoy me. No telling what she's a student of but she lives with mom so chances are she isn't very worldly. On the plus side, she says she's "very confrontational" and she is in it to win it.

Post-feeds: Instead of being loud as threatened, she was barely there and pretty much the only person she spoke to was Sabrina. Her facial expression was usually blank except for the few times she exploded into spontaneous short-lived weirdness, and I don't know if she ever figured out what show she's on. Unfortunately for her, she'll be remembered for crushing on Kenny, latching onto her boobies every night, sneak snacking on slop (causing a housewide punishment), openly peeing in the hot tub (which they actually put on the air show), and a dangling string (which they didn't).

Sabrina Abbate - Runner-up BB Canada 2
Won: $20,000, 2 minutes with sister, extra slop

25, Montreal QC
Hair dresser, makeup artist
Video intro

Pre-show: Wow, lots of hair, makeup and fashion hamsterettes in this cast! How very not-unique. But I like that she's not the typical anorexic/bulimic we usually get, and she loves her dogs. She seems to have a big personality but she warns she'll fade on slop - those ones are usually on slop for ages. She says she's "most looking forward" to her 15 minutes of fame, so she'll be surprised and pleased by the everlasting post-season Twitter adulation.

She did some hard gaming early on and she annoyed most everyone sooner or later, but she was ever volatile and often unpredictable. I don't usually like to compare to formers, but I'd describe her as a cross between BB15 Amanda, BB8 Amber, with a little BB15 GinaMarie thrown in. She redefined drama queen, and I'm equally curious and afraid to see what happens when she gets back on Twitter.

Sarah Miller - 6th evicted
Won: Slop pass

32, Langley BC and/or Osgoode ON
Mortgage broker, mom of two
Video intro

Pre-show: Her photo has a different setup than the others so she might have been an alternate, and that theory is backed up by the fact that mortgage broker is more of a real world job than the usual vague fluff for the finalists. She says she won't miss her husband nagging at her, and she says she'll be kind yet sneaky, and she might play pranks on people - here's hoping! She might seem dull or ordinary, but her YouTube indicates a character who's very capable of making entertaining feeds.

Post-feeds: She was entertaining but like so many before her, she too often went the serious gametalk route rather than focusing on her social game. The hiding and jumping out to scare bit got old but she featured in some good fights, and Kenny coming out to her before the others was a high point of the season for most. She'll probably end up being the cast "room mom" for future events.

Nate Sandri - Didn't make it in
Won: nothing

23, Burnaby BC
Custom sheet metal fabricator
Video intro

Most were pushing for Allison or Scott to take the final spot in the cast, but I thought Nate would be the best choice. Sure, we had plenty of guy's guys types already, but I don't think he sat down once during his week in the War Room and that's the kind of thing that shouldn't be overlooked on a hamster wish list. He would have brought activity as well as humor, and he was a great sport when Scott decided to dress him up.

Scott Bosse - Didn't make it in
Won: nothing

36, Halifax NS (originally St John NB)
Medical secretary, event producer, makeup artist, drag performer (Contessa)
Video intro

Observant Hamsterwatchers will recall I had this guy as a rumor a week early, although that doesn't carry much weight since he never actually made it into the habitat. He would have brought humor and glamour, and he might have complicated Kenny's closet a bit, but I think his shtick might have gotten old pretty fast. However, he does do some phenomenal charity work and this group of very self-centered hamsters would have benefited a bit from that kind of reality check.


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Wednesday's finale placed second for the hour with 2.4 rating, 7 share and 6.73 million viewers, behind America's Got Talent on NBC with 2.5/7/11.34, and ahead of The X Factor on FOX with 2.2/7/6.56, and Modern Family and Nashville reruns on ABC with 1.5/4/4.10 and 0.7/2/2.56 respectively.

Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV


There should be lots of Canada votes - I may or may not keep up with them all



I can't recommend this show highly enough

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J Holland Moore


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Andy Herren won Big Brother 15, and GinaMarie Zimmerman was the runner-up - congrats to both!

HOHs: McCrae, Aaryn, Helen, Judd, Aaryn, GinaMarie, Aaryn, Andy, Aaryn, Elissa, GinaMarie, McCrae, Spencer, Andy, Andy

Veto wins: McCrae, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Elissa, Spencer, Jessie, Aaryn, Andy, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, Judd, McCrae, Andy

Evictions: David 7-5-0; Nick 7-4-0; Jeremy 9-1-0; Kaitlin 9-0-0; Howard 7-1-0; Candice 7-0-0; Judd 7-0; Jessie 6-0; Helen 4-1; Aaryn 5-0; Amanda 3-2; Elissa 3-0; Judd 2-0; McCrae 1-0; Spencer 1-0

MVPs: Elissa, Elissa, Elissa, viewers, viewers, viewers

Big Brother has been renewed for Summer 2014, along with After Dark on TVGN.

Jury was nine members beginning with August 8 double eviction of Candice and Judd. Judd was revived into the game on August 22.

Flashback remains accessible for subscribers through October 20 to rewatch anything from the season.

