April 4, 2008 - Day 57 (or 58)
>> Adam is Head of Household - Sharon & Sheila are nominated - Ryan won veto <<
One more life

Ryan won the veto - James might be running out of his many lives
He & Adam shared a hug and reaffirmed their new BFF status.. James seemed resigned to going now.. it's a long time til Sunday though - stay tuned
It sounds like they brought out the BB8 rain machine for this comp, they could help each other, and the questions were based on what day number various things happened.. considering the CBS air shows have changed their day count at least twice, that's kind of a shocker.. note that my day count is based on the hamsters' own original counts, back from when they were in low digits so I suspect they are accurate.. the "official" revised count is in parenthesis on each daily episode
Sheila's happy again as are Natalie and Ryan, naturally.. Ryan had his first DiGiorno in nine days.. Adam & Sharon discussed theology over lunch, and Sheila said she's writing a book.. she, Sharon & Natalie rehearsed their "Charlie's Angels" pose for the next time the camera comes out

Sharon: What's the difference between a concubine and a harlot? Adam: A concubine's like a girl.. a harlot's professional
Back to normal

After yesterday's experience in the BB parallel universe, most of them got back to their usual SNAFU
Adam in particular seemed like his old self again, digging around in his pants while conversing
Laughter even made one of its rare appearances in there - well, for some.. James & Sharon have become new laying around & being glum buddies
Considering James' major hissy fits over having one foot out the door the last two weeks, he was more than accepting of today's events - eerily so actually, from right when they returned from the comp.. he & Sharon both socialized and chatted with their fellow hamsters off & on though, after the laying around being glum stuff anyway

Wine arrived and they toasted, even James, and Sheila made a family dinner for all

They all enjoyed their meal, although I'm not sure why James didn't have any, or why he sat away from the table - making a statement, maybe

That's it

They had various convos through the night, some game and some goony
Sharon's working, but not much more visibly than usual.. James isn't - or if he is, he's doing it subtly
Adam & Ryan poked at Natalie a bit about the BJs she says didn't happen.. I can't blame her for not fessing up there: what girl wants to find out a guy she was with went and told his buddies all the details? And then get hassled by them about it
Ryan, James & Sharon compared sexcapades stories for awhile - Adam & Ryan also razzed her about her "ripped open" story, making her squeal & screech.. when Ryan asked James about his past experiences, he too fibbed and said "Nothing too crazy"

All of them teased Natalie at dinner for asking "What is a pedestool? Is that a like a barstool?" They explained, and she explained that she wanted to learn about things she doesn't know.. nobody corrected her about calling it "pedestool"
Daily videos

James & Adam tips for future hamsters is posted in the forum, linked top & bottom of every page
Daily ratings - It's about the experience edition

Ratings are based on generosity
It turns out this isn't the only site crying foul this time. By that, I mean as a site owner: every board and chat always has a lot of posters claiming 'Unfair!' for anything, be it BB fiddling with comps or how cloudy the sky is on a given day. It's no secret I've been on a campaign for years pointing out various meddling by Big Brother whether by hunch or proof, and whether I've been right or wrong, it's good to at least question authority at all times and not just swallow what we're fed (by anyone). But the events that transpired yesterday (with their video proof) have raised red flags all over the BB web to the point where even two official BB blogs (House Happenings and Silly Hamsters) are acknowledging that we didn't all imagine all that.
None of it comes down to who would or wouldn't like James to live another week: it's about the 'integrity of the game', a phrase Allison Grodner uses freely and often, and something she swears to uphold. Ass-uming James goes next week and it's looking again like he will, you could say no harm, no foul, but often it is the subtleties and the hamsters' personal reactions that drive this game. Ryan's faith in his partner Adam's loyalty was badly shaken last night, not to mention Sheila's overall Sheilaness intensified at having been nominated by her one-time 'soulmate' over Ryan or Natalie; Sharon and especially James learned that Adam could be swayed with sentiment; and Natalie's even more convinced that God gives a damn about reality tv now, due to what she'll probably see as a test of faith around the conflict/resolution/reward cycle of the past 24 hours. Plus the current sequested jurors will hear all about it.
So apologies for yet another rant here, but if you feel that Big Brother as a concept and Diary as the only outside interaction they have in there should either stay out of it or simply mess with their heads in non-game-changing ways, please write to your local CBS station and demand they go back to REAL Big Brother this summer like every other country does it, and let them know you're annoyed by the producers manipulating the game. When producers change the natural flow of events for their own purposes like they did yesterday, creating more excitement so they can edit it into better tv shows, it's not only immoral, it's illegal. Elimination reality shows like 'Big Brother' must abide by the same strict laws that govern game shows.

