Big Brother 6 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

hamsterJuly 14, 2006 - Day 12

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>> Kaysar is Head of Household <<
>> Diane & Nakomis are nominated <<

Boogie drowns Diane

In oatmeal

Their team wins the food comp so it's ok

They get their 7.30 am wakeup call, and Big Brother is ready for them around 11.30.. their adrenalin drops to nil while they wait.. most don't eat since they don't know what's waiting

Will adopts a kind of messiah pose, and later splays across the lazy susan - Big Brother yells at Nakomis to STOP THAT! when she gives him a spin.. Danielle goes to back to sleep and Kaysar has to fetch her to the comp bleary-eyed

They don overalls - apparently it's a farmer theme - George comes close to flashing us but we're saved from that.. they decide teams & pairs arbitarily (maybe) based on where they're sitting, then it's outside to line up

They've showed food comps before but today it's mostly flames with only a few quick peeks.. pairs are shackled together arm & leg.. they stumble up to a trough of oatmeal where they have to pull out rats, without using their hands

Between the flames, I was on what turned out to be the winning team.. George & Jase are up first - George is a monster, diving all the way in and going for broke

Boogie & Diane go at it intensely too, though Diane probably wishes for a different partner when he shoves her in for the near-drowning.. Will & Erika aren't about to be outdone: Will pushes Erika so hard that he cracks or bruises one of her ribs

Emcee Kaysar announces the winners.. losing team Howie, Nakomis, Danielle, James, Janelle & Marcellas are on oatmeal now for a week

It's a messy affair - watch the video if you have a strong stomach

Even after hosing off they're still oatmealy.. Erika's hurting

You can't tell the winners from the losers- they're all miserable as they line up for showers

Not everyone's down, though Will feels bad about Erika and helps coordinate medical attention for her.. some who are down give us a laugh anyway

The slop arrives in a big bucket with lots of smaller buckets and a lengthy list defining "condiments".. Will & Jase read the ingredients and proclaim it not only healthy but super-healthy.. Howie makes his first batch strawberry-flavored

Paging Dr. Will

Will & Boogie visit the red room (redrum) where Marcellas is holding court and telling them all stores about Radford Place, the soap opera starring them all that he & Janelle made up the night before

Kaysar comes to the door and asks if Will & Boogie can come up to chat.. James doesn't seem pleased


Kaysar tells them they're safe and that he's thinking about nominating some of the floaters.. Will says it was bad form when Howie ran up with such exuberance when Kaysar won HOH, and Kaysar agrees.. Boogie goes on a long tirade about how he detests floaters and how he hates that so many have won the game


Will asks if there's anything Kaysar wants in return and he says no, which surprises them.. Will adds that he feels bad about hurting Erika so it would be nice if she weren't nominated & sent home.. Kaysar says probably not (but doesn't give names), and asks if they were the two votes for Danielle? Will says Diane & Nakomis were, and adds the lines of communication are always open - watch the video

Janelle comes up when they leave and Kaysar replays the convo for her (leaving out his "that's what I figured" response about Diane/Nakomis).. he jokes about acting like a badass thug and says he kind of believed them that they had nobody else on their team

James comes up and gets the surprise of his life - watch the video.. then Kaysar repeats the convo for him too.. James thinks Nakomis & Boogie should be nominated.. George comes up looking for his shoes
Janelle: You're going to go up as a pawn
Kaysar: Yea
James: Fuck you
Janelle: We have the votes
James [after George passes through]: All that was was recon.. they sent him out of the red room to come up here
Kaysar: We're not gonna make the same mistake we did last time
Kaysar: Why would you send Boogie home?

'Recon' is bogus - they're still playing soap opera in red room.. also I have to wonder why Kaysar or Janelle don't counter with 'Why don't you want to send Nakomis home?

