Big Brother 12that dingo'sHamsterWatch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

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This site is about the Big Brother 12 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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Will Brendon get HOH-itis?

Take a swig whenever Brendon mentions Rachel

Brendon is Head of Household
Lane & Ragan are nominated
Matt, Ragan & Britney are Have-nots
Matt holds diamond veto
Ragan is Staboteur 2.0

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button above or direct by email. Please support other Big Brother sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

Veto comp Saturday, maybe at night?

Next CBS show is Sunday 8pm: HOH comp, nominations, assorted dramas

Thursday's eviction show won the hour with 7.9 million viewers, 4.8 rating and 9 share, ahead of 'So You Think You Can Dance' finale on FOX with 6.6/4.0/7, 'Wipeout' rerun on ABC with 6.1/3.5/6, and 'Community' and '30 Rock' reruns on NBC with 3/2.1/4 and 2.9/2.0/4 respectively. 'Big Brother 12' also won the 18-49 demographic.

Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

Watch their talk show on
FlashBack - requires Superpass

Episode 1 8/8 11pm Quads
Episode 2 8/9 11.44pm F1/2
Episode 3 8/10 11.10pm F3/4
Episode 4 8/11 11.20pm F1/2

What additional foods should Have-nots get?
- Eggplant & escargot

They're soliciting stabotage ideas again but don't bother submitting any as they'll ignore them and do dumb stuff they wanted to do in the first place

Two hour finale is September 15

Matt opened Pandora's Box which held the return of the staboteur (in the form of Ragan) to WREAK HAVOC, and gave him diamond veto for 2 weeks.

Ragan will win $20k if he performs 3 tasks a week for 2 weeks undetected. His identity will be revealed to them on the finale.

Matt holds diamond veto for 2 weeks. He can override the regular veto if used this week or next, and name a replacement nominee.

I use Stabo/Staboteur/Stabotage because of the typo in an early official CBS BB tweet

Annie & Monet have been sprung from sequester so we won't have Revive-a-Hamster after all.

The first saboteur was Annie. She'd have won $50k if she lasted 5 weeks undetected.

Have-Nots have their own room again, cold showers again, slop again, plus additional food items decided by viewer votes.

Nobody knows why Paolo isn't there.

The winner of BB12 will win $500k and 2nd place gets $50k. Hamsters earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester.

The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 microphones.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

All feeds stay on one 'scene' when someone's in Diary.


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  August 13, 2010 - Day 42       Bookmark and Share

>> past   >> present   >> future   >> all

>> Brendon is Head of Household - Lane & Ragan are nominated <<
>> Matt holds diamond veto <<

>> Tweeting Big Brother since BB8 - click to see all or follow - latest:

    Eggplant & escargot

    They got the middle sized table right on schedule, and a bit later it was covered with snails.. thanks to all who voted for E&E and made one small dream of mine come true

    They got another stabo video and pretty much ignored it like the earlier ones.. this one brought up the dreaded lifelong friends stabotage story again, possibly hinting that said non-existent lifelong friends were a male & female pair.. for some reason, none of them questioned Brendon might be the stabo even though he was called for a very short Diary before the video, nor did any of them question why the backyard remained open until evening, when it should have been a construction zone all day for tomorrow's veto comp (they finally did lock them in to start banging out there)


    Brendon held his meetings and shmoozed them like the potential future politician he is (between frequent short Diary visits).. he told most (if not all) of them that he didn't want to intentionally backdoor anyone and that rang true in my opinion.. he apologized to Britney for the personal attacks and told her he'd warn her first if he was going to end up nominating her

    Around the time noms were due, he told Britney he was indeed going to put up her up, with Lane, as he wanted to break up one of the apparent pairs, and he encouraged her to fight for the veto.. she quickly told Hayden, and it turned out later that Lane also got the word somehow

    Then Brendon was called to Diary again and they and we thought it was time but no, Brendon called Britney up to HOH again and between the strobing bubbles they made it clear that he'd been spanked for telling her in advance he was nominating her - that is against the rules.. so Brendon & Britney redid their pre-noms chat for a more appropriate edit for the CBS show, the bubbles took them away for about twice as long as usual for nominations, and when they came back Lane & Ragan had been nominated

