Big Brother 6 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

hamsterJuly 7, 2006 - Day 5

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>> Jase & Janelle are Heads of Household <<
>> Alison & Danielle are nominated - Janelle won veto <<

Hurry up and wait

Nakomas is the early riser today - not counting Kaysar who went back to bed after 5.30 prayers - she putters around and settles down to sew some pants

She doesn't really need the camouflage

The rest of them show up gradually and chatter over their breakfasts.. Marcellas comes down complaining that people are trying to sleep! (he & Janelle were up latest).. James says we're abnormal if we're watching on the internet right now

They have a veto comp scheduled so primping starts early.. Howie & Will nudge their back & forth banter up a notch - Will seems irritated by Howie at times, amused at others.. Howie just keeps on being Howie
Howie: A little bit of Howie goes a long way

Alison was one of the first to bed and one of the last to rise.. she preps on her own in her own way, and we find out who brought a Bible this time.. huh?

She approaches Danielle to ask if they can work as a team in the comp.. Danielle says it depends on the setup - if the others come after the two of them as a group then yes, but if it's individual then she's got to play for herself.. meanwhile Howie entertains them with the story of how he lost his fingertips (as a kid making kid-bombs) - it's funny and he has them all in stitches

Janelle's called in to get her lines and we have Diary slippage.. it sounds like they draw names from a lotto-ball machine.. George & Kaysar draw a slot and will compete for veto with Jase, Janelle, Alison & Danielle.. pre-comp adrenalin turns into a mid-day body count as Big Brother makes them wait about four hours for the comp
Alison revives enough to do.. something.. for awhile

Upstairs Jase, Janelle & Marcellas discuss who to nominate if the veto's used.. Janelle & Marcellas say George because he'd save Danielle.. Marcellas adds that it'd guarantee screen time that he [George] wants.. they talk about their casts - there are pics of each season's in HOH - choice words come up for Eric & Maggie
Marcellas: Can you talk strategy with someone who'd wear a chicken suit? Producers are working out there right now thinking of a competition he can win

Marcellas is still bitter about his season and Danielle's role in it.. he mimics what he calls "crazy eye" and describes his double-take when unglamorous Maggie came in last for pre-BB6 interviews, after the pretty girls

Downstairs chatter revs up again as they wait.. Kaysar asks Will about botox.. Will illustrates how it works with Howie's forehead furrows and crow's feet, and says he could make him look five years younger.. the image-conscious crowd suddenly goes quiet and listens intently to the info
Kaysar: But then you can't make expressions
Will: I used a lot of botox recently but the truth is, how much expression do you need?
Will: You are the Brad Pitt of Muslims
Will: Bunky's mean, he's mean-spirited.. you should see the emails he sent me
Erika: I finally found something that James isn't good at - pool
Diane: Pool and socializing

An elderly intruder?

Oops, it's just Boogie

Veto comp was dumpster diving, in chum.. Janelle won by a wide margin.. sounds like there was also a wheel that they spun with their names or items, maybe something like Stern's Wheel of Fish.. the players try to wash off the stench.. while waiting to use Janelle's shower, Danielle seems like she wants to snoop around but doesn't


Will visits upstairs and spars gametalk with Howie a bit - seems like he's warming up to him more as he gets used to him.. they trade guesses of who's in with who, and Janelle tells Jase that James is with them when Will steps out - see the video.. afterward Will returns, Kaysar joins them and they start goofing around
Will: I love Nikes. they gave me stuff for the show

Will looks over their BB6 pic and suddenly it's a good time
Will [about Cowboy]: His teeth are having an argument with each other
Will [about Maggie]: She looks like a beast
Kaysar: So Howie, you're 35.. and how old are you?
Will: 33
Kaysar: How old are you?
Jase: 30
Howie: How old are you?
Kaysar: 25.. just trying to figure out when you're - when all these things..
Howie: It's just like the Jedi Council - you got guys who are 842, you got guys 310, you got guys 98, you got guys 50, 25.. in a way we're all together, we're all for one.. 1-2-3.. final four?


We have our first quitter

It's pretty early for this but Alison claims she wants to go hoooooome already.. hmm, that could be arranged, and probably is being arranged

She hit her head in the chum bucket and has a headache and everybody seems to be against her already.. she hates Janelle and the advantages she has being with BB6 group, winning HOH and now veto.. she confides all this to Danielle, who's kinda supportive.. Janelle hurt her leg in the comp too, but it's easier to take the pain when you win

Bottom line is there are too many missed convos and too much lying to even try to keep up with "real" alliances, not to mention pre-house arrangements we'll never know about, so I'm not going to try to keep up with the details at this point

The big picture is simple: everyone is on everyone's team, or no one's, depending who's asking.. the James Gang is whoever he's talking to at the moment (tho I still think he's playing silent partners with Erika).. Will & Howie each claim to be solo but we know neither is - they're also the only ones who joke about being on anyone & everyone's team

It's like trying to figure out last year's pairs before anything was proven, but it's multiplied and it's all going to shift from week to week anyway.. so it's back to the fun stuff where we belong, and so do they, with some random pics & snippets for the rest of the day

The BB minions aren't quite broken in yet: it takes them about 10 minutes to tell George to center his microphone.. Howie aims some of his sexchat at Erika & Diane who complain on cue, then Erika reacts further by deciding to umm.. stretch.. Will tries to fly away

Will [telling about the voicemail he got from BB2 Justin about getting kicked out for the knife incident]: Bro, bro, there's 55 media trucks on my lawn.. my mom's freaking out!
Howie [on the competition]: This ain't no nerd herd
Marcellas [about hosting Housecalls]: I think my last season was my last season
Boogie [on Kaysar & James]: I'd like to send them both back to America, since you like them so much
Howie [when Will lays down in the lawn after the direct sunlight is gone]: Tell him to lay out in the sun earlier in the day.. meteorology me, doctoral stuff you

Alison's feeling better and starts her rounds with Diane, who starts hers at the same time.. when Marcellas comes in Diane says they're studying Ali's Bible and asks him if creationists believe in dinosaurs? Marcellas says he thinks so, but they think of dinosaurs as kind of a test project

Diane's rounds take her to the hammock and Boogie, next but they wander off onto a lot of who they dislike tangents.. Will is definitely warming up to Howie as they interrupt with a brief wrestle
Boogie [on Will's girlfiend Erin Brodie, 'For Love or Money' $2 million winner]: She'd never compromise her morals for a million bucks.. oh wait, she already has.. twice
Howie: Really?
Will: I don't mess around
Will: She'd do well on this show.. other than the whole dig thru the garbage/ride an asteroid thing
Diane [about Janelle]: Don't you go getting any crushes
Jase: No way
Diane: She's a hot piece of ass.. even I have a crush on her
Diane: James will vote for whoever he feels will keep him in the game
Alison: So there are like four I gotta work on - Will, Boogie, George and James
Diane [about - I don't know?]: At least she got laid before she came in here.. check out the rug burn on her back

Janelle & Nakomis compare notes over chess again..

Later Janelle & Kaysar pretend to play chess while comparing notes while the others eat together.. but it's all too overwhelming for them too

Thanks to all the new Hamsterwatch Youtubers.. I know videos are starting off slow but more will be coming along as we go


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Individual daily ratings are based on entertainment value, and they're not providing much. Smiling pics this edition are to encourage them to step it up, but I didn't even get smiles today for a few of them.

Premiere show wasn't bad, except there were few surprises thanks to their leaks. Was it cruel to dwell on the losers' disappointed faces so much? Maybe.. but it was kinda fun too. Noms were unexpected and it was nice to see some behind-the-back scheming already, and to be surprised by it. They aren't fooling anybody with '15 million votes' though - if autovoters aren't allowed they should have rules saying so. Even before the autos kicked in, Cowboy & Lisa had far more votes than Erika & Boogie and everyone knows it, so their line about 'too close to call' was just that, a line.. not to mention the 14 photo frames were seen before voting even started. Meanwhile they advertised the feeds which only came on just after 9pm BBtime, and they had the feeds player showing stuff from the last few days before they were on. Oh well.. that's BB editors for you.

She was the first to cry 'I wanna go home' but she probably won't be the last. That almost earned her ups but it was the only entertaining thing she did today other than a few unusual poses, but they all do those - the camera crew gets that credit.

He's starting to seem a little creepy to me.. I'm trying to be fair to all, especially so early in the season, but I don't see ups or entertainment in his future in there. Hopefully he'll surprise me.

It seems like she learned something after her too early and too over the top intense gameplay earned her first-ever nom, and now she's dropped it way down to dull and almost non-existent. I know she's got the goods in her arsenal to keep us amused but I'm not seeing them.

Diane is the most disappointing of all of them at the moment. Maybe it's too early or maybe Drew inspired her most outrageous stuff in her season, but she hasn't lived up to a fraction of the stomping, cussing, trashtalking or behind-the-backing I know she's capable of.

Umm yea.. I still don't get why she's there. She probably thinks she's laying low and playing it cool, but several have issued an 'Amber alert' on her and she may get gone sooner than she's expecting.

The loony everyman hasn't done a single outrageous thing but I think it takes a few weeks of cabin fever buildup before he starts wigging out. Meanwhile he's on just about everybody's hit list since he's asking too many questions about this comp, that season and exactly how does a golden veto work for their liking. Most of the others are already thinking about Final Two too, and nobody wants to go up against likable, not-gonna-offend-anyone George.

Howie really deserves ups for effort today as he rarely took a break from his constant floor show, but he hasn't upgraded any of his routines and it hasn't even been a full year since we last heard them. He did pop a few funnies - and good ones - but Will found Howie's one soft spot when he used him for his botox demo, and Will knows it even if Howie doesn't. Remember when Howie let Maggie bulldoze him last year? She's got nothing on Will, and Will's starting to cozy up to Howie a little more every hour.

I was pleased to find a smile in today's caps collection but he didn't crack many of them. I think he's told just about everybody in there that he's on their side but we've seen that one before.. he needs to lighten up a little, relax, and chill a bit between potential nomination events. Correction: the codeword 'rosebud' refers to TV Clubhouse, not James' site - sorry for the mixup.

She jumped right in there again and won the veto in a tough physical event by a huge margin, and that shows she's playing this as hard as she needs to. But like last year, she's mostly isolating herself with trusted pals instead of mingling much with those she might need later. She asked Howie to drop the Jedi in Jedi Janey to stop emphasizing that dotted line, but she may have blown it in a big way when she put on her ditzy blonde routine to tell Will there weren't any deals cut in BB6 ('Deals? What do you mean?') He's said he didn't pay attention to any season since his and maybe it's true, but I'm sure he knows she was fibbing to him on that one, and that might cost her something down the road.

He seems to be the new fan fave and who saw that coming? Sure, maybe he went too far a couple years ago, and maybe he got beat today by a girl again in a tough physical comp, but you'd think he could give us a little of that goony stuff that made him so fun to watch. I don't think I've even seen a single mirror-face yet.

He sure wouldn't win 82% of the public vote today, but many were slow to warm up to him the first time around too. He seems to have all his serious game stuff in place this time but whether he'll use it properly remains to be seen. He's laughed a few times but nothing like the yucks overnighters enjoyed last year with him, Janelle & Howie. He even mentioned the hysterical babushka clippers incident tonight, saying to Howie 'it happened right there' but that was the end of it.

He coined a couple good phrases last night (especially 'Amber alert') but for the most part he seems dedicated to resenting Danielle for past history and believing he'll be in the final two. He said today he won't be returning to Housecalls, and his tone made it sound like maybe that wasn't his choice? That could explain why he's back in there.. even without the prize money, it's a weekly paycheck for now.

She never did provide a lot of daily laughs and so far she's sticking to that style. I wouldn't want to see another major meltdown rant from her (and I don't think it would happen again anyway since there are no dark family secrets getting sprung on her this time) but I'm reminded that I gave her everlasting ups for that one. It isn't enough to make me change the arrow though: that's a current daily basis kinda thing.

Dr. Will
The evil doctor gets the only ups today for being the only one to keep all this in perspective today and let himself have some fun with it. He had them hanging on every word during his '5 years younger botox special' class and popped funnies most everywhere he went today. I would have guessed Jase to be the one who'd cozy up to Howie, but the new & mature family guy Jase seems above all that now. Meanwhile Will is moving in on everybody's favorite nutcase and their respective quick wits are making entertainment for all of us. Howie's aware that Will's probably going to use this new buddy system against him at some point, but I don't know if he'll see it coming when it happens.

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This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo

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