Big Brother 6 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

hamsterJuly 4 & 5, 2006 - Days 2 & 3

>> BB7 Park by TD - July 4 - July 5
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>> Jase & Janelle are Heads of Household <<

Den of vipers, pack of jackals

click to view at Youtube

This isn't much of a video from the 4th of July's leakage - it's just a couple minutes of Jase & Howie chatting - it confirms Jase & Janelle are dual heads of household, and they talk a bit about nominations, in general

But it's a reminder for us all not to start believing anything/everything they say this year, especially at first.. just after this snippet, Jase told Marcellas that he'd been "just totally working him [Howie]"

Also in the hour or so of leaked video, Howie says he got voted in by America, and in this clip he insists to Jase that he didn't have a producer guarantee.. he's adamant about it in fact, with a very lengthy explanation and backup detail.. but I've heard that Howie did have a guarantee so maybe he's lying, and maybe super-long explanations will be a tipoff for when he does that

Nakomis also chats friendly with Jase, asking about his dog - by name - you wouldn't think those two would be too interested in small talk.. neither campaigned at all other than one chat by Nakomis.. Jase is virtually invisible on the web other than BB5 stuff.. maybe they both had guarantees, are allied, and trying to look casual

Danielle's heard in another short clip I posted at Youtube chatting informally with Kaysar.. she's also heard plotting with George, Alison, and several others.. James is in on a chat to backdoor Janelle, then goes off to tell Janelle about it.. by the way, it was James who said "We have a beautiful cast"

So listen to the full tapes, read the recaps & transcripts etc but don't jump to any conclusions yet, if ever.. it's more than possible they're all going to be lying all the time this year.. there are hours & hours of videos from all seasons on Youtube and various other places to get acquainted with these folks if they're new to you, or reacquainted if not

I've set up Hamsterwatch on Youtube where I'll be posting videos this season once the feeds start.. I've put up quite a few of last year's there too.. it will remain in the daily linkage section

We got hamsters

The flames are still rolling but the audio was on July 4th for a little while

Speculation time has ended.. so far I've got in the house and talking on the feeds: Alison, Boogie, Danielle, Diane, Erika, George, Howie, Jase, James, Janelle, Kaysar, Marcellas, Nakomis, and Dr. Will - 14 in all

Some think Lisa is also there but I didn't hear her voice or name, other than Danielle saying to Kaysar how some play quietly and go far "like Lisa"

It sounds like they have dual head of households - Jase & Janelle are it/them.. .. also, Danielle said to George that both HOHs must agree on their nominations, else they go on the block also? instead?

The HOH comp and/or the comp for the 13th & 14th spots involved throwing things, with opportunities to take others out.. most are already deep into game chat and skipping the usual get-to-know-you stuff we are used to at this point

There's no real point to try to guess alliances yet for me, as they are all going to be lying through their teeth - there's plenty of time for all that - the four from last year are already on a couple hit lists though

Julie teased there was a surprise about the HOH room this year - not the position - if there are two HOHs, it's possible last year's gold/pimp room is a second HOH room

It's hard to say if today's audio is (another?) intentional leak or just another screwup.. it's odd that only audio came through if it was a screwup, and the only video was a flash of George in diary - the one place we rarely see

Regardless, CBS really needs to get on the ball.. they've got some pretty basic errors on their page: they show Janelle as 10th out last year (she was 12th, or 13th if Kaysar counted twice), and Howie 9th (he was 10th, or 11th if Kaysar's doubled)

Diary slip capped by Attw x - check out her new Drew tribute


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Today's must-click specials:
Fireside chat (scroll down, click free) Wednesday's audