July 13, 2006 - Day 11
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>> Alison evicted 8-2 <<
>> Kaysar is Head of Household <<
Bye bye Alison
As expected, Alison is the first all-star evicted
She does a classy exit interview, not biting at all on Julie's bitch bait, and responded in kind to Erika's positive, friendly and almost touching farewell - so much for the drama the writers keep expecting for their Good vs. Evil theme
Alison's Big Brother experience is complete now: as BB4's second place she didn't get to walk the plank, shake Julie's hand or get an exit interview in Julie's boudoir
They line up in their tollbooths for "Alison Rules" HOH comp.. most are taken out by guessing wrong on the obvious (that before going into BB7 Alison thought her toughest adversary would be Erika).. then Kaysar beats Nakomis for the final and inevitable toilet toothbrush question and he becomes HOH.. apparently we're back to just one
If anyone still had doubts about the Kaysar/Janelle/Howie alliance, the truth is clear even before Julie corrects her big flub congratulating Nakomis.. ditto if anyone still had doubts about James being 100% with them.. and the room key is passed
Maybe James was just irritated by Howie's enthusiasm, or by Julie's unprofessionalism.. ya think?
To suck up or not to suck up
After the show, Janelle congratulates Danielle for still being there and they chat a bit.. Danielle is as friendly & chatty as can be
James is next, having a rushed whispered convo with Janelle warning her off Jase (a few days late) and hinting that Howie may be in with Will & Boogie.. he's biting his nails.. watch the video
Outside at the clean-again hot tub, Jase is trashing Howie and saying he's become arrogant & obnoxious - he's clearly annoyed and almost angry.. they speculate a bit about what Kaysar & friends might do.. I'm surprised to find out Marcellas is there.. later Erika joins and the convo continues, but when Danielle arrives it turns to chit-chat
Will [with Marcellas & Erika present]: If I go this week you guys gotta take those BB6 people out
Nakomis sits down to teach Diane to play chess.. Kaysar joins and then Danielle, who talks about her first nominee experience.. they wonder if Kaysar's hookah will show up
Marcellas entertains the hot tub crowd with monologues accompanied by his great variety of facial expressions
Marcellas: People say Danielle got robbed - I say Alison got robbed! People who play an out-front game is who I respect.. I can't get away with it with you guys, but I'd take bedhopping to new levels if I could
Kaysar's HOH room debut is a nice bonus for all: along with new pics on the walls there's a new color scheme of black, white & grays.. they even changed the furniture, knick-knacks, and flooring.. Kaysar's glad to see his photos of course.. hamsters from older seasons are still amazed at the goodies provided
Will, Jase & Boogie are the last to arrive and Will seems suddenly exhausted - I won't say bored but it's an over-large yawn - Boogie's the first to exit but not before a Howie hug
Danielle stays a few minutes extra and so does George, who seems a little lost tonight
Framing of the upstairs feeds is shifted offside than elsewhere for some reason so pardon the occasional thick borders.. I get the daily episodes up too late as it is without re-cropping them
Kaysar, Janelle & Howie dive into the snacks and get down to business.. they discuss putting up Nakomis & Diane rather than taking out bigger targets that would make them bigger targets in return.. Howie & Janelle are glad to see the old Kaysar back, and Kaysar & Janelle are glad and surprised at Howie's bursts of wisdom (between farts).. they talk about Jase, and about James - they think they can placate Jase by letting him know he's safe, and they feel James is not a threat to them, yet
Janelle: Why were you playing stupid last week? Kaysar: I was trying to lay low.. I've only been to the DR three times since I got here .... Howie: HOHs and POVs are insignificant next to the power of dissension.. let's try to turn these people on each other Kaysar: When did you get smart Howie? .... Howie: I'm winning the next head of household, 100% Kaysar: You said that yesterday
They sprinkle laughs with business, like they do, and talk about Howie's exuberance at Kaysar's win.. Howie says the others can't not know they're an alliance "when there's pictures of us on the wall celebrating last year's HOH win together".. Janelle guesses the two Danielle votes correctly (Howie & Kaysar disagree).. she tells Kaysar she'd heard he'd threatened Boogie & Will, which astonishes him - watch the video
James joins them.. he seems rushed & nervous (it's Thursday night after all).. he loses his train of thought completely at one point.. he stresses "the four of us" and suggests that Boogie may be more dangerous than Will - watch the video
Pool & misery
Business is over, for now
James goes off "to listen"
Janelle practices catching Kaysar-tossed snacks
Howie joins the non-HOH crowd at the hot tub and turns back into the Howie we know
They move from tub to pool and James joins in.. much of the convo is double-entendres about teams & switching sides.. Erika has a good time and cheerleads all