Won: Motorcycle Paired with Sheila
HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD He's turned out to be way more fun than anyone would have guessed, crotch scratches and nose picks aside. He teases Sheila & Natalie relentlessly, and tonight he initiated Sharon into that circle which was interesting. Is it game for him, or just his crude way of chatting up girls? Passing the time? Maybe all of the above.
Paired with Chelsia
His calm and accepting demeanor was startling, particularly after yesterday and last week. But it was welcome: we need drama & fireworks in there, but a steady diet of them every day is just too filling.. he may rev up again tomorrow. He was great fun giving his tips for future hamsters with Adam. It was one of the first times I've seen him be a comedian in there, and it worked.

Paired with Matt
Everyone's concerned about her finding out that we all know about the BJs but I'm pretty sure she'll recover quickly: she seems to be missing a shame gene. I still avoid most game chat as most of it's circuitous and inane, but she does a lot of it. I also avoid most of her praying chat, although I have to admit both seem to be working for her. The rest of the time she's still the only ray of sunshine in that depressing habitat.

Won: $10,000 Jen's boyfriend Paired with Allison
HOLDS VETO Originally he was something of a dud, just a tag-along taking up space on the couches, but he's turned into a real good time in there. Proof positive that regular, ordinary people can make for good hamsterwatching.. are you listening, Allison, Rich & Robyn?

Paired with Jacob (her ex) Joshuah
NOMINATED I'll give her her due: I think she's been playing a pretty good game up to this point and while it looks like her time is coming to an end soon, she might pull it out and stick longer.. or James might, and she'll be done this week. Either way, despite her trademark BEEBIES call, I'm glad she looks after the little fluffballs so well.

Paired with Adam
NOMINATED She can be fun - yes, it's true. She's a great sport to take as much ribbing from Adam as she does, and when she gets to sparring with him, she be pretty funny.

Paired with Neil Sharon
He put on costumes and breakfast shows, and did hot tub monologues, praying & sobbing aloud. He exploded viciously on Amanda & Allison, and about Sheila & Natalie (usually focused on genitalia), but he left the guys alone except James, who he c-blocked & puppy-dogged. He had lots of schemes to save himself but used them up early, and his huge drama potential fell short when we needed it most. He had the only Diary restraining order I know of: 5 feet away from Allison.

Won: $21,000 Vegas trip Paired with James
Sometimes a spitfire who gave us good fights & fireworks but she laid around with James way too much, which was her undoing and ours. She'll be remembered for feedmasters' attempts to protect her, strip/lap dance/makeout night, having sex, raunchy stories, a colorful vocabulary, getting smashed, smashing everyone's Easter eggs, and for going out with the nasty speeches they all threaten but rarely follow through with.

Paired with Natalie
America's Playa came on strong, prepared to showmance his way through all the girls and into the money. That didn't work out but he was fun to have around and he usually kept things light amid the chaos. He brought BJs to the feeds and made Bibles fun in there. Despite the fact that he's a pig, he has some good qualities too and he kinda grows on you.

Paired with Ryan
She called it manipulation - I call it emotional blackmail with a lot of 'poor me' thrown in. One of the most delusional hamsters ever (and that's saying something), she's the poster girl for Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It. She did give us some confrontation doozies and fireworks deluxe but trust her, like one million percent, she does not care.

Revive-a-Hamster winner & loser Paired with Amanda
He started out looking like he was on board with Matt's showmance plan and CBS picked up that angle, but then we got to know a bright, charismatic, and goofy guy who had everything going for him in there except his partner. His diplomacy was remarkable and he might have gone the distance, but he went out as another casualty of 'Til Death Do You Part'.

Paired with Alex
She began with hysterics & drama and was at the center of the biggest BB fight ever, but she went out with more of a whimper than a bang. Her moods dropped as fast as her blood sugar but to her credit, she rebounded just as fast. She & Allison had dual 911 events, but Amanda's collapse brought unexpected (and uniformed) guests into the habitat and onto the air.

Won: $5,000 Ryan's girlfriend/Paired with Parker
She & Ryan could have gone far if she hadn't opened her mouth in the first days. She made loads of enemies in a short time and took Parker down with her. She'll be remembered for super-quickie sex in the bathroom and a rash on her backside.. hmm, coincidence?

Won: $5,000 Paired with Jen
He was good watching at first til he gave up and went on strike. He bounced back a bit at the end but his doom came early when partner Jen couldn't keep her trap shut about her & Ryan. She had to go, and he was just the innocent bystander casualty. 'I'm sick of people's dumbass assinine ass comments' might be Line of the Season.

Paired with Joshuah
He left suddenly and mysteriously but wrote on his MySpace that he didn't leave for health reasons, and that he won't be back. He seems like a good guy and I wish him well.. he's probably lucky he got out when he did, unscathed.

Paired with Sharon (his ex)
Gone before the feeds kicked in: he didn't even make an appearance. All that potential for rehashing their breakup and/or a jealous rage up in smoke. To make it worse, he & Sharon didn't even get an exit interview in Julie's boudoir - how rude!
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Adam is Head of Household Sharon & Sheila are nominated Ryan holds veto
Veto meeting is Sunday
Sunday, April 6 at 8pm: food comp, James crying, nominations, and assorted dramas
Wednesday's eviction show was third for the hour with a 4.0 rating and 6 share, behind 'The Moment of Truth' on Fox with 6.4/11 and 'Deal or No Deal' on NBC with 6.0/11. For perspective, the following hour 'American Idol' on Fox had a 14.6 rating and 22 share.
Nobody's on slop
The HOH of the Final 4 can participate in the following HOH comp.
That Final 3 HOH comp is in three parts. The first is an intense endurance. The two who don't win that compete in Part 2. The winners of Part 1 and Part 2 then compete in Part 3 for the HOH title. Whoever wins it just evicts someone (no noms or votes), therefore choosing who they'll go up against for the jury vote to decide the winner.
Finale is April 29 but 'subject to change'
First place earns $500k, second gets $50k. The others earn $750 a week, including jury sequester weeks for those that go there
If you'd like to see REAL Big Brother this summer like all other countries do it, where we decide evictions and select a winner from a diverse cast, write to your local CBS station and demand it! They'll get the word to those that need to hear it.
If you want to be on it, click for the eligibility requirements and application. Read about a recent recent casting call thanks to Babydoll, and stay informed about upcoming casting calls with BigBrother Casting Calls.
Find Alex's t-shirts and other links to official goods for sale, plus (almost) all their MySpaces on the links page.
Round 1, The Teaser: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
Sex: 7x (3 Jen/Ryan; 4 James/Chelsia)
Oral: 4x (all Natalie/Matt)
Sex tallies are minumums, based on overwhelming circumstantial evidence
Self-service: 3 (James, Adam, Matt)
Makeout session pairings: 4 (Jen/Ryan, James/Chelsia, Alex/Sharon, Matt/Sharon)
Nekkid makeout pool orgy: 1
Nekkid party favor: 3 (Natalie, James, Chelsia)
Nekkid party trick: 2 (James, Natalie)
Ambulance rides: 2 (Amanda, Allison)
Rodent bites: 1 (Ryan)
OB Incidents: 1 (Ryan/Adam)
Returned evictees: 3 (Sharon, Ryan, James)
Revive-a-Hamster vote hoaxes: 1
Major fights: too many to count
Chelsia abortion/baby mentions after Diary said one more and she's out: 2
See it all with a monthly or quarterly feeds subscription. Both include a two week free trial with no obligation to buy.
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BB9 adult/explicit links
CBS Big Brother 9 the official site
DogDave BB9 by any name, still the first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town
Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan
BuddyTV - Big Brother 9 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 9 all the links
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again
Reality TV Links - Big Brother 9 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites

THANKS FOR VISITING Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button below or direct by email. Please support other BB9 sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

This site isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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