The slop eaters eat slop and the rest cook up their new groceries.. Erika's up & around.. Diane asks Boogie what happened upstairs and he's truthful, he tells her no names were mentioned (by now she's wondering why the others changed their votes to Alison)
Is it me or does Boogie have an Ethel Mertz thing going on here?

Diane's in the game

The flames come and go, and when they do Diane's in tears.. she & Nakomis have been nominated per Kaysar's plan

She cries a long time and alternately berates & promotes herself, like she does.. some of it's kinda sad.. various hamsters pass through and all the time Nakomis holds her hand

James is all calmed down again (safe from the block) and apologizes for having told her she'd be safe.. Kaysar apologizes for upsetting her with the nom and says the requisite "nothing personal" (which it isn't, this time only).. Boogie finishes his earlier report and addresses everyone's suspicion.. Marcellas brings some jokes along with his own personal relief and asks if she was ever nominated before (shouldn't he know this stuff?).. eventually they all leave and she cries awhile longer by herself
Diane: Why did I have to cry? I feel like such a pansy
Nakomis: Cuz you're a girl
Diane: I told you, I'm not an all-star.. I don't belong here
Boogie: We didn't make a deal.. he told me he was gonna go after what he calls floaters
Diane: I killed all my brain cells, I smoked too much pot!
Diane: I'm not a cutthroat.. I used to be but I'm not anymore
Diane: Diane haters are loving this
Diane: It's gonna take hours for my face to de-puff
Marcellas: But you look pretty

She'd feel worse if she knew she's the 'pond' (Cowboy's word for pawn)

Diane eventually resurfaces (apparently not fully de-puffed).. she talks about having cried but they all tell her not to worry about it and she starts to bounce back.. Will gives her a nice pep-talk, saying it took him a long time to get over his experience in there, and she needs to keep her priorities straight

George finds a box in the pantry "What the hell is this thing? Looks like some kinda snake" It's Kaysar's hookah.. he sets it up
James talks about hanging out with Shannon Elizabeth at a party (she's a big BB fan)
James: I've been so desensitized by the whole nomination thing
Danielle [earlier]: They didn't tell you who they were going to nominate?
James: Nope
Danielle: That's strange

Diane seems to be ok again.. she could be in a cigarette ad with this look, if there were such things.. Nakomis brings out her new orange

Those not on restriction keep cooking different things, driving the oatmealers crazy..
It's a little worse with a small booze delivery.. good to see George smiling again

George does a spectacular bellyflop into the pool - I miss it but it's enough to bring the flames yet again - I bet they have a No Bellyflops rule now

Of course little meetings happen here & there, all the time - I'm not keeping up with them all.. they get a lawn golf setup, and Will holds a meeting from a pool raft.. Boogie, Jase & Erika are there, and now George is with them too

Will says Nakomis is formidable the way she's taking the nom, and Diane's emotional.. Jase says Nakomis is strong competition, Diane not so much (he neglects to mention losing to her in their 9½ hour endurance comp).. Will says Kaysar's brilliant, and that his nominations were a really good move for him

Diane & Nakomis trash Janelle when they go to bed - it's the same stuff we heard last year from Maggie & April - their nominations are her fault, she controls Kaysar, they hate her, etc etc - some ugly stuff too.. Nakomis says "I hope they don't edit me weird".. Diane speaks into her mic about a speaker problem in their room: "BB this is Diane speaking, I'm here in the red room.." (I'd have thought she knew how it all worked now)

Howie gets stuck in the shower without a towel.. it's on tomorrow's episode

Marcellas seems to be the designated Night Prowler of BB7, roaming the house after everyone else is in bed and again (or still) before anyone's up in the morning.. he looked in the fridge but I don't think he took anything (he's on oatmeal)

Diary seems to be telling them all to make up names for their alliances so that's why they're all stuck on that stupidity.. Boogie said "Tonight they used the term S6".. James likes Team America for the BB6 quartet (that's a photochop just waiting to happen).. Diane & Nakomis cycled thru ideas for the BB6 group including Beauty & the Geeks, and more than a few that won't make it to tv.. some are calling those two Nerd Town now


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Thursday live shows are rarely great tv but this one backfired more than once. Their two filler bits are already wearing thin: George's snoring already went as far as it could on the last show, and 'Howie has a crush on Will' is just lame.. too bad they don't pick up on their comedy routine instead since it's actually funny, and how/why did they omit Alison hiding in the urn? The 'Jase has matured' bit fell flat too, thanks to his old-style Jase outfit, and the Alison/Janelle catfight buildup went pfffttt thanks to Alison's classy exit (and probably Janelle's unaired farewell to her). They did get one dig in there by asking Alison who would gain the most weight this season for the T/F comp, knowing she'd say Janelle. They probably made Ali's doctor boyfriend wear his white coat & stethoscope for his interview, and they probably neglected to tell him he'd be accompanied by clown music - WTF was that about? Letting the evictee stay on a few minutes to be involved in the HOH comp was a nice touch, but too bad Julie couldn't come up with the right result when faced with one True and one False, especially after her preschool-like explanation of the extremely simple rules. No twists as promised, not even the anti-PBJ, and no explanation about dual HOHs becoming one again.

Drowning your partner in oatmeal might qualify for ups in some cases, but this wasn't one of them. But he dove in the trough himself too and earned his food. It seems like he's getting a little cocky and trying to step out of Will's shadow a bit, which may be his undoing eventually. He started off doing all the talking to Kaysar but backed down in a hurry when Will stepped in for the closer. Then after a long speech to Kaysar about his disdain for game floaters in general, he later told Diane (truthfully) that Kaysar had told him he'd be going after 'what he calls floaters'.. said with a derisive tone this time. He's making some loud comments about George, Janelle, Kaysar and some of the others that are a little below the belt but hey, that's Boogie for you.

She's not a happy camper but she's dealing with her oatmeal for now. I'm still not sure exactly who she's truly in with but her eyes & ears are open in a big way. James has been trying to work on her for much of the day but I think she's aware of what he's trying to do. I don't know if she knew James was lying when he told her he didn't know who'd be nominated but if she did, look out.

She started off being shoved into oatmeal by Boogie and nearly drowning, then lived up to every expectation by bursting into tears when she was nominated. She showed she's as self-centered as always by moaning longest & loudest to Nakomis, who's in the same boat. The only thing that would make her feel worse would be if she knew she only went up as a pawn. She earned a bit of compassion with a genuine-sounding 'I knew I didn't deserve to be an all-star' but quickly buried it under bitterness & phony bravado, like she does. The extended pity party still works for her though: it got her tons of attention. She worked up some hatred for Janelle out of thin air at bedtime, blaming her 100% for her nomination and echoing April & Maggie at their worst. And just like April & Maggie, all her excuses to hate Janelle are totally fabricated. Jealousy & paranoia still aren't pretty on Diane (and sorry, but neither are her new teeth.)

She's still flying under everyone's radar but she's doing it at supersonic speed - she's the one name that rarely comes up as a potential nominee even when they look out several weeks ahead. That's probably because she's in on most of everyone's meetings. She still doesn't provide much entertainment but she gets courtesy ups for bearing up well under injury and still winning the food comp. It's tempting to make a joke about her getting injured by food, but I won't.

I missed his big belly flop but I was impressed with the intensity he went into the oatmeal with. I don't know if his teammates gave him kudos for helping them to the win, but he surely deserves them. Today he turned out to be another secret member of the Will/Boogie team, but at this point nothing's surprising there. James might know that or he might be parannoying again, but George seems to be James' next target in the Keep James Safe plan. He's boosting up his nomination appeal all over town, and he claimed George was 'on recon' when he wandered into HOH looking for his shoes.. but the poor guy was just looking for his shoes. It was good to see him smile a bit after yesterday's apparent misery, even though the rest of them still rarely talk to him.

Possibly the only thing worse than Howie doing his routine is Howie not doing anything. He's been saying some good stuff again and is hanging around both Will & Jase as assigned, but after the oatmeal settled he was mostly off my feeds. He's probably bummed about eating oatmeal all week but he discovered he likes it so he might do okay on it.

As usual, all nervousing ended when his key came out of the box. I don't know how his teammates don't see how amped up & paranoid he gets twice a week, especially when they're the ones nominating. Maybe they do, but they rarely talk about whether they should keep trusting him to the extent they do. Meanwhile he's starting to work on Danielle, Jase & Boogie and trying to worm his way into whatever circles they're in. We're dangerously close to a two-sided divided house again, and just like last year much of it will be his doing. He's good at what he does, but he does it so obviously, and so much in his own interests while proclaiming 'team', that it isn't much fun to watch. Another predictable side vs. side season with him running back & forth between them won't be either.

I didn't see her oatmeal bath but I bet it was something to watch her & Marcellas going at it together - they were both covered afterwards. She's letting Kaysar & Howie shoot down all her instincts this time even though she's often right. It's mind-boggling to hear reruns of April/Maggie hatred for her coming from Diane & Nakomis based on nothing but jealousy, but it's maybe a little worse this time, and a little sad, since Janelle likes Nakomis and respects them both.

Chances are nobody would have picked George to partner with for oatmeal diving but these two were a power team and did well. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Jase & Diane) was sounding like a certainty especially since the BB5 alliance was one of the first we were allowed to see. But tonight Diane & Nakomis talked about being the only two without an alliance, so who knows? Jase has gone so low-energy that bath buddies seems farther from making a comeback than ever: he & Will took side by side showers tonight that were virtually silent. Maybe he's playing and maybe he's parannoying, but he's no good to us if he's just moping.

Regardless if his plan is good or bad, it's in place now so we have to accept it. It's working as planned so far: Jase is unsettled and Diane & Nakomis are pissed off.. Will even said it was 'brilliant' and that it knocked Kaysar down to positon #4 on his personal hit list. But even as Kaysar keeps saying he doesn't want to repeat last year's mistakes, he is doing so by talking all grandiose and know-it-all when he doesn't know it all. He's focusing on the females (his weak spot), he's losing more fans by the minute, and he's discounting Janelle's instincts. She was right about the two votes for Danielle being Diane & Nakomis but he said they weren't; then when Will confirmed it to him today he said 'Yea, that's what I figured.' Not to mention taking it all too seriously again.

He was covered in glop so I think he gave a good effort, but he's going to be even more insufferable now that he's on oatmeal - he's the one person who's likely to bitch most about it. His spontaneous late night soap opera story with Janelle was fun at the time but it looks like it might take hold as everyone's activity-hour activity til the playing cards show up.. I don't know if we need that on top of the rest of this mess.

We expect Diane to become bitter & vindictive when she's crossed, but Nakomis joining in her bedtime hate-fest in the red room (redrum) with the intensity she did was surprising. She's led us to believe she'd be above jumping to conclusions & name calling without having the facts first, but apparently she isn't. Even though she sat there and let Diane hold her personal pity party for the nomination block they're both sitting on, it was disappointing to see that generosity turn to the nasty stuff it did later.

Dr. Will
He felt bad about hurting Erika but feedsters said it was game. He gave Diane a great pep-talk after her tears but feedsters said it was game. He moves out ahead and people say he doesn't need the money; he slips back and they say he won one so shouldn't get to win another.. it's no wonder he insults the fans as often as he does. He's the only one in there having any fun at the moment and the only one providing any. Best of all, he's always fighting the real enemy by insulting production every chance he gets.


She worked out and hid in a vase but the potential for catfights & dramatics left with her. She didn't live up to her skanky rep: good for her, bad for us.

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This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo

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