Finalists Twitters: @AndyHerren, @ginamariez, @SpencerBClawson

Juror Twitters: @candiestewart, @JessieClaire88, @HelenKimFitz76, @aaryneliza, @TheRealAmandaZZ, @ElissaReillyS, @JUDDNATION, @mccraechum

Pre-jury Twitters: @davidgirton2, @nickuhas, @JeremyDMcG1, @twitRless_kb, @RealHOverbyBB15

Bigotgate oozed farther beyond our insulated BB world more than any prior scandal, going all the way to TMZ, CNN, The New York Times, and international news & media outlets. Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman were fired from real world jobs as a result of bigoted remarks on the BB15 feeds, Aaryn from two modeling contracts and GinaMarie from her pageant company. Spencer was investigated by local law enforcement for his bad joke, and his employer Union Pacific issued two statements about him. (Spencer is a union employee.)

Evel Dick Donato's Dick at Night show is back this summer on Vimeo, and he'll have special guests, former hamsters, plus a Catladies Corner segment with @Clio_the_Leo and @Catvanzyl!

Big Brother Canada 2 premieres March 5 on Slice - see left sidebar for more details.

Congrats to BB international winners: Sam Evans, 22-year-old hearing-impaired Welsh store assistant won UK's Big Brother 14 on August 19, 2013; scandalous comedian Jim Davidson won UK's Celebrity Big Brother 13 on January 29, 2014, and reality personality Charlotte Crosby won the Celebrity Big Brother before that on September 13, 2013. Tim Dormer won Australia's Big Brother 10 on November 6, 2013.

Brenchel will be on the next season of The Amazing Race (again), taping this fall

Donations via Paypal are gratefully accepted!

If the button doesn't work, Paypal to hamster (at) neonpages (dot com)

Thanks for your support!


BBQ Smackdown Scorecard

Big Brother 15
Round 1: BBQ 1, Helen 1, Jessie 0
Round 2: BBQ 1, Helen 0, Jessie 0
Round 3: BBQ 1, Spencer 0
Round 4: BBQ 1, Spencer ½, Judd 0, McCrae 0

Big Brother 14
Round 1: BBQ ½, Dan 0

Big Brother 13
Round 1: BBQ ½, Adam ½, Rachel 0
Round 2: BBQ ½, Adam 0
Round 3: BBQ 1, Rachel 0

Big Brother 12
Round 1: BBQ ½, Brendon 0
Round 2: BBQ 2, Britney 0, Lane 0
Round 3: BBQ 1, Lane 0, CBS 0

Big Brother 11
Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0
Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½
Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0

Big Brother 10
No title events

Big Brother 9 Winter Edition
Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0
Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0

Big Brother 8
Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0
Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0
Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1

Big Brother 7 All-Stars
BBQ training sabbatical

Big Brother 6
Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0
Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0

Big Brother 5
Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0
Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½
Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, CBS 0, Nakomis 0

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Major fights - 9
-7/1 Winegate 12.22am Jeremy vs Have-nots, Jeremy vs Amanda, Jeremy vs Kaitlin, Jeremy vs Candice, Aaryn vs Candice
-7/11 Bedgate 9.20pm 10.09pm, 10.39pm, 10.50pm GinaMarie vs Jessie, Jessie vs Kaitlin/Aaryn, mega Candice vs Aaryn/GinaMarie, Amanda vs most
-7/30 Amanda vs Spencer 12.30pm
-8/2 Underpants 12.29am, 1.16am, 1.55am Amanda vs Jessie, Amanda vs Candice, Helen vs Candice, mega Amanda vs Jessie
-8/3 Amanda vs Candice veto comp (8/7 show)
-8/8 Candice vs GinaMarie live show
-8/12-13 Jessie vs Helen 11.23pm, 11.33pm, 12.40am, 1.12am, Aaryn vs GinaMarie 2.52am
-8/30 5.20pm Amanda vs GinaMarie
-9/4 9.20pm Amanda vs GinaMarie

House meetings - 5
-7/24 8.00pm
-7/26 11.26pm
-7/30 2.55pm
-7/31 12.15am
-8/13 2.57am

Broken bones - 1
GinaMarie's toe, also bonus 9 knee stitches

Nominee speech scorchers - 1

Blindside evictions - 3

Julie smackdowns - 1

Hamster revivals - 1

Beyond BB scandals - 2
Spencer's bad joke

Literal asshats - 1
Jeremy 7/2 6.55pm

Makeout pairings - 6
Jeremy & Kaitlin
McCrae & Amanda
David & Aaryn
Howard & Candice
Judd & Jessie
Judd & Aaryn

Sex events - 13+
(some subject to interpretation)
Jeremy & Kaitlin 6/28 3.21am
McCrae & Amanda 6/29 5.40am
McCrae & Amanda 6/30 1.11am
Jeremy & Kaitlin 7/3 1.20am
Jeremy & Kaitlin 7/8 12.01am
Jeremy & Kaitlin 7/9 11.15pm
McCrae & Amanda 7/18 2.55am and 3.40am
McCrae & Amanda 7/21 off feeds
McCrae & Amanda 8/4 2.05am
McCrae & Amanda 8/8 12.50am
Spencer (funny) 8/8 1.07am
McCrae & Amanda 8/10 2.26am
McCrae & Amanda 8/12 2.05am
Too many more to count

Pinkyswears - 16
GinaMarie & Andy 6/30 2:43am
GinaMarie & Nick 7/2 9.57pm
GinaMarie, Jeremy, Nick 7/5 1.02am
GinaMarie & Nick 7/5 8.16pm
GinaMarie & Aaryn 7/7 8.25pm
GinaMarie & Nick 7/8 approx 8pm
GinaMarie & Andy 7/9 6.47pm
GinaMarie & Nick 7/10 3.37am
Andy & Candice 7/11 11.28am
McCrae & Amanda 7/12 1.26am
GinaMarie & Helen 7/12 5.04pm
Judd & Elissa 7/29 2.19pm
GinaMarie & Spencer 8/8 8.20pm
GinaMarie & Helen 8/17 9.28pm
GinaMarie & Elissa 8/25 1.46am
GinaMarie & Aaryn 8/25 3.33pm

Dingoisms used by McCrae - 10
- Feedsters
- HOHitis (on CBS)
- Fishies (on CBS)
- This is Big Brother, I'm here for the entertainment
- Slurpydurp
- BBQ Smackdown
- Willie's key-hos & corn-ho
- The parlor
- Revive-a-Hamster
- Ups, downs, neutral

The Soup mentions - 6
- 7/3 Veto guest sarcasm plus McCrae about Howard on premiere
- 7/10 BigotGate
- 7/17 GinaMarie funeral plus Jeremy Diary rant
- 7/24 GinaMarie's froyo
- 9/4 GinaMarie's 'dynamic'
- 9/18 GinaMarie's Nick shoutouts on finale

CBS goofs - 40
- BB site shows two premiere times
- Jill? on feeds signup page
- Misspelled Judd's last name
- Feeds launch Y2K type midnight problem
- Peculiar trivia goof
- Misspelled Kaitlin
- Omitted GinaMarie
- Included GinaMarie, wrongly
- Wrong show time on trivia
- Forgot to update vote dates
- Julie said Helen's Chinese on The Talk racism segment
- Wrong show teaser pics
- Your/you're error
- Wrong day on MVP vote
- Typo in Help scroll
- Interesting grammar
- Still wrong day on MVP vote
- Wonky timestamps
- Help scroll still unresoved
- STILL wrong day on MVP vote
- No signal for 40 minutes 7/27
- Whose/who's error
- Forgot to update after Wednesday show
- 8/1 show: Julie's team forgot to tell her McCrae/Amanda got BB engaged (and BB married)
- Forgot to update after Thursday show
- Update fail
- No signal for 60 minutes 8/6
- Menu on F3
- 8/15 show: Julie said Aaryn's 4th HOH was her 3rd
- 8/15 BBAD: log-in error on the info scroll
- Brandon?
- 8/22 show: Adam/Jennifer
- Again, Aaryn's 4th HOH
- Another update fail
- Mixed up Andy & Judd
- Used BB14 clip to tease BB15 Zingbot (see Dan & Ian?)
- Cassie s/b Cassi on trivia
- McCrae gender confusion
- 9/18 finale: GM audio leak during Spencer's eviction interview
- Easy word typo on CBS main page



Arisa: Kyle, it took about four seconds for you to unbutton your shirt

Kyle: Too many fuckin questions, go to the website, Jesus!
(I'll cosign that one)

Kyle: I thought it was some sort of volunteer work, Big Brothers Big Sisters thing.. I just happened to walk in and I just acted like a jackass like I normally do, and then here I am

@JUDDNATION: Let the shadiest fuck win! #BBCAN2


DogDave fund - Pray for Tilly fund

Big Brother 15: The Aftermath – GinaMarie Seeks Self-Awareness by @KraziliaLove

Final alliance diagram by @89razorskate20

Million Second Quiz the NBC game show has a 24/7 feed thru Thursday - something to wean us off our habit

Duck at Night excerpts playlist by @BB11HouseRodent

Big Brother 15: The Saga playlist by @WilHeuser

Deathrace 2013 BB15 hair disasters

Andy Holding Things gallery collection by @IdolKnights

Balls Deep in Big Brother McCrae & his buddies at Loungetown Podcast

A Class Divided must-see, unforgettable documentary about racism - watch and tell someone else about it

Hamsterwatch past: BB14 - BB13 - BB12 - BB11 - BB10 - BB9 - BB8 - BB7 - BB6 - BB5

Hamsterwatch merchandise get your swag on

My Big Brother Twitpics sorted by season/day

CBS Big Brother 15 the official site all seasons BB stats and trivia

BB adult pics & links - explicit!

All my BB15 links merchandise, other BB sites, everyone's Twitter

Some of the best of the best:
Come back to us, DogDave
I Hate Big Brother
Hamsterwatch shirts, mugs, more
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 15
CBS BB East Coast live feed

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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."