They move inside and Kaysar comes down.. Erika's still having fun.. George still isn't
Some wander off to bed.. James sticks near Jase.. cams zoom in and hold on some of the bugs in the bugs & platitudes room, maybe for a future comp - they have numbers on them - or maybe out of boredom.. some of them have been studying the numbers
Marcellas is alone, talking to himself as he gives himself a manicure.. things like "he better have a ring for me" and "I won't always look like this".. it's kinda funny and kinda sad.. Janelle leaves Howie & Kaysar in HOH and finds him when she comes down to spend her first night downstairs
They do their nails together and chat, then stand by the photo wall and make up a complicated soap opera including everyone - it's funny stuff, watch the videos caught by bbfan
They head off to bed around 5.. their first food comp is tomorrow - most are dreading it since Alison thought the mysterious anti-PBJ might be bugs for a week.. it's scheduled for 7.30am, but Big Brother kept them waiting over 3 hours past scheduled start time for the garbage dump veto comp
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VTE = Voted to evict Individual daily ratings are based on entertainment value
Thursday live shows are rarely great tv but this one backfired more than once. Their two filler bits are already wearing thin: George's snoring already went as far as it could on the last show, and 'Howie has a crush on Will' is just lame.. too bad they don't pick up on their comedy routine instead since it's actually funny, and how/why did they omit Alison hiding in the urn? The 'Jase has matured' bit fell flat too, thanks to his old-style Jase outfit, and the Alison/Janelle catfight buildup went pfffttt thanks to Alison's classy exit (and probably Janelle's unaired farewell to her). They did get one dig in there by asking Alison who would gain the most weight this season for the T/F comp, knowing she'd say Janelle. They probably made Ali's doctor boyfriend wear his white coat & stethoscope for his interview, and they probably neglected to tell him he'd be accompanied by clown music - WTF was that about? Letting the evictee stay on a few minutes to be involved in the HOH comp was a nice touch, but too bad Julie couldn't come up with the right result when faced with one True and one False, especially after her preschool-like explanation of the extremely simple rules. No twists as promised, not even the anti-PBJ, and no explanation about dual HOHs becoming one again.
VTE Alison I didn't see much of him today but I'm guessing he'll be getting busy soon as Will sends him to sniff out the new power and related fallout. His farewell message to Alison made it sound like he voted her to stay.. maybe he hadn't voted yet and forgot which way he was going to, or maybe he's just hedging his bets in case Alison returns.
No vote (nominated) She did well for her first time in the eviction chair, and she wasted no time after Julie left the building to catch up with Janelle and be her pal. Dani being there another week is going to irk Marcellas no end and we'll pay for that along with all of them, but Kaysar has no intention of getting rid of either of them this week so we may as well get used to it. Not sure if she knows Diane & Nakomis were her two votes but if not, I bet she figures it out soon.
VTE Danielle It's a good thing she started coming out the last few days since she's about to be nominated, and we know that'll set her off for sure. She must be wondering why she & Nakomis were the only dissenting votes after all signs pointed to at least a tie from where she stood, and she's probably also wondering who double-crossed them and left them out alone on that limb. She's no dummy but she may not be prepared for the depths at which the power players are diving this year. It should be a fun Diane week.
VTE Alison I don't know if her farewell to Alison was 100% sincere but it was nice to see. This year all these folks are aware that it isn't life & death and that even the most fiery feuds cool once they get out of the house, so the Good vs. Evil hate-fest producers promised might be fun but it isn't going to be a deathmatch. Erika seems to be in with absolutely everybody: after the live show wind-down she was talking strategy with Will & Boogie which was another new one on me. Amber alert? I don't think so.. it looks like she may be playing all sides better than anyone.
VTE Alison He didn't go against Danielle so we can all breathe again, assured that she isn't going to come after him this week.. (well, ass-uming she knows who did vote against her). The poor guy was humiliated by Julie after the snoring vignette but I don't think he really minded - it probably made him feel like a legit part of this thing for the first time. This on-screen laugh was the last one I saw tonight: after the live show dust settled he seemed really sad. I don't know why he was, but it was kinda sad to see. Maybe he was expecting celebration among the survivors, or maybe he just felt invisible as the others all got busy with their strategical ways.. none of which included him this time.
