Big Brother 11that dingo'sHamster Watch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

Watch Big Brother 11 on SuperPass. Can't see on TV

This site is about the Big Brother 11 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

THERE'S STILL STUFF TO SEE! Check Upcoming Events below for more BB11 on SuperPass
to see it all - it's a different show than CBS puts on!

Big Brother Season 11


FREE with Netflix membership
Netflix, Inc.

Thanks to DreamAngel on behalf of all us westies this season!

FINALE SPECIAL Take a swig whenever Julie says 'but first'
Thanks all for playing along all season - nobody wanted to drink alone

Jordan won Part 3, evicted Kevin, and won Big Brother 11

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button above or direct by email. Please support other Big Brother sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

Congratulations to Julie Chen & Les Moonves on the arrival of Charlie!

Live chats on SuperPass
6pmPT / 9pm ET
October 15 Kevin & Lydia

October 27 Jeff & Jordan on 'The Bold and the Beautiful'

Big Brother 12 is a go for Summer 2010

Tuesday's finale was second for the 9pm hour with 2.7/7, behind 'The Biggest Loser' premiere on NBC with 4.2/11, and ahead of 'More to Love' on FOX with 1.9/5 and 'Shaq Vs'on ABC with 1.7/4. Our finale remained in second place at 10pm with 3.0/8, behind 'The Jay Leno Show' on NBC with 3.3/9 and ahead of 'Barbara Walters Special' rerun on ABC with 1.8/5.
Numbers are for adults 18-49
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

From the FlashBack page, enter the date, time and feed - you need SuperPass to view these clips

BB11 daily index - BB10 daily index

Jordan won the viewer jury vote
Jeff won the popularity prize

CBS shows were Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and live evictions Thursdays at 8

Ross (The Intern) Mathews did GREAT post-eviction shows every Friday

Express Lunch with MissyZ and BB9 Chelsia Hart was on SuperPass Thursdays & Fridays

The official story is Chima was booted. We will never know the complete true story: it was all behind fishies

Jeff won the Coup d'Etat in a public vote and used it to replace Chima's noms (Lydia & Russell) with Jessie & Natalie

Food comps determined living conditions: the losers lived in the Jail room with lights always on, cold water showers, and slop.

Viewer votes determined an additional food item the sloppers could have.

Teams are over. There were four teams: Populars, Jocks, Brainiacs, and Offbeats.

Teamies of the HOH could not be nominated, but they could compete in the next week's HOH comp.

Hamsters earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. It's possible Jessie gets more (BB7 All-Stars did).

The habitat has 52 cameras and 80 mics.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

Sadly, Craig Ferguson was not recycled back in this year.


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  Big Brother 11 Daily Index

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>> Tweeting Big Brother since BB8 - latest, posted :

Recap of the daily recaps

Post-season - November 2009-April 2010
More alumni news; UK Celebrity Big Brother 7; No win this time; No news is probably good news for Jorff; News flash
Thanks and shoutouts to Hamsterwatchers for another season - we made it!

September 15, 2009 - Day 73 - Kevin evicted - Jordan wins
Now it's a wrap; It's a wrap almost; Daily Ratings - Final edition
Thanks and shoutouts to Hamsterwatchers for another season - we made it!

September 14, 2009 - Day 72
Preventive programming; Daily Ratings - Last Night of Feeds special edition
Jordan tells about discovering her dad cheating on her mom; Kevin & Natalie fight about a blanket incident; Natalie pranks Kevin

September 12-13, 2009 - Days 70-71
Slip sliding away; This is why hamsters keep the cooks around; Daily Ratings - Remedial Cooking Class edition
Slip 'n slide prep; Counting jury votes; Final 3 discuss cheating (apt analogies of their games)

September 11, 2009 - Day 69
How to pick a winner; Back to our story; Daily Ratings - What's for Dessert? edition
Kevin grills Natalie; Space shuttle sonic boom; Kevin & Natalie religion chat

September 10, 2009 - Day 68
Confusion reigns supreme; Okay, now we know; Daily Ratings - Natalie Choked edition
Kevin & Natalie about Diary trying to save Jeff; Kevin gets a clue

September 9, 2009 - Day 67
Hell week begins; Daily Ratings - Poor Me, I Deserve to Win special edition
Rehash of the first days & weeks; Kevin again about applicants have to be 21; A giant moth scares Natalie

September 8, 2009 - Day 66 - Michele evicted
Michele makes her exit; Daily Ratings - Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' edition
Final HOH endurance comp

September 6-7, 2009 - Days 64-65
Foot scrapers; Foot scrapings; Daily Ratings - Hot Tub, Anyone? edition
Kevin makes a pitch to Jordan; Michele makes a pitch to Kevin; Kevin reports to Natalie

September 5, 2009 - Day 63
Fashionista?; BBQ Smackdown: Fresh Meat; Daily Ratings - Project Runway edition
Fashion show; clothing evictions

September 4, 2009 - Day 62
Queen Natalie; Daily Ratings - Extreme NataLIES edition
Pandora's Box II aftermath; Tampon party

September 3, 2009 - Day 61 - Jeff evicted
Jeff walks the plank; Daily Ratings - Final Four edition
Natalie's HOH room & letter

September 2, 2009 - Day 60
Help us, C-3PO; Daily Ratings - So Long, Jeff edition
Michele gets sprayed; Sex chat

August 31-September 1, 2009 - Days 58-59
Dullsville; End of the Line; Daily Ratings - Another Ugly Chess Incident edition
Jeff & Michele hatch a plan, Michele pitches it to Natalie; Kevin & Natalie chess incident

August 29-30, 2009 - Days 56-57
Getting stabby; Cocooning deluxe; Daily Ratings - Stick a Sock in It special edition
Aliens again; Ickies want Jeff to ask Michele to use her veto on him

August 28, 2009 - Day 55
Pandora's box; Daily Ratings - Familiar Contempt edition
Jorff about ants; After the not-a-luxury-comp; Kevin meets with Michelle, and Jordan, and Jeff; Faces in the mirrors

August 27, 2009 - Day 54 - Russell evicted
No fish killer; Daily Ratings - Tay Zonday edition
Russell last ditch campaign; no HOH comp finish; Michele cries; Kevin's HOH room

August 26, 2009 - Day 53
Semantics; Daily Ratings - Ickies & Ugies edition
Jeff, Russell, Jordan fight again; Kevin & Natalie anti-Michele campaign; Jorff make out

August 25, 2009 - Day 52
Sshh, don't bother us; BBQ Smackdown: The Barehander; Daily Ratings - Cocoons & Corpses edition
Kevin & Natalie plot, plus results

August 24, 2009 - Day 51
Another fight for the sidebar tally; Daily Ratings - The Backdoor Opens Up edition
Jeff versus Russell; Russell works Kevin; Michele visits Jeff; Natalie's age; Jeff rants

August 23, 2009 - Day 50
Raking more muck; Otherwise, no news to report; Daily Ratings - Holy Macaroni edition
Kevin & Natalie visit Jeff, and Russell shows up

August 21-22, 2009 - Days 48-49
Here goes Jordan again; Here we go again; Daily Ratings - Doldrums X 2 edition
Natalie's bug; Jeff's European vacation; Jorff's agenda; Russell pleads his case; Blankiegate; Kevin & Natalie make promises to Jeff; Dissecting Jessie & Lydia sex; Jeff gets grilled about girls

August 20, 2009 - Day 47 - Lydia evicted
Placeholder; Daily Ratings - Tropical Storm Lydia Blows Over edition
Jorff & Michele comedy; Jeff's HOH room; Discussing the HOH comp

August 19, 2009 - Day 46
Dog days; Daily Ratings - To The Dogs special edition
HOH anti-Russell summit; Michele & Russell meet with Jeff & Jordan, and confrontation; Tie-dye; Mimes

August 18, 2009 - Day 45
Counting cards, counting votes; Daily Ratings - Natalie's Next Stage edition
Kevin & Lydia sex chat; Natalie makes a pitch to Jeff; Jordan confronts Michele; Natalie bonds with Jorff & Michele; Natalie & Jorff game chat and deals

August 17, 2009 - Day 44
Jordan's jeans; Daily Ratings - What Are You Wearing? special edition
Michele reports to Jeff plus medical ethics convo; Russell's massage; Kevin visits Jordan; Backyard funnies; Kevin/Natalie about Chima's mic

August 16, 2009 - Day 43
Intermission; BBQ Smackdown: The Comeback; Daily Ratings - Crusty Sweatshirt edition
BBQ Smackdown Round 1; Jeff funny stories; Kevin tells Jeff the new lie, who tells Jordan, and Michele; Natalie & Lydia about Jessie sex events

August 15, 2009 - Day 42
Faster forward; Daily Ratings - Fried Fishies edition
Michele mentions "our setup" to film Chima's exit; Michele versus Lydia, plus group fight

August 14, 2009 - Day 41 - Chima gone
Now we've got a show; Daily Ratings - Unexpected Exit edition
Michele preps Ntalie & Chima for noms; Michele embarrassing stories; Chima's left the building

August 13, 2009 - Day 40 - Jessie evicted
Arts, crafts, and scams; Daily Ratings - Good Riddance special edition
Michelle's HOH room; creepy Jessie eulogy; Chima "I am the Twin Towers"; Jeff talks about getting the Coup

August 12, 2009 - Day 39
A-sleuthing we will go; Meanwhile, back at the habitat; Daily Ratings - The Waiting Game edition
Lydia & Heather retros; Picture taking; Russell & Jeff game talk; Jeff, Jordan, Michele, Russell sex chat; Jessie & Russell weird fight; Russell talks to us

August 11, 2009 - Day 38
Pleasantville; Daily Ratings - Fun in the Sun edition
Jeff explains his job; Conversation cards; Lydia & Heather Mills; Jordan visits Russell; Jorff talk game

August 10, 2009 - Day 37
Immunity Idol?; Daily Ratings - They Shoot Feedsters, Don't They? edition
Russell makes a pitch to Jessie

August 9, 2009 - Day 36
Chima versus Russell.. again; Daily Ratings - Dear Diary edition
Control room leak; Chima vs Russell again; Sippy giggly Russell; Drunken Russell and Jorff memory game; Russell shadow boxes

August 8, 2009 - Day 35
Sunny side scramble; Daily Ratings - Run Away Hide edition
Post-veto comp meetings; Michele & Jeff about the night before; Lydia & Kevin fight; Jeff & Jordan want Jessie out plus telepathy; Drunken Jessie

August 7, 2009 - Day 34
Another movie ad; Daily Ratings - Clusterflock'd Again edition
Michele vs. Russell in two rounds

August 6, 2009 - Day 33 - Ronnie evicted
Manscaping; Daily Ratings - Cut the $6,000 Checks edition
Chima's HOH room; Greenlight antics

August 5, 2009 - Day 32
Here a fight, there a fight, everywhere a fake fight; Daily Ratings - Wednesday Waffles on Steroids edition
Jessie knuckles Lydia; House meeting; Kevin vs. Jessie/Natalie; Jessie yells at Lydia; Phone-in messages; Jeff & Jordan talk game; Chima & Russell follow-up

August 4, 2009 - Day 31
The daily rehash; Daily Ratings - Let's Talk About Fight Club edition
Fight Night planning; Russell & Michele rehash the fights; Jeff & Jordan funny cocoons; Natalie, Chima, Ronnie, Lydia about fights; Chima confronts Jessie about hiding during fights

August 3, 2009 - Day 30
No veto for you; Daily Ratings - Fight Club special edition
Natalie tells Chima about her age lie; Russell checks in with Michele; Russell confronts Jessie; Fight night highlights

August 1-2, 2009 - Days 28-29
Russell goes listening again; Jeff & Jordan go undercovers; Daily Ratings - Cartoon Day special edition
Jordan explains the day; Michele with Jeff, and Jordan; Michele with Russell

July 31, 2009 - Day 27
Squids & squashes; Daily Ratings - Calamari or Botulism edition
Russell's meetings; Lydia finally talks to Russell after noms

July 30, 2009 - Day 26 - Casey evicted
Hell week draws to a close, again; Daily Ratings - Spin 'n Puke edition
HOH endurance comp; Jeff & Jordan kiss; Russell's HOH room

July 29, 2009 - Day 25
What's up with Natalie's hair; Daily Ratings - Bye Bye Banana edition
Group fun chat; Jeff & Jordan goof; Jeff & Casey comedy; Jordan and 'Who's on first'

July 27-28, 2009 - Days 23-24
Trashbag chic with sneakers; Now the banana's got something to be angry about; Daily Ratings - Oral Hygiene special edition
Jeff & Casey comedy after veto meeting; Jordan's boob job; Casey's sad banana song

July 26, 2009 - Day 22
No "cake of poo"; Daily Ratings - New Party Hats at Last edition
Chima's birthday party; Kevin explains the game to Lydia; Margarita party; Michele/Casey/Jessie

July 25, 2009 - Day 21
Morning after; Daily Ratings - Sleeping Hamsters Lie edition
Jessie gives Michele a veto option; Casey's banana; Fun group chat with penguins

July 24, 2009 - Day 20
Another day, another handshake; Daily Ratings - Truth or Fart edition
Lydia & Kevin about HJs; Jeff visits Jessie; Truth or Dare; Russell clears the room; Chima tells Russell about her rape; Jessie & Lydia sex

July 23, 2009 - Day 19 - Laura evicted
Primp-a-thon; Daily Ratings - Hello Gene Crowe special edition
Lydia & Natalie bitch about each other; Jessie tries to mediate (unsuccessfully)

July 22, 2009 - Day 18
"Deal with the devil"; Daily Ratings - Hot Mess edition
Russell visits Ronnie (twice, one with slither escape); Jeff & Jordan flirty chat; Skeeball practice; More visitors for Ronnie

July 21, 2009 - Day 17
Good morning, Ronnie; Daily Ratings - Seclusion special edition
Slip 'n slide

July 20, 2009 - Day 16
Team Popular goes down; Daily Ratings - Seriously, Send in the Replacements edition
Jessie/Lydia undercovers something; Laura campaigns to Ronnie; 11 against Ronnie

July 18-19, 2009 - Days 14-15
The one true alliance; Daily Ratings - Bring in the Replacement Hamsters edition
Laura's cryptic comments; Blah blah blah; Jordan calls out Ronnie

July 17, 2009 - Day 13
The day after; Daily Ratings - No Outside Contact edition
Post-food comp fallout; Russell explosion, and he & Ronnie discuss it

July 16, 2009 - Day 12 - Braden evicted
Mingle 'n mixx; Daily Ratings - First Eviction: Now It's Real edition
Post-eviction housewide meltdown; Ronnie's HOH room

July 15, 2009 - Day 11
Say cheese; Daily Ratings - Waffles Came Early edition
Casey confirms he knows Jessie; Pic taking; 3 girls bubble bath + Jordan nekkid; Laura gets huffy

July 14, 2009 - Day 10
We got hamster sex already; Daily Ratings - Popped Cherry edition
Lydia/Jessie sex; Lydia tells Kevin it was HJ; Booze party with 4 girls kiss, 5th grade games, drum circle

July 13, 2009 - Day 9
Race riot; Daily Ratings - 'I'm not a Beaner' edition
Braden vs Lydia & Kevin plus Jeff, Natalie fight; Comedy booze party starring Jordan and Kinky Michele

July 12, 2009 - Day 8
All dressed up; Daily Ratings - Shenanigans edition
Team Offbeat meeting; Backyard comedy with Braden, and Jeff & Jordan

July 11, 2009 - Day 7
We have showmance; Daily Ratings - First Fight edition
Jeff vs Natalie; Russell confronts Ronnie; Michele vamps; Jeff makes a speech

July 10, 2009 - Day 6
Too late to back out now; Daily Ratings - First Veto edition
Jeff hissy fit; Jeff explains it; Anal sex discussion; Chima's story; Lydia & Natalie spat

July 9, 2009 - Day 5 - Feeds begin
Operation Sexbomb; Welcome back (again), Hamsterwatchers; Daily Ratings - Here We Go edition
First tears (Lydia); Operation Sexbomb; Beauty pageant show

July 8, 2009 - Day 4
Welcome back, Hamsterwatchers; Twitter 101; Daily Ratings - Early Impressions edition

July 5-7, 2009 - Days 1-3
Leaks; Hamsters in the habitat; No feeds til Thursday; Daily Ratings - Early Impressions edition

July 2009 - Pre-season
It's official; And.. we're off!; Daily Ratings - Phony Bios edition

June 2009 - Pre-season
This just in; Cans, bottles and maternity tops; What we know; Meanwhile, to whom it may concern

Linking to any page here is fine but please do not repost any content from this site (or any other) without permission, and do not repost or hotlink to any images

Watch Big Brother 11 on SuperPass. Everything you can't see on TV
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See anything and everything
from BB11 and BB10

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Hamsters who met before BB11: 2
-Jessie & Casey

Sex events: 5 - Lydia/Jessie

Makeout pairings: 1 - Jeff/Jordan

Nominee speech scorchers: 3
-Chima, Casey, Ronnie

Premature exits: 1 - Chima

Major fights: 12
-Natalie vs. Jeff
-'Beaner' race wars starring
-Laura vs. Jessie plus Natalie
-Post-Braden eviction blowout
-Everyone vs. Ronnie
-Russell vs. Chima (3 fake rounds)
-Kevin vs. Ronnie (2 rounds)
-Russell, Natalie, Chima vs. Michele
-Russell vs. Jessie (kooky ending)
-Lydia vs. Michele plus Natalie & Jeff
-Russell vs. Jeff plus Jordan
-Russell vs. Jeff plus Jordan again

Naughty past that may have surprised the producers: 1 - Braden

Shocking true stories: 1 - Chima

'The Soup' mentions: 8 of 11 Fridays
-Wedgie comp + Jessie
-Technotronics (Clip of the Week)
-Jordan's time-telling
-Lydia stalks Jessie (Clip of the Week)
-Lydia's raccoon & Ronnie's speech
-Creepy eulogy & Chima's drowned mic
-Jessie's pink pants & Natalie's bug
-Which animal Jorff want to be


Jordan: Now I feel like a grown girl

Michele to jury house: [Natalie's boyfriend] proposed to her
Lydia: Who cares?

Jeff to Lydia: It's like talking to a road cone - get in your spaceship, get out of here

Jeff about Natalie: Her being 18 or 24 or 96, who cares? She acted like she was 12

Lydia: Jordan, I love a good blonde

Julie: Silence is golden, and it also says a lot

Jeff, about a future with Jordan: We'll see if she wins or not [joking]

Lydia to Dick, about Jessie sex: I don't know what you're talking about

Kevin in interview: Jessie's a douchebag, okay?

Jeff in interview: Thank you so much for the Coup d'Etat and thank you so much for the $25,000 - I'm blown away

Diane Henry to Jessie: Stop! You're so full of it

Jessie in interview: This is twice now I've gotten 'stuped'

Allison Grodner about BB11: People are so passionate about this season.. we all want to put that magic in a bottle and then use it for seasons to come


Ross with Jordan

Kaysar Ridha, James Rhine, Danielle Reyes sneak in
Kaysar's 4th eviction

Julie with Jordan & Jeff
'Early Show' segment
Julie with Final Four
extended 'Early Show' interview

B-Side Blog with finale

Ross with their messages to Jordan
Jordan interview on Thursday
The rest of them on Friday

Chelsia Hart's are on Superpass
CBS type backyard in search box
Evel Dick Donato
CBS2 with Diane Henry
We Love Big Brother
Reality Wanted videos
Reality Wanted pics

Shannon Elizabeth's more to come
The Baub Show's

Stacy Kaiser's
Lydia Tavera's
James Rhine's
More on the way

Inside Dish with Ross Mathews
with Janelle, Keesha,
Danielle & Boogie - Part 2
also Ross's pre-interviews
have been reposted

Every Hamsterwatch episode is still here on the site
BB10 - BB9 - BB8 - BB7 - BB6 - BB5
some links on them might be bad now

Are you insane?
BB12 application - your chances are probably better thru a former hamster or an actormodel agency they use

Click to see my full list of BB11 links
These are some of my favorites:

24/7 feeds - free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic

Hamsterwatch Chatroom

Hamsterwatch Forum

BB adult/explicit links - already updated for BB11!

CBS Big Brother 11 the official site

DogDave BB11 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

Sir LinksALot Big Brother 11 all the links, once again

BuddyTV - Big Brother 11 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions


Big Brother 11
Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0
Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½
Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0

Big Brother 10
No title events
Big Brother 9 Winter Edition
Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0
Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Big Brother 8
Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0
Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0
Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1
Big Brother 7 All-Stars
BBQ training sabbatical
Big Brother 6
Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0
Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0
Big Brother 5
Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0
Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½
Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0

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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."