    Something's fishy

    So they said afterwards, in groups of twos and threes - we'll never know the real story but speculation is flying like the leftover feathers in the backyard.. maybe Brendon had a last second change of heart or maybe his hand was forced by Diary - and yes, pawns are often warned ahead of time.. I prefer to think of it as Twitter finally changed the game, perhaps

    Meanwhile Kathy started a loop about being out of fishie food, which made the bubbles come faster harder longer and drove them all nuts.. back up to when the fishies were dying, Kathy doubled up their food and they haven't died since.. in the past they've had dated fishie food packages for the full season - I don't know if that's the case this year or not but being halfway through the season, they'd be out now if so.. the bubbles might be to keep PETA off their ass - Lane's already a red flag there

    Back to our story, they drew Enzo, Hayden & Kathy for the veto comp.. Britney will host and Matt will sit out, or be her assistant, or something.. nominations fallout continued with Ragan turning into a miseryguts and crying enough to cause severe dehydration.. Britney joined in for awhile but rebounded a bit and started to circulate again

    Things really got interesting later when the Brigade Boyz started gathering in twos and threes with their side alliances around the habitat, like they do.. the most telling convo involved Enzo & Hayden reviving the talk show they planned around 3am the night before, and discussing their own inner/side alliance.. they said if it ends up being Lane vs Matt, they'd boot Matt.. the convo seemed to start reluctantly but it gained speed quickly.. they agreed Matt was too well-connected, too smart and/or too squirrelly to fully trust, and observant Hamsterwatchers noticed a hairline crack begin to form in their four-way

    Of course all this is moot due to Matt's sparkly but it's an interesting development just the same, as it brought the gradually building Brigade doubt about Matt to a new level.. Matt being Matt could catch on to the subtleties and end up pulling something truly unexpected on Thursday, if it comes to that.. he did seem to reel in Enzo & Hayden a bit in their late night check-in, but then he walked in on them whispering moments after they'd split up

    By the way, Julie didn't deviate from her usual script Thursday night: she said the new HOH (Brendon) is "free from the threat of eviction.." so that puts that global question about the sparkly to rest.. whether the veto winner is also immune as most assume remains to be seen

    Big ups to waterheaterguy, alisha808, @smellykelley, @chenzoo, @SailorPsy, and @attwx for invaluable assistance today

    Things are tense & uncertain in there - see how it really happens
    before CBS gets hold of it and turns it into something else for the air show
    Watch Big Brother 12 on SuperPass!

    Screencaps du jour

    Click thumbnails to enlarge - click for this day's caps - click for all my caps
    Log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter

    Daily Ratings - Run That By Me Again? edition

    Ratings are based on entertainment value

    The switcharoo will remain a mystery since we can't trust Diaries, but the whole pre-noms re-do was a fiasco and there's no getting around that. I was happy to see the snails but my biggest laugh of the day came from yet another f'ed up tweet from @BigBrotherWatch that not only promised the stabo will be 'wrecking havoc' on Sunday's show but implied there's already been some HAVOC WREAKED in there. On second thought maybe it wasn't so faulty after all: this whole stabo thing IS a wreck.

    If I had an arrow graphic in the shape of a question mark handy, it would go here.

    Won: $10
    She was up & down today but when she tried to join the guys for late night light chat, she was uncharacteristically quiet, and noticably overlooked. If she goes it'd be a huge hit to feedsters and CBS alike, but staged jury house scenes of her & Rachel alone for a week would be the next best thing to Rachel & Brendon slurping in ©Paradise. Also Britney & Rachel would be a good match-up for a Revive-a-Juror vote, if they're going there. If Britney had KNOWN HER ROLE of the requisite ditzy blonde, she wouldn't be in any danger but no, she had to show them all her Comp Monster membership card by winning three vetos AND proving she knows what happened every second of every day in there.

    Won: 42" 3D TV
    He & Hayden are ready to break off on their own but they're still covering their bases with Matt and just about everyone else in there. Sure he hasn't won anything, but hamsters & viewers alike tend to forget the 'outlast' and 'outwit' parts of the formula. I know, wrong show, but same applies. His mini-skits carry on unchecked throughout, including his childlike joy at perfecting his hands-free hat-onto-his-head-from-his-mouth trick and describing the joys of childbirth to Hayden using terms like sewage water, sausage skin, and umlimical cord.

    Won: 24 18 hours solitary
    Okay I can admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong about him. He's not the doofus jock I thought he was, and he's showing smarts I didn't expect. You can't blame me though: he has the 'duh' look utterly perfected and he wears it most of the time.

    If they'd give her some new fishies food, she'd stop bitching about it and sending us to bubbles.

    Won: $1,000
    He's not included in the New Brigade plans other than being allowed to stay over Matt, at least according to Enzo & Hayden's plans should he end up sitting next to Matt in the nominee chairs on Thursday. Once again, if that does come to pass, all those plans will be vaporized when Matt pulls out his sparkly, but the fallout afterward will make it okay to use the word 'epic' again.

    Won: $1
    I'd say he's in trouble with his boys running around behind his back but a) I think he suspects as much and b) he'll dazzle them back into submission with his sparkly. So I'll put all that into the Wait And See pile and instead I'll give you an illustration of how stealth his game is. At the end of each day when I work up this page and select the pics to put here with their ratings, I often have discover I have caps for everyone but him, AND it takes me a minute to realize who I'm missing.

    Won & used: Veto ticket
    He's often said he doesn't want to be the stereotypical Big Brother 'crying gay guy' but here were are. Boo freaking hoo.

    Won: $5,000
    The buxom bombshell role and star of the 1st half thanks to her total lack of self-awareness and her adolescent slurpmance with Brendon. She talked up her game but both her HOHs were wasted on non-threats for purely personal reasons. She was chaos, volatility and mood swings deluxe but rarely boring. She'll be remembered for indecipherable blogs, farewells to 4 of 4 who came between her & her man, tacky outfits & tack-on hair, her dysfunctional showmance, and 'I AM VEGAS!'

    Won: $100, 1 week wig & catsuit
    She was barely there the first couple weeks but she came alive and participated in some juicy spats and was the subject of Andrew's scorching exit speech. She was half a showmance with Hayden and wore a silly wig & catsuit for a week, yet for all this, she still was barely there. She spent most of her time horizontal with Kathy or Hayden, and would only talk with others one-on-one.

    He promised chaos and delivered on that, leaving them and us wondering what he was up to most of the time. He was a good early guess for the staboteur but he WREAKED more HAVOC just by being himself. He was early-to-bed & early-to-rise so I missed a lot of what he did, but he brought some Orthodox education, travel companion/fingerbang stories, and he made lots of threats to make good tv that didn't pan out until his final moments.

    Won: $10,000
    She promised princessy but failed to deliver, opting instead for poor-me tears, complaints about being fat, and a lot of moping around. But she wasn't all doom & gloom: she rode the slip 'n slide and made fun of her keep-warm sleeping layers, and she was Britney's #1 mean girl cohort. She tried out for ANTM and might have fared better there, as they wouldn't have flashed her boobies.

    She turned her nomination into the House of Annie and wheedled everyone for days, to no avail. She promised catfights with Britney and Rachel but nothing came of it, leaving her in the 'Who?' category for future BB trivia, even including her stabotage. She's lucky she went early: she might have cracked bad and the chops would get really brutal.

    Paolo Aviles
    30 - Unemployed real estate agent

    Lucky #14 got away before the season began without any secrets exposed or embarrassing incidents to live forever on the web. Her dirty laundry will remain in the hamper, but boobies fans will be forever disappointed and wonder 'what if?'

    Linking to any page here is fine but please do not repost any content from this site (or any other) without permission, and do not repost or hotlink to any images
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    Harvey Levin: I'm having trouble watching this season

    @BigBrotherWatch: SUNDAY: The #saboteur keeps wrecking havoc on the houseguests! Preview: #BB12

    Julie: If he proposed, you would say yes?
    Rachel: I would, yeah, I mean definitely

    Brendon: Things change hourly here, if not minutely

    Enzo about Grace Kelly: She came from Philly and she became a princess? How'd that happen?

    Brendon: I can't believe I was campaigning to get myself out and I'm still here

    Brendon: They were hammering from 10am, I thought everyone would figure out it's something physical

    Hayden to Brendon: We all know Matt's kind of snakey

    Brendon to Enzo: You need to be able to step it up and start winning shit

    After noms
    Britney: When I talked to him he said I'm putting you up and then he came back and said wait, I'm not sure.. [cut to bubbles]

    Ragan to Britney:
    This is bullshit, this is all bullshit
    There's something fishy about me & Lane going up

    Brendon to Hayden: Even as I'm putting in the keys I'm thinking I shoulda done Matt & Ragan, what I doing? I'm crazy for letting Matt stay

    Britney about Diary: Oh okay, mm-hmm, I'll say that line.. .[cut to bubbles]

    Hayden to Enzo & us: Brendon's our toy soldier

    Matt: I can't go snack on a fuckin snail

    Hayden to Enzo: If anybody screws anybody, it'll be Matty

    Enzo getting into the sex bed: It smells like Rachel


    Get the 24/7 live feeds It's a whole different show than CBS puts on

    Rachel on 'The Early Show' extended version - Julie does 'nobody comes between me & my man' at 10:30

    Watch the feeds on Android & other mobile devices by We Love Big Brother

    Big Brother items at the Official CBS Store They might update them soon

    Official Hamsterwatcher merchandise cheaper & fresher than CBS's

    Every Hamsterwatch episode is still here on the site - go back and relive the madness! BB11 - BB10
    BB9 - BB8 - BB7 - BB6 - BB5
    some links on them might be bad now

    Click to see my full list of BB12 links
    These are some of my favorites:

    24/7 feeds - SuperPass free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

    SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

    Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic

    Hamsterwatch Chatroom - Forum

    BB adult/explicit links - updated with BB10 Steven Daigle

    CBS Big Brother 12 the official site

    DogDave BB12 scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

    Attwx Remembers Big Brother all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

    Sir LinksALot Big Brother 12 all the links, once again


    Nominee speech scorcher: 1 Andrew

    Makeout pairings: 2
    Brendon & Rachel
    Hayden & Kristen

    Sex event pairings: 2
    Brendon & Rachel
    Hayden & Kristen

    House meetings: 2

    Major fights: 1
    Brendon vs Ragan & Britney

    Noteworthy fights: 6
    Rachel vs Annie
    Andrew vs Kristen
    Andrew vs everyone
    Rachel vs Kristen
    Rachel vs Ragan
    Rachel vs Kathy

    Deaths: 4 fishies

    'The Soup' mentions: 4 of 6 shows
    -Intro & Britney's flaming homosexuals
    -Rachel the waitress chemist
    -Matt's wife's fake illness
    -Kristen's boyfriend & Richard Simmons
      Collection hippytard

    TMZ TV mentions: 1
    Rachel being Rachel

    'The View' mentions: 1
    -Matt's wife's fake illness

    Pap smear incidents: 1 Andrew & Annie

    Pre-season connections: 3
    Hayden & BB4/7 Erika
    Rachel & BB2/7 Boogie
    Matt & BB8 Joe

    Absentee hamsters: 1 Paolo


    Big Brother 12
    I'm hoping for some killer matches

    Big Brother 11
    Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0
    Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½
    Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0
    Big Brother 10
    No title events
    Big Brother 9 Winter Edition
    Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
    Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0
    Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0
    Big Brother 8
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0
    Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0
    Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1
    Big Brother 7 All-Stars
    BBQ training sabbatical
    Big Brother 6
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0
    Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0
    Big Brother 5
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0
    Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½
    Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0

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    "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
    and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."