VTE Alison The same old routines are still the same and still old, but he surprised everyone including his teammates by pulling out some wisdom in the HOH conference he had with Kaysar & Janelle. He's also got Jase irritated with him, saying Howie's gone from fun banter with Will to arrogant jabs, but even though Howie's enthusiasm for Kaysar's win was over the top, I think it's Jase's outlook that changed more than Howie has. He's truly baffled by Julie's 'got a crush on Will' and why shouldn't he be? It's one of the dumber 'themes' they've made up yet.
VTE Alison It's deja vu all over again as James went into Thursday night red alert like clockwork, wasting no time approaching Janelle to warn her off Jase and then sitting in with Kaysar, Janelle & Howie in HOH room to warn them off Jase (where was all this last week when they needed it?) Not long after he was playing pool with Will, then sticking to Jase & Janelle, and all the while biting his nails just like we're used to seeing when there's a new HOH. He's been doing some world class infiltration into the various alliances, but he's a lot more transparent about it than Erika, and way more people are on to his 'getting to know you' routine than they are to Will's. His BB6 cohorts trust him as much as they did last year at this time but he must have his doubts since he's so nervous.. guilty conscience maybe, since he's not giving up all his learnings to them til he needs to.
No vote (HOH) She had to share her Julie time with Jase but at least she got some to make up for last year's overlooked tenure upstairs. When James warned her off Jase she acted like it was the first time she'd heard it, so we know she's not trusting him as far as the 100% he says she can and that will serve her well. The 'who's likely to gain weight' question got to her and she mentioned it a few times tonight (while snacking). She might dwell on it but it probably won't cloud her work this week. She & Kaysar know Howie's on a need-to-know basis so he doesn't blab too much of the plan in his daily enthusiasm, and as well thought out as Kaysar's current plan might be, she's the only one of them who guessed right about Diane & Nakomis being the 2 in the 8-2 vote.
No vote (HOH) He was visibly bummed after the HOH comp and tried to pass it off as homesick, but James and even Howie saw through that act. He started the season strong, surprising his BB5 haters by being likeable this time, and surprising everyone by having a foothold inside every alliance in town. The three in HOH know he's iffy but they're going to keep him safe and make him comfy right up until his Mrs. Smith (Diane) & Mrs. Smith Jr. (Nakomis) go up on the block.
VTE Alison HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD It wasn't just me who was wondering where he was: he said he's only been to Diary three times since they got in there. He says he's going to make sure he doesn't make the same mistakes he made last year and is going to go after fringe players rather than leaders this time up, which may keep him safe next week and will also delay the inevitable two teams against the middle layout we ended up with last year. He needs to listen to Janelle's instincts a little more and worry about an alliance name a little less, but all in all he's come out from the shadows in a strong way. If he were really smart he'd use Howie's (former & mysterious) hatred for Nakomis as the reason for putting her up, and let Will keep thinking he's dumb and over-hyped.
VTE Alison He's going to be insufferable for the next couple weeks and as long as Danielle remains, but he gave some good lines tonight including the aired 'How do you choose between gonorrhea and the clap?' referring to Alison & Danielle. He also told Will & Boogie that he respected Alison's BB4 game - 'it was outfront' - and added if it was socially and hamsterly acceptible he'd follow suit and 'take bedhopping to new levels' to stay in the game. He had a peculiar talking-to-himself manicure after the rest of them wound down, but Janelle came along he got back to his usual Final 2 and anti-Danielle loops.
VTE Danielle She's mostly just there and likely won't change a bit when she's nominated, and that's why I won't mind if she's not there in a week. Yes, she's unique and smart, but she doesn't provide much fun or interest for me (other than long built-up rants of course) so I'm fine with her going home. Plus Diane will burst out even more when she's abandoned.
VTE Alison I didn't get to the feeds much today til they shut down for the show so he may have been on form and I missed it, but no worries.. he'll be back. If it was intentional or not, it was funny when he yawned during HOH room show 'n tell and he seemed as baffled as Howie by Julie's gay stalker routine. Love him or hate him, this guy consistently provides good tv so why do they overlook it to fabricate some silly homophobic joke to run on the show? Twice?
She worked out and hid in a vase but the potential for catfights & dramatics left with her. She didn't live up to her skanky rep: good for her, bad for us.
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This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo