April 27, 2008 - Day 80 (or 81)
The BB9 live feeds replay is underway! Only on SuperPass - click for a two-week FREE trial Watch the season in its entirety or catch what you missed Use the Hamsterwatch Daily Index to see what's coming up
>> Adam won 6-1 - James won America's Choice juror prize <<
Big ups to Adam
The usual misdirection was in place by the editors, making it sound like Ryan was going to walk away with the cash, but nope.. Adam triumphed in a 6-1 landslide, with Joshuah as the only vote for Ryan
Congratulations to Adam, and Ryan too, and huge thanks to all 16 of them - even Jacob and Neil - for putting themselves out there for our amusement
Finale pics from Getty Images and WireImage
Click for video interviews after the finale (upper right of the page) - a bit meatier than usual
Gretchen did more video interviews - more fluff than meat, plus ads
Monday's "Early Show" piece (recorded Sunday night): part 1 - part 2/extended
Dick & Janelle interview Adam and Ryan (SuperPass exclusive)
Wrap party gag reel by cugirl85: part 1 - part 2
Wrap party pics: Nichalobeze8 - Tanya - lovinthewill
Ryan & Sharon in their new duds, at their movie premiere - more pics
After-interviews revealed that James is now "openly bisexual", he knows his porn is out there, and he & Chelsia both regret hooking up in there; Natalie knows the BJs are out there; Joshuah knows his drug stuff is out there; Matt knows the girls are all on to him now; and Sheila's son didn't show up
Huge thanks also to everyone visiting the site again this season, especially those who contributed in some way - whether by posting in the forum, participating in chat, feed signups, financially, MySpace (especially Caption This contributions), and other - and also to TD/Mooman for another great season of BB Park, and to Norman, Loosee, Attw X, and Aldav as always
I'll be back for Big Brother 10, with some format or other.. thanks for encouraging my behavior
"Don't Miss it!"
The feeds are just about done for this round, and they've made a new graphic reminding us about tonight's final(e) - something most feedsters probably don't need reminding about
Luckily we have the replay in full swing, with most items on the sidebar extracurricular tally coming up in the first weeks
BBQ Smackdown retrospective
I guess BBQ Smackdown season is also over but no worries: it should be back in a few months and ready to rampage, along with the ants, who should show up extra early for BB10 since they've already found their way back.. rather than caps of Adam & Ryan packing and nervousing today, let's go with a retrospective of the grill's illustrious career, and let's hope it comes out sooner and more spectacularly this summer
Big Brother 5 - 3 events
Round 1 Initiation: final score BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0
Round 2 The Parannoyer: final score BBQ 1, Diane ½, Drew 0
Round 3 Smackdown!: final score BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0
The grill's premiere season was titled Barbecue Death Match, and marks the only time CBS ventured into the ring.. they know better now
Big Brother 6 - 2 events
Round 1 The Immolator: final score BBQ 1, Ivette 0
Round 2 Silent Showdown: final score BBQ 0, Howie 0
The Immolator, pictured above, was by far the most spectacular match of all time, and the one that showed everyone that the grill wasn't fooling around
Big Brother 8 - 3 events
Round 1 The Beast Returns: final score BBQ 1, Dick 0
Round 2 Lukewarm Reception: final score BBQ ½, Zach 0
Round 3 The Foaminator/Fuminator: final score Dick 1, BBQ 0
The two-part match with Evel Dick marks the only defeat in the grill's impressive career
Big Brother 9 - 3 events
Round 1 The Teaser: final score BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Round 2 The Stinger: final score BBQ 1, Adam 0
Round 3 The Singe: final score BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Nobody thought the grill would rise from its own ashes to fight again.. it just shows what a monster we're dealing with here
Cumulative career scorecard: 11 matches - 9 wins/7 points, 1 defeat, 1 unscored
I don't know what happened with Big Brother 7.. maybe the All-Stars weren't up to the challenge
Daily videos
Catch what you missed in the forum, linked top & bottom of every page
Daily ratings - D-U-N: It's a wrap edition
VTW = Voted to win
'Bitter, party of seven? Your finale's ready.' What a fun time watching the jury dwell in their sour grapes, particularly Sheila - who climbed all up on James like a long-lost lover, continued pretending she & Adam were feuding throughout, and told the jury they'd all have voted for her?? I think not. Noticeably missing were any or all of her four 'You both suck!' outbursts to the finalists, as well as any of the holier-than-thou jurors copping to any of their own (many) side deals, aside from Natalie, as they blasted Adam & Ryan for playing multiple sides. Joshuah carried his bitter queen act all the way til the end, but he'll really have something to be bitter about when he discovers his own press clippings.
Ah well, enough of the game.. moving onto the errors, omissions and unintentional humor. We had Julie steeling herself to utter 'A Baller' along with using 'Big Brother' and Emmy in the same sentence when Adam found out about Joshuah's fake crying, and we got one last humiliation for Sheila when she was announced as not the winner in the AC vote. By the way, that vote became the final entry in the sidebar extras tally for the season, since the ballot didn't seem to be functional for quite awhile after it was announced. We all know Neil left early and apparently voided his contract in doing so, but since Julie said '14 houseguests' had fallen before the finalists, shouldn't she have at least acknowledged his absence?
Once again this show needs to either be two hours, or do the jury Q&A on a separate show before, or cut out most of the recaps. They could still use more audience labels since they bother bringing back hamster has-beens for it, and Julie could have spent less time trying to stir up a Jen/Allison catfight there wasn't time for anyway, so she could at least acknowledge Parker, Amanda, Alex and Jacob. For that matter, they should have let the Matt/Natalie dead horse lie for once to hear something from Chelsia, James, Sheila or Sharon. Err no, wait.. on second thought, cancel that last request.
I don't do a lot of fashion reviews but this show screamed for them. Julie didn't look bad, although her outfit was dwarfed by her humongous hair as usual. Amanda looked like she was wearing a prom dress (or bridesmaid maybe?) Allison was wearing curtains, and Sharon looked like a painting fell on her. Chelsia was wearing a (very small) towel, Jen could hardly keep her boobage covered, and Natalie added a camisole or insert to her official pic outfit - probably under orders. James was in his usual pink but with his Brawny tattoo peeking out. Ironically Adam & Ryan, the two biggest slobs of the season, actually looked the nicest tonight. All in all, a typical finale with much to be desired, but overall pretty satisfying.
Won: $500,000, motorcycle Paired with Sheila
He usually had one hand down his pants and the other up his nose, and he brought vulgarity on the feeds to new lows, making us think there'd been a casting accident. But he was funny to listen to when he got going, with his wayfasttalkanddroppedsyllables and googly eyes, and he turned out to have more game than anyone suspected. CBS aired his bad choice of word for no reason, getting him into trouble he's not even aware of yet. But despite all that, he turned out to be a good guy and in the end, he'd gained loads of fans and feedsters cheering him on.
Won: $60,000, movie premiere, Beverly Hills shopping spree Jen's boyfriend / Paired with Allison Evicted unanimously & revived instantly
The third guy in a row evicted because of his partner but he got an instant reprieve, and he stuck. He came out more when Jen left, he survived her nasty words about him, and he handled being saddled with Allison like a trooper and a gentleman. He got down & dirty with the guys too, and he was the perfect Butthead to Adam's Beavis. He rarely griped or got upset, and it was funny watching him eat everything in sight. DiGiorno really should hire him as a spokesmodel.
Paired with Adam
VTW = Adam She had loads of potential but her rants, wild mood swings, repetitive loops, and entitlement speeches made even her fans crazy, and when she launched her Hate Natalie campaign she turned downright ugly. She was all contradictions about her BB knowledge, and I suspect her strategy (if any) was to brainwash her victims by talking them to death. She bashed Adam but worked with him throughout. And know this: she's 45 46 frikkin years old, she's a single frikkin mom, she's writing a frikkin book, and yew know whut? She won't be missed very much. Click for adult material from her heyday.
Won: Movie premiere, Beverly Hills shopping spree. Wasted: Slop pass. Evicted 1st - revived a few days later Paired with Jacob (her ex) Joshuah
VTW = Adam She may have driven things early, but then she drove us to distraction fingering her blue blankie thingy. The perpetual pawn stood back whenever buddies Joshuah, James, Chelsia or Sheila let loose, but she cackled about their nasty plans & deeds. Mostly she laid around, and her everlasting vindictive Jacob stories, her screechy laugh, and her calls to the BEEBIES won't be missed. Strategy? Maybe.. but watching-wise, she was a dud. See Attw x's tribute :)
Paired with Matt
VTW = Adam Party girl deluxe who did things no hamster ever has or probably ever will again. She stripped, suds'd, slurped and grinded her way into many feedsters' hearts (and a few other places), all the while being cheery, fun, and unbelievably candid. Later she toned it down and talked & preached too much, but she's easily the Star of the Season and Most Photogenic. She'll also be remembered for kooky kneesocks, nail polish paintings, and homemade dairy products.
Won: $25,000 Revived a minute after his first eviction Paired with Chelsia
VTW = Adam Offline scandals kept popping up but CBS kept hyping him - damage control maybe. He pushed Chelsia til she did what she promised Daddy she wouldn't, but most of that was blocked. He cried when nobody liked him, he slept a lot, got nekkid a lot, masturbated a lot, and topped Cowboy's hat trick with his tuck. Like another James before him, he played all sides too soon and too eagerly, and it came back to bite him. Click for his adult material.
Paired with Neil Sharon
VTW = Ryan He put on costumes and breakfast shows, and did hot tub monologues, praying & sobbing aloud. He exploded viciously on Amanda & Allison, and about Sheila & Natalie (usually focused on genitalia), but he left the guys alone except James, who he c-blocked & puppy-dogged. He had lots of schemes to save himself but used them up early, and his huge drama potential fell short when we needed it most. He had the only Diary restraining order I know of: 5 feet away from Allison.
Won: $21,000 Vegas trip Paired with James
VTW = Adam Sometimes a spitfire who gave us good fights & fireworks but she laid around with James way too much, which was her undoing and ours. She'll be remembered for feedmasters' attempts to protect her, strip/lap dance/makeout night, having sex, raunchy stories, a colorful vocabulary, getting smashed, smashing everyone's Easter eggs, and for going out with the nasty speeches they all threaten but rarely follow through with.
Paired with Natalie
VTW = Adam America's Playa came on strong, prepared to showmance his way through all the girls and into the money. That didn't work out but he was fun to have around and he usually kept things light amid the chaos. He brought BJs to the feeds and made Bibles fun in there. Despite the fact that he's a pig, he has some good qualities too and he kinda grows on you.
Paired with Ryan
She called it manipulation - I call it emotional blackmail with a lot of 'poor me' thrown in. One of the most delusional hamsters ever (and that's saying something), she's the poster girl for Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It. She did give us some confrontation doozies and fireworks deluxe but trust her, like one million percent, she does not care.
Revive-a-Hamster winner & loser Paired with Amanda
He started out looking like he was on board with Matt's showmance plan and CBS picked up that angle, but then we got to know a bright, charismatic, and goofy guy who had everything going for him in there except his partner. His diplomacy was remarkable and he might have gone the distance, but he went out as another casualty of 'Til Death Do You Part'.
Paired with Alex
She began with hysterics & drama and was at the center of the biggest BB fight ever, but she went out with more of a whimper than a bang. Her moods dropped as fast as her blood sugar but to her credit, she rebounded just as fast. She & Allison had dual 911 events, but Amanda's collapse brought unexpected (and uniformed) guests into the habitat and onto the air.
Won: $5,000 Ryan's girlfriend / Paired with Parker
She & Ryan could have gone far if she hadn't opened her mouth in the first days. She made loads of enemies in a short time and took Parker down with her. She'll be remembered for super-quickie sex in the bathroom and a rash on her backside.. hmm, coincidence?
Won: $5,000 Paired with Jen
He was good watching at first til he gave up and went on strike. He bounced back a bit at the end but his doom came early when partner Jen couldn't keep her trap shut about her & Ryan. She had to go, and he was just the innocent bystander casualty. 'I'm sick of people's dumbass assinine ass comments' might be Line of the Season.
Paired with Joshuah
He left suddenly and mysteriously but wrote on his MySpace that he didn't leave for health reasons, and that he won't be back. He seems like a good guy and I wish him well.. he's probably lucky he got out when he did, unscathed.
Paired with Sharon (his ex)
Gone before the feeds kicked in: he didn't even make an appearance. All that potential for rehashing their breakup and/or a jealous rage up in smoke. To make it worse, he & Sharon didn't even get an exit interview in Julie's boudoir - how rude!
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Miss something big? Go back in time and see how we got where we did! The feeds replay has begun, only on SuperPass!
Click for links or use DogDave's popup. Use the BB9 daily index to see what's coming up.
Sheila Kennedy will be doing a chat on SuperPass on July 2 at 6pm PT/9pm ET.
BB10 premieres Sunday, July 13
Eviction shows will have a live audience - first one is July 16
Q&A video chats with Adam & Matt, and with James are available to replay - only on SuperPass
BB2/7's Dr. Will and Boogie are featured on a new installment of 'Where Are They Now: Reality Stars' currently airing on VH1.
Sunday's finale was third for the hour with a 4.4 rating and 7 share, behind 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' on ABC with 7.4/12, and 'The Simpsons' and 'King of the Hill' on Fox, with 4.6/8 and 4.0/6 respectively.
First place earns $500k, second gets $50k. The others earn $750 a week, including jury sequester weeks for those that go there
Rumors are swirling that they'll have an older, more diverse cast this summer, but we've heard all that before.. time will tell.
If you want to be on it, click for the eligibility requirements and application. Watch Craigslist in May/June, sign with actormodel agencies they use (such as this one) or go right to the horse's mouth, the BB casting director. Stay informed about upcoming casting info with BigBrother Casting Calls.
Round 1, The Teaser: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Round 2, The Stinger: BBQ 1, Adam 0
Round 3, The Singe: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
See the grill's illustrious career recap
Sex: 7x (3 Jen/Ryan; 4 James/Chelsia)
Oral: 4x (all Natalie/Matt)
Sex tallies are minumums, based on overwhelming circumstantial evidence
Self-servicers: 3 (James, Adam, Matt)
Makeout session pairings: 4 (Jen/Ryan, James/Chelsia, Alex/Sharon, Matt/Sharon)
Nekkid makeout pool orgy: 1
Nekkid party favor: 3 (Natalie, James, Chelsia)
Nekkid party trick: 2 (James, Natalie)
Ambulance rides: 2 (Amanda, Allison)
Rodent bites: 1 (Ryan)
OB Incidents: 1 (Ryan/Adam)
Returned evictees: 3 (Sharon, Ryan, James)
Revive-a-Hamster vote hoaxes: 1
Favorite juror vote hoaxes: ½
'Best Week Ever' mentions: 3 (Adam)
'The Soup' mentions: 1 (Alex/Amanda)
Major fights: too many to count
Chelsia abortion/baby mentions after Diary said one more and she's out: 2
See it all with a monthly or quarterly feeds subscription. Both include a two week free trial with no obligation to buy.
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Click to see my full list of BB9 links. These are some of my favorites.
24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv
No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info
Hamsterwatch Chatroom
Hamsterwatch Forum
BB9 adult/explicit links
CBS Big Brother 9 the official site
DogDave BB9 by any name, still the first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town
Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan
BuddyTV - Big Brother 9 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 9 all the links
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again
Reality TV Links - Big Brother 9 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites
THANKS FOR VISITING Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button below or direct by email. Please support other BB9 sites that you like, too. Many thanks!
This site isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.
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