"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge." |
July 20, 2006 - Day 18 >> BB7 Park by TD >> to the future >> to the past >> daily index >> latest HamsterWatch episode >> linkage >> Nakomis evicted 8-2 - James is Head of Household << Bye Nakomis Nakomis has left the building and Julie's boudoir has claimed another victim She was only there for two haircolors this time.. she didn't get the raw deal she had last time and maybe she didn't take full advantage of her second shot, but she made an impression on them all til they were fighting over which side shouldn't get to keep her Best wishes Nakomis, it was good to see you again Before the show Diane rolled her bag into the pantry just in case, and seemed to ponder possibilities.. Mirror-face is back with a vengeance: he's still there through both Janelle's & Erika's turns Then it's showtime: Boogie's flavor of the week status has visibly waned - I don't think Julie even mentioned his 'fro (borrowed from Marcellas) but George & Howie remain teacher's pets.. damn skippy, Diane's still there! They head out to their tollbooths The frequent studiers are knocked out and James & Danielle are left for the tiebreaker, and conveniently side by side (six were between them last week).. I'm not saying these things are scripted or predetermined - maybe it's just a random coincidence James gets more & longer zoom closeups.. he wins After the show George picks up his many boxes of tinfoil.. Willboogie work out a bit: Will's first startled by Janelle at the door, then confused (or not) as she buxoms it up for him a bit.. he asks her to repeat it for better audio & camera angle.. they banter a bit - watch the video Willboogie: He [James] made a deal and said we were [safe], and he's mad at Kaysar cuz of his nominations.. I think he's a smart enough kid that he deserves more than $50,000 for second place.. he's enamored with us.. I'll tell you what though, these kids came to play Janelle: I had to come out here and look at you.. you're so damn hot Will: Janelle, could you say that again after we have plane clearance? Boogie: Did the hottest girl in the house just say that to you? Will: She's a little too late Boogie - I'm going home this week.. and I was ready for a showmance James' reign begins The very long oatmeal week is almost over As the new HOH, James' restriction is over and he dives in.. and in.. and in Diane has a couple meals too, as her stress of the night and the week fades.. Howie chats with Danielle about the comp and other HOH comps in the gym.. Willboogie come along soon Danielle [about HOH on BB3]: I didn't win it til I had to James is almost smiling - rare for a Thursday night - as he waits for further instructions and his room.. he's surrounded by his new court - Erika, Danielle & Marcellas stick close - plus Kaysar from the old reign.. Diane unpacks Marcellas is still rocking his 'fro.. Jase isn't rocking much of anything HOH is ready.. Boogie tails James upstairs.. pretty soon a crowd gathers as James figures out the lock, then it's open: red & black this time They crowd around the photos and snacks, like they do.. Willboogie notice some things they hadn't seen before and some they had.. Sarah sent James a guacamole animal Will [about BB6 cast photo]: Why is this picture always here? Marcellas is first out this time, followed by Will.. the BB6ers stick around to celebrate and plan.. first Howie picks up James, then Kaysar does Lots of videos: The BB6ers talk about nominations and do a Final Four cheer thingy James meets with Will, who volunteers once again to be nominated: James prepares - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 James meets with Diane: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 Intermission Pizza arrives in the middle of these meetings - slop week #1 is over, and the sloppers are glad Willboogie have a rushed meet in the pantry - it's very whispery and conspiratory sounding, but the word "showmance" is clear - watch the video.. maybe Will's going to pretend to fall for Janelle to try to distract her Meetings carry on - James is finding out what it's like to be on the other side of that doorbell he's rung so often.. basically he says throughout that he wants to get rid of a floater (deja vu) but he seems to have deals already in place with most of the floaters.. Chicken George is suggested by most of them except Danielle, who is very much against that idea James meets with Danielle: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 Meetings carry on & on.. Howie acts as unofficial doorman and errand