Big Brother 25
dingo's Hamsterwatch
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 25 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. Thanks for encouraging my behavior.
Your pal, dingo


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Take a swig whenever Reilly counts votes




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Official site and socials:
-BB25 official CBS site

-Live show tickets

-Donate to support this site - thank you!
Ko-fi - Patreon

-My Twitter - my screencaps

-Dick at Night with @EvelDick

-BB Viewer Chrome or Firefox Extension by @liquid8d
-Requires Paramount Plus account

-BB25 Wiki

-Hamster Twitters
    BB USA: chron - members
    BB Canada: chron - members
    BB USA Celebs: chron - members

-Advice for cast friends/family

-VPN to protect your online privacy



East coast air show live streams:
Unfortunately VideoBrother has stopped streaming BB USA.
If you have Paramount+ with Showtime plan, you can watch live TV for your local timezone.


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Big Brother 25 SEASON FAQ
-Day 1 August 2: CBS premiere
-Day 100 November 9: Finale

Feeds are streamed by Paramount Plus, with Flashback included, with a Paramount Plus subscription. Call 888-274-5343 for account help, including cancellation.

BB25 finalist prizes are the same: $750k for the winner, $75k for 2nd place, and probably still $10k for 3rd, $7.5k for 4th, $5k for 5th.
Stipend is probably still $1/k per week for all except finalists, including pre-season sequester.

The habitat has 94 HD cameras (no change) and 113 microphones (no change).

The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman. He and Julie Chen are the only senior staffers who have been there since Big Brother 1.


Paramount Plus
All Big Brother USA, most Big Brother Canada and Australia reboot seasons
plus CBS/BET/Comedy Central/MTV/Nickelodeon shows, past or present
Plus originals! Showtime is included with the ad-free Paramount+ With Showtime plan

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Power Status

Ejected: Luke
Evicted: Kirsten 13-0

Head of Household: Hisam
Trips to Netherland:
Immunity: Jag
Have-nots: Nobody
Original noms: Cameron, Reilly
Veto winner/outcome: TBA
Final noms: TBA
Evicted: TBA

Alliance charts by @89razorskate20

Alliance maps by @Dolffica

Diary segment tallies by @clamperls4

TV viewer ratings updated after each show

Upcoming Events


Get Paramount PlusGET THE FEEDS to see the real show!

Paramount Plus plans are as follows:
-$5.99/month or $59.99/year includes feeds, does not have live local CBS, does have commercials for shows/movies
(Increases to $6.99/month or $69.99/year on September 1)
-$11.99/month or $119.99/year includes Showtime, feeds, does have live local CBS, does not have commercials for shows/movies

Get one month free of either plan with promo code BIGBROTHER25 before 11/30/23

-If you get the $5.99 'Essential' plan and want to dump the ads, you can upgrade to $11.99 'Premium' plan at any time
-$5.99/month legacy plan is no longer available for new subscribers, but former All Access accounts will stay as they were, including feeds and live local CBS

Feeds are free on Pluto TV, with ads. Non-US can watch on Pluto with Nord VPN

Julie with BB25 cakeCBS schedule
Sundays 8pm - Wednesdays 8pm - live Thursdays 9pm
-9/13 Wednesday is two hours
-9/17 Sundays move to 10 or 10.30pm
-Week of 9/25 no veto show?
-10/3 Veto show moves to Tuesdays
-11/9 Finale is two hours

Usual feeds schedule - times are Pacific
-Mondays noonish: Veto meeting*
-Thursdays: Eviction run-thru afternoon*, live eviction show 6pm*, HOH room late evening
-Fridays: Nominations late afternoon/early evening*
-Saturdays morning: Veto player draw*
-Saturdays afternoon/evening: Veto comp*
*Feeds blocked - adoptable anipals on feeds

Daily Feeds Recaps

Day 9 - Thursday - August 10, 2023

After Luke's ejection Wednesday morning, feeds stayed on anipals all day and night, as happened last year with Paloma's exit. The fact that CBS/BB distributed a press statement yesterday to let us know maybe/should have changed that, but didn't. (They did not put out a regular press release so it seems they let us feedsters know about Luke as a courtesy? A new era indeed.) At any rate, the adoptables from Rancho Coastal Humane Society are the next best thing, including these two fluffy cuties.

The opening announcer and Julie both teased the live vote and eviction as usual, but many if not most of us still expected them to cancel the eviction, following last year's precedent when they cancelled Taylor vs Terrance after Paloma's exit. Neither the announcer nor Julie said anything about a shocking turn of events or similar, but some minutes into the show they did get around to Luke. They showed a gametalk between him and Kirsten (to introduce him to the tv viewers), and the Have-not room convo when he dropped his bomb, along with the short followup afterwards with Luke and Jared, and a short Jared Diary. Luke was called to Diary from the crowded Wednesday morning bathroom routines hour, and Reilly read the rest of them a card that said he'd been booted for violating the Big Brother code of conduct by using a racial slur, and the game and eviction would continue as planned. Cory retold the convo to them all, Hisam said he didn't know/hadn't heard Luke say it, and that was that.

Kirsten did not give the scorcher speech she'd rehearsed but instead did a boilerplate nice one, as did Felicia, and Kirsten was evicted unanimously. Everyone did shoutouts and/or gave Julie compliments, and Matt apparently didn't hear Julie excuse him after his vote so he sat there silently for a few seconds. It seems they could easily give some sort of visual clue for him to know he was clear to leave, and hopefully they'll do that in future. Julie told Kirsten that Cirie and Jared are mother and son, so she won't be put on ice for a revival, and Kirsten said there was some kind of slipup this afternoon between the two of them about Jared's nickname that now made sense to her. (Chances are others picked that up too.) Kirsten also proved how recruits bring some freshness when she pointed out Julie didn't show her everyone's farewells.

Julie told us Sunday's show will have a new HOH and said "the Scaryverse sends a never-before-seen twist into the game." Then for the usual "let's eavesdrop on the houseguests" segment, there were just empty rooms with Julie calling "Houseguests? Houseguests?" And finally there was a blue CGI portal in the empty backyard with the Nether region sound effect.

Feeds finally came back at 12.44am, after a whopping block of 37 hours and change. Hisam won the HOH comp which had just finished, and which they all said was fun, and Izzy congratulated him in the pantry. The setup sounded very elaborate with stations/rooms including garage and shed, and clues for things they had to find or retrieve. It sounded like all the Professors did well, including Felicia. Jared was gone to Netherland as a consequence, maybe just picking that door in the comp. Some of them had to walk through the portal and act scared, or something. Buzzing and whispers started right up, like they do, including Jag and Blue planning their pitches to Hisam and talking like they can influence him (to put up Cory and Felicia - nope! or Cory and America), and Cameron started BB-preaching to Reilly already about how she and they need to behave now that she's no longer HOH. Cirie told Izzy "I hope he backdoors Cameron."

Hisam said he'll hold meetings and Professors will decide as a group, but his preferred target order was Reilly, Cameron, and Matt. He got his basket, pics, and letter in the pantry, and they all crowded in there to ooh and ahh, and to listen to his letter. It was from his family and included a cute bit about rooting for him even though they didn't understand Big Brother. And then they all went up to the HOH room, and Hisam said the fridge would be stocked tomorrow. Izzy had a minor fit about not wanting to be in a room with Cameron, and Hisam, Red, Cirie all took shifts talking her down. They were all tired and we were all tired, and we'll all catch up tomorrow, including details about the never-seen-before twist. Maybe that's just about Jared being gone for however long he is.

SUBSCRIBE to my Patreon to get these daily recaps in your email box! And one-time donations of any amount can be made anytime at Ko-fi. Huge thanks to all my donors - I literally could not do this without you! And everlasting thanks to my Hamsterwatch readers and followers ♥

IF YOU MISSED what came before, check my previous episode, always linked up top or from my season index, and get the feeds to catch anything you missed with Flashback! And/or to watch prior BB USA, Canada, Australia seasons, plus a ton of other shows and movies as well.

Day 10 - Friday - August 11, 2023

The photo wall came to life at 10.37am with a Nether Region graphic on one screen and Jared live on the other, and they all gathered round for a check-in from him. He could see and hear them, but the audio was pretty bad for hearing him, at least from our vantage point. He said he hadn't slept on a bed yet, he congratulated Hisam for winning HOH, and he asked who the new Have-nots were (nobody yet). And he said he didn't know when he'd be back.

Bowie noticed the NOMINATIONS TODAY sign had gone up, which freaked them out a little: "so soon?!", especially Hisam. Reminder that we know the weekly schedule but TV-onlies (most of this cast) do not.

Hisam quickly began his one-on-ones which were more like rapidfire job interviews, and very point blank. He met with Cory and told him he'd be targeting Reilly. Hisam told Cameron that he knew Reilly had said his name, and that he'd probably put Cameron up next to her so he wouldn't use veto on her if he wins. And Hisam brought up the whole mess about Cameron seeing his daughter's eyes in Reilly. Hisam's direct approach continued with Jag, telling him he knew about their eight-person alliance and that they'd wanted to target him (Hisam). And he said he wasn't targeting Jag at all, he didn't want "brown-on-brown crime," and he said he wouldn't put up Blue either.

Meanwhile Cory gave Reilly a heads-up and told her not to lie to Hisam in her meeting because he'd know. Cirie also counseled Reilly, and well (likely because Cirie would rather Cameron go). Matt was vague in his meeting, saying he hadn't talked game and didn't know the name of the eight-person alliance. Hisam was called to the pantry during his Matt meeting, where he stood around awkwardly for a minute before hearing "sorry.. disregard" over the speakers.

Feeds went to adoptable anipals at 12.18pm and returned around 2pm. Jared was back, and he'd picked Jag to go to Nether, which also gave him immunity for the week. Hisam's meetings carried on. He met with Mecole, and then with Reilly, and he dropped lines like "I'm so thankful I got to watch your HOH because it helped inform what I would do with my HOH" (popcorn!) and he said she was the only person who'd mentioned anybody's name (his) as a target for this week. Of course Reilly cried, and said she'd wanted to do better but "it came from a place of paranoia" and he said he gets that. He said he wasn't going to backdoor her, and asked "do you have an idea who you'd like to sit next to?" (More popcorn!) She said that was his decision, and they rehashed some more, and hugged.

They gathered round the photo wall for a second time because their pics were finally installed. They ooh'd and ahh'd over everyone's photos, like they do. Luke was not on it (no surprise), Kirsten was grayed out (ditto), Cirie and Jared were placed far apart from each other, Izzy was placed next to Cameron, and Reilly said she looked mean in hers. Jared and Hisam gave lengthy retells comparing their HOH runs with each other, and they laughed about how close they were. If Jared had picked a different door towards the end, he would have been HOH and Hisam would have gone to Nether.

Hisam nominated Reilly and Cameron, as humorously planned (with Matt as his potential renom if needed, as of now). Reilly started her spiral as soon as feeds came back, telling Blue this wasn't how she expected her BB experience to go, and saying she thought she'd get the boot if noms stay the same after veto. Blue guaranteed her she'd be fine if that happened, but neither of them circulated much all last week so they're really in the dark about what's going on outside of their Handful circle. If noms stay the same, Cirie and especially Izzy will probably work hard to get Cameron gone, despite Hisam's target being Reilly. Cirie could be successful at that; Izzy will probably just add more chaos to the situation. Cirie also chatted with Reilly with a good peptalk, and told her she'd have the votes to stay. In HOH, Hisam rehashed his reasonings to Jared (since they spent their pre-noms meeting discussing the comp). Cameron ding-donged the doorbell and was told he'd be found later to talk. Hisam told Jared he'll pick him to play veto if he draws Houseguest Choice, and will say he wants a rematch of the HOH comp as a cover.

Jared sold Reilly a story about having been played by Hisam, and left out of all the downstairs convos last week but then being told what to do. Reilly bought it completely, and immediately retold/reported to Matt. Jared then pitched the same story to Blue, who said Jared might be overthinking everything, so Jared elaborated further. And further. Tacos were prepared and eaten, but there didn't seem to be any related drama (it's not Tuesday, after all). We aren't seeing a lot of the non-gametalk activities on feeds this year, like food prep or general conversation this year, so far anyway.

Jared talked to Blue for a very, very long time, and then he talked to Reilly for a very, very long time. He made a suggestion to her about forming a "Double Dating" group made up of flirting pairs Jared/Blue and Reilly/Matt. Cameron realized he recognized Cirie from Traitors, which he said his mother loved, and he was glad to figure it out because he didn't watch Survivor but knew her from somewhere. They had a chat with Jag from Nether but it wasn't on feeds. Jared and Cirie had a quick check-in and Cirie told him about Cameron and Traitors, and that Izzy had helped Cameron connect those dots. She added "fuckin Izzy's so stupid." It hadn't come out openly (yet?) that Cirie won that show. Jared told her he'd learned nobody wanted to be the first to target her or Felicia. Feeds went to anipals again at 8.06pm for 20 minutes or so, and when they came back, Jag was back from Netherland with a dramatic but corny story about slaying a Nether gorgon. Jared kept talking, including to Jag, and to Matt, including telling Matt that according to Reilly, Cameron had switched sides.

Most of them were relaxed for most of the evening, chatting and laughing in groups. Cory beat Reilly at bumper pool so she had to wait on him, and she made a big show of that. The yard opened, so the veto comp will likely be in one of the alternate spaces. Cameron's preaching and talking in general dialed way down since he landed on the block, and Reilly counted her potential votes over and over, as did many others. Jag and Blue agreed their group was a sinking ship and said they hope Reilly wins the veto but if not, it'd be "cutting off their leg" if they win and save her. And they cut her out even further by making a Final Two together. Jag said he suspects he might have to do something to balance his safety this week, as something was said about "bad and good" but he wasn't sure. Nobody else had gone to Netherland as of midnight, and since Have-nots hadn't been assigned, Jared was left without a place to sleep and may end up on someone's floor.

SUBSCRIBE to my Patreon to get these daily recaps in your email box! And one-time donations of any amount can be made anytime at Ko-fi. Huge thanks to all my donors - I literally could not do this without you! And everlasting thanks to my Hamsterwatch readers and followers ♥

IF YOU MISSED what came before, check my previous episode, always linked up top or from my season index, and get the feeds to catch anything you missed with Flashback! And/or to watch prior BB USA, Canada, Australia seasons, plus a ton of other shows and movies as well.

Ratings - TBA edition

Ratings will be updated eventually, based on entertainment value - free neutrals for all, for now

Noms count: original/renom/twist


Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


27 - Applicant - Single
Medical receptionist - Brooklyn NY

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


25 - Recruit - Single
Brand strategist - New York, NY

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


45 - Applicant
Barrister/DJ - Los Angeles, CA

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 1/0/0 - HN 0


34 - Applicant - Separated, 1 daughter
Stay-at-home dad - Eastman, GA

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


53 - Recruit/stuntcast - Married, 3 sons
Surgical director

Won: Netherland Day 1

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/1 - HN 1


21 - Applicant/stuntcast? - Single
College student
Ft Lauderdale, FL

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/1 - HN 0


63 - Applicant - Married, 1 son
Real estate agent - Kennesaw, GA

Won: TBA

HOH 1 - Veto 1 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 1


45 - Applicant - Divorced
Geriatric physician/burlesquer - Seattle, WA

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


32 - Applicant - Has a girlfriend
Flutist - New York, NY

Won: Netherland Day 10; Week 2 immunity

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


25 - Applicant - Single
Truck company owner/realtor - Omak, WA

Won: Netherland Day 9

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/1 - HN 1


25 - Applicant/stuntcast - Single
Exterminator - Norwalk, CT

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


27 - Applicant - Single
Deaflympics gold medalist - Baton Rouge, LA

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


30 - Applicant - Newlywed
Political consultant - Upper Marlboro, MD

Won: TBA

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 0


37 - Recruit - Has a girlfriend, 3 kids
Sales/TikTokker - Gatlinburg, TN

Won: TBA

HOH 1 - Veto 0 - Noms 1/0/0 - HN 0


24 - Recruit - Single
Bartender - Nashville, TN

Won: Nothing

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/1 - HN 0


25 - Recruit - Single
Molecular biologist - Houston, TX

1st evicted - Day 9

Obit to follow

Won: Nothing

HOH 0 - Veto 0 - Noms 0/0/0 - HN 1


30 - Survivor applicant - Single
Illustrator - Coral Springs, FL

Ejected Day 8

Between hamsters thinking he was a secret doctor and feedsters thinking he was a secret twin, his week was full of unintentional comedy. He added to that by not knowing the show or that the game had started without him, then he worked hard to join the game in progress, with no success. Then he dropped the n-word, and then he was gone.

Lines and Links of the Day


Reilly: I have a feeling that eight is not enough

Red: I'm pretty much Australian now

@realityreacts: the nether regions is actually just todrick's repossessed house #bb25

Hisam to Reilly, pre-noms: Do you have an idea who you'd like to sit next to?

Cameron: Did my DR, turns out I am actually nominated



@s are Twitter

GET YOUR FEEDS includes a free trial

Cirie/Jared photo wall morph by @ToomsBB_

Felicia's mic by @RPunsalanArt

Week 2 Bingo by @Dolffica

Rancho Coastal Humane Society temporary home of our feeds anipals, including adoption updates - visit them or your local shelter to find your new best friend

Live like a hamster! Available from Amazon:
-LED acrylic chess set: Amazon USA
-17-inch Orwell owl, for the memories: Amazon USA - Amazon Canada

Tally Items

Extracurricular Tally

Flashback times are Pacific/BB time

Injuries/illnesses: 10
-Reilly's numb finger from move-in comp
-Cory's numb finger from move-in comp
-Blue's bumped elbow/rug burn from 1st HOH comp
-Red's bruised butt from 1st HOH comp
-Felicia's cut finger
-Cirie's cough
-Jared's cough
-America's cough
-Red's cough
-Izzie's bruised knees from 2nd HOH comp

Drowned microphones: 4
-all Felicia

Netherland trips: 3
-Cory Day 1 via comp, couple hours
-Jared Day 9 (late night/technically Day 10) via comp, 12 hours
-Jag Day 10 via Jared pick, 8 hours

Broken habitat items: 2
-Stove (on first night)
-Leaky kitchen faucet and/or sink

Scandals outside our BB world: 1
-Luke's n-word

Premature exits: 1
-Day 8 Luke ejected

Booze deliveries: 2
-Day 1 Move-in champagne
-Day 2 Reilly's HOH kombucha

Post-cast-reveal arrivals: 1


Production Goofs

 1 They ended the season before it began
 2 Season errors for Janelle, Derrick, Frankie
 3 Julie didn't know there is a reality casting Emmy
 4 Julie forgot BB1 feeds were free
 5 Julie said a BB5 conversation was 'halfway thru the season' - it was on the 2nd episode
 6 Press pics misspelled Cory's last name
 7 Official Instagram countdown off by 24 hours
 8 CBS Mornings piece called it 'the Brother house'
 9 Two shots at juror count, both wrong: neither is 'always'
10 Misspelled Rachel's and Dick's names
11 Bowie Jane's dropped Ball
12 Staffer (barely) seen on feeds
13 Omitted move-in self-intros for Cameron, Izzy, Jag on Episode 2
14 Misspelled Cameron's and Hisam's last names
15 Misspelled Cory's last name (again), another wrong version of Cameron's, two wrong dates in press pics
16 Feeds 1/2 froze on quads, 3/4 didn't
17 Browser tabs/page titles out of date
18 Hisam called to pantry by mistake (or prematurely)

Season Stats

HOHs in order: Reilly; Hisam

Veto winners in order: Hisam

Evictions in order: Luke (ejected); Kirsten 13-0

Cast Twitters: @kstace_

Cast Instagrams: kirstenvivica

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Linking to any page here is fine. Please don't repost content from this site (or any other) without permission, and don't repost or hotlink images.


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(live TV will have some commercial breaks)
BB1 thru BB24 plus Celebs and OTT, and loads of other shows from CBS, BET, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, MTV, Smithsonian, plus originals




Week 1 BB Multiverse
Losers of four move-in comps went on the block, and HOH Reilly saved two



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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."