Big Brother 6 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

hamsterAugust 11, 2006 - Day 40

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>> Janelle is Head of Household - Erika & Danielle are nominated << is sick - the page may load slowly and graphics extra-slowly
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What the hell?

In Kaysar's "Early Show" interview Julie says "Last night you looked completely shocked when I revealed to you that James, your alliance member, is not completely trustworthy, so I want to get your reaction to a piece of secret video that we're about to play of your friend Janelle, and you tell me if what you're about to see surprises you.. This is a video that no one's ever seen before in primetime or anything else"

They proceed to show Janelle telling a story to Kaysar, Danielle, Will & Marcellas about an ex and a girlfriend and a knife that has indeed been seen - it was on the feeds, and Janelle later said she'd made it up to tell a good story.. big whup

The piece includes Diary comments by Danielle ("Bing! You crazy!") and Will ("Janelle's got a long-standing history of being very vindictive when things don't go her way" - said with a smile) but the really surprising part comes from Julie again: "Was this eye opening to you about your - she's one of your closest friends, if not your closest friend in the house?" Kaysar says he thought it was a joke at first (which it was) and that he wanted to leave the room

Julie says "And lose her number, quickly" - watch the video

First of all, what does that have to do with Kaysar who deserves an exit interview like everyone else? Or James, who Julie began the question with? I've seen Jase, Nakomis & Diane go into great (albeit uninteresting) game detail on the "Early Show" but Kaysar gets asked about a Janelle made-up story? WTF? Janelle didn't have anything to do with the screwup that caused Julie to work late


No, that's not confirmed as the Coup d'Etat answer, but it's a lot more likely than the DNA DoNotAssume or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing stuff they're guessing.. they probably still have last year's leftover safes which would be a good diversion: prize angst could make them overlook a safe being a clue

Word on the street is they got the middle sized table but I think they just removed some chairs.. the beds return, but the sheep hasn't been seen since its five minute post-live show cameo

More has-beens arrive for the food comp: BB2 Nicole, BB4 Jun, and one of my all-time faves BB5 Marvin - cooks/chefs all - judge their home-made slop concoctions.. I miss it but Aldav's got the video.. I gather they all eat this week, except George of course

We get a preview of what the Coup might look like when Janelle nominates Danielle & Erika (especially Erika, who's so distressed about her quickie HOH she sees the shrink).. apparently Janelle tells Danielle in the ceremony that her game is strong (which Danielle runs with, it being so different than The Weak Story) and she tells Erika that she likes her but detests her game
After noms videos: Willboogie - Danielle & Erika - Janelle with Willboogie & George

It's mostly the usual stuff game-wise: gotta-win-veto, what's-the-coup, gotta-win-HOH, etc.. and the usual odd poses here & there
Erika goes on a foraging binge (definitely unusual) and James deviates from his usual horizontal position, kinda

Not long after noms they get a booze delivery and feedsters cheer, hoping for a fight & excitement.. we get to enjoy a bit of their sippy dialog - watch the video.. it's all very promising, what with Will getting each of them going (without them realizing it) and jokingly pulling the wine away from Danielle.. she's not joking when she pulls it back though.. Erika runs her fingers through Howie's hair during a break
But Boogie's stories about an Amsterdam hooker bring us flames and WAY TOO LOUD music and the party's over by the time we get back

James, Guacamole Monster & George tell love stories to each other and George gets attacked by a giant ant.. later they meet up with Danielle & Howie in the red room (redrum) for a Hare Krishna meeting, or something

Janelle hangs out with Willboogie & Erika at the hot tub for awhile, and then she's replaced by Danielle - the tone quickly changes from fun & light to serious & deadly.. between shifts Will tells us that Erika & Boogie have been an item for six months - but that doesn't jive with what Willboogie have said to each other when alone
Meanwhile, Marcellas cleans the fridge - they definitely got milk

Erika gets busy

I apologize for what follows.. I seem to be doing that a lot this season

First Boogie joins Will in the shower and they whisper around the dividing curtain a bit.. normally Will might say something like "It isn't about sexuality - it's about strategy" but he doesn't this time

Then Erika comes along and peeks in, then hops in and peeks
Will's outta there pretty soon after that, and Erika waves at us for some reason.. afterward she dances (literally) around the bathroom and around the house in her towel

Meanwhile Will talks to Janelle & Howie for a long, long time about the game, split the money, veto, etc etc etc and bores her to tears, and us too

Erika & Boogie make up the big, big eviction bed and share a kiss - "just one" - before turning in.. watch the video
They make slurpy sounds on each others' hands awhile and kiss some more.. she keeps saying they have to stop before Marcellas comes in to bed.. they separate and she follows to his side.. they separate again and her feet go after him.. they separate again and he goes undercovers - watch the 10 minute video.. Will visits for a minute
This could be Boogie following up the showmance angle and/or cementing an alliance, or they could have been an item before going in.. they say some interesting stuff about seeing each other at the casting special and pretending to act surprised?

Erika says she doesn't want to hear anymore Amsterdam stories, and "this is like a big elaborate date you've got me on"

Boogie gives us a V-for-victory signal and later a thumbs up.. he also glances directly up at the camera a few times


Today's must-click special:
Marvin Latimer's site with video clips, quotes, photos.. what's up Marvin!! (strong language)

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Aldav first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town (adult content)
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Houseguest Tributes videos, quotes, pics from all seasons by BB's number one fan Attw x
Househappenings in-depth Big Brother analysis by IA aka It's Aawwn
Photochops by C=Venus - also try Destroy a Hamster by Johnbb
Big Brother Keyhole peruse various BB sites in the same window, feeds too

Reality TV Links - Big Brother 7 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 7 All Stars all the links
Patrick's Place One-man BB show, 20+ streaming cams including his car
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CBS Big Brother 7 the official site, plus Housecalls live weekdays 10am BB/1pm ET
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BB7 Park by TD South Park-inspired versions of the goings on
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Text the number of who should be prom king or queen to 81818 - the winner will have an advantage in next week's HOH comp
1-Marcellas 2-Janelle 3-Will
4-James 5-Danielle 6-Howie
7-Boogie 8-Erika 9-George
50¢ per text vote

Thursday's live show won its time slow. Next show is Sunday 8pm.

All-stars still aren't top Googles

Click to watch Howie & Janelle talk about Reality Chicks gear
Official Howie merchandise and more

Reality Chicks
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Daily ratings are stuck in neutral.

A Halloween special in August? Broken buzzers? Prom night??

Nooooo I don't want to watch him make out with Erika in the greenlight! I don't know if he's as true-blue to his better half as we (and Will) have been led to believe. It sounds like he & Erika had an arrangment before coming in and Boogie's working up the showmance angle to an icky degree. Boogie's version to Will about his past with Erika was dinner awhile ago with hopes of a one-night stand but Boogie passed out and Erika left. Now they're all over each other in bed, kissing and licking each other's hands with slurpy noises, while Boogie signals to us.

She didn't like being nominated again but that's not surprising. Feedmasters kept us away from the wine party so there's no telling what went on but she got tipsy enough that James scolded her afterward and told her to get to bed since she has an important veto comp tomorrow. As promised, I didn't pay much more attention to her today than that.

I didn't pay much attention to her either til she started slurping Boogie's hand in bed, playing footsie and kissing him. She visited the shrink since she's so upset about losing her HOH status and letting Janelle have her blue room, but maybe she should be asking Dr. Zachary why she's made out with three - count 'em, three! - BB hamster guys now. That's gotta be a record. I still don't think there's much of a love connection between these two, judging by their inept & almost awkward pillowtalk before, that turned to a giggly, first date flavor tonight, plus the fact that weeks ago in the hammock one of them mentioned 'since June 10'.. if that's when this 'thing' started, it's likely a showmance of the 'help me win' variety more than the 'give me tv time' type Boogie's such an expert at.

I didn't pay much attention to him either but he told a nice story to James about meeting the lovely Teresa (Mrs. Chicken) and he put up with James' constant F-bombs & other cussing without even flinching as he told his own love story about Sarah. Again.

You just want to bang his head together with Janelle's and scream at them sometimes about how many people are conning them at any given time, but Janelle's sleeping upstairs and Howie's her number one fan so it all works out anyway. At least for now. I'm not sure if the new goatee is doing anything for him or not, but I'm guessing not.

I didn't pay much attention to him either - who am I kidding? I didn't pay much attention to any of them today - but he looked grouchy & miserable whenever I saw him so I gather nothing's changed in his little corner of the habitat.

I feel kinda bad about giving her negs yesterday - first time ever I think - but see Howie and my headbanging comment about them. She wore her sexy new nightie and plushy robe all over town while being schmoozed by all and sundry tonight, proving once again that while she knows they're all out to get her, she's got her buxomness as a natural defense to keep her safe. Plus Howie, of course.

I barely saw him today.

Dr. Will
He owns them all (still) but the greenlight brought a new possibility that Boogie's got an outside insurance policy of his own. Will's been pushing the showmance idea for Boogie so maybe he's in on it and it's all for show, but things could really get interesting if he's not in on the whole story.


He said his heart wasn't in it this year and that he was saving his big moves for later: both fatal in the BB house, and not kicking out Will when he could was pivotal to the season. But he shaved his head for the game and stopped twisting his hair too. Good to see him again and overnighters especially will miss him.


Sadly, she didn't stand a chance this year. She came in defeated & involved in a feud, and lost all her partners. Mrs. Smith didn't give us the fireworks she's capable of but she's always an all-star in my book and I wish her well.


His alliances and behavior were all over the map this time and both got him kicked out. He went out the back door again but it wasn't intentional this time. So long, mirror-face.


Not the most charismatic and she didn't start playing in time, but each side kicked her out so the other couldn't have her. Kudos to her for having the guts to return.


She worked out and hid in a vase but the potential for catfights & dramatics left with her. She didn't live up to her skanky rep: good for her, bad for us.

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This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo

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