boy, and he & Janelle partake in the snacks between appointments.. Jase & George are last: James tells Jase he's safe but it's tense - watch the video - and George offers a finals vote if he's in the jury in exchange for a free pass this week Meet Mr. & Mrs. Smith Coincidentally (or not), a few hours after Julie described the Brad & Angelina of Radford Place, we catch a rare glimpse of them together as Diane's (still) unpacking This is another very rushed and whispery meeting, but it confirms what up til now has been an uncomfirmed but very persistent rumor - watch the video Diane says "..destroy this house".. Jase points to the Good/Evil mural saying "Hey, that's us!" He adds "Let's talk about this after nominations".. Diane says something about how it's driving her crazy, and later she whispers "Mr. Smith" to him In other news of the evening, Howie likes how Diane smells This is the kind of thing that ultimately helped her lose BB5 - good thing Drew wasn't around for this Jase makes a birthday message for little Caleigh at home, awww.. Janelle goes down during a volleyball match that followed a badminton match - she's ok Howie's sitting on the shower floor doing his feet, like he does.. Kaysar comes in and tells him to get up, "it's disgusting" and "they can see your package".. Howie gets up.. I catch my first cap of the Diary hallway when Marcellas comes or goes - it's a nice blue this time James had planned to meet back up with Kaysar, Janelle & Howie after his meetings but I don't think they do.. Janelle crawls into the big big bed in the red room (redrum) with Diane & Erika.. Danielle chats for hours with Kaysar & Howie in the backyard - she's super-perky and they're not so much, especially Kaysar who's downright moody.. James sleeps alone in HOH - first time that's happened in a few years Back to where we came in: what if this all-stars thing is a grand soap opera, with scripted storylines and predermined outcomes (and a whole lot of downtime for its stars)? I just can't shake the idea, especially given the first two evictions and talk all over town of George being the third.. what if they've guaranteed themselves ratings through the summer by evicting the hamsters in order of their true popularity? Not as defined by the online polls or auto-voters, but by the only measure that matters to CBS: the ratings for their individual episodes & seasons It's something to think about anyway.. one of the lessons of the original Big Brother concept in Orwell's 1984 is to question authority.. the book also says "Who controls the past controls the future.. who controls the present controls the past" Sorry if the site loads slow for you - it's especially bad early mornings.. please try again later if you have problems and sorry for the inconvenience Linkage Daily linkage just highlights unique sites now - check the new links page for more Aldav first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town (adult content) Screencaps refresh site is back from bbfan Houseguest Tributes videos, quotes, pics from all seasons by BB's number one fan Attw x Househappenings in-depth Big Brother analysis by IA aka It's Aawwn Photochops by C=Venus - also try Destroy a Hamster by Johnbb Big Brother Keyhole peruse various BB sites in the same window, feeds too Reality TV Links - Big Brother 7 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites Sir LinksALot Big Brother 7 All Stars all the links Patrick's Place One-man BB show, 20+ streaming cams including his car Another 2 cents quasi-intellectual sleaze & radical gumbo aka blog - off for the summer RealOne SuperPass 14 Day Free Trial Using this link helps support Hamsterwatch, thanks CBS Big Brother 7 the official site, plus Housecalls live weekdays 10am BB/1pm ET CBS Innertube same-day Housecalls and next-day air show replays Hamsterwatch Big Brother 7 Navigation tool for that dingo's daily recaps on this site Hamsterwatch MySpace Hamsterwatch on YouTube BB6 & BB7 videos off the feeds BB7 Park by TD South Park-inspired versions of the goings on No time-out feeds links Easy how-to plus Real phone numbers Big Brother Top 100 all seasons, many countries - Hamsterwatch is #1 wow!! Big Brother 7 All-Stars Top 50 Hamsterwatch is #2 wow! thanks for the clicks |
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment - the cheaper, the better Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and Real Networks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Series concept and broadcasts owned by CBS - Shapiro/Grodner - Endemol this is definitely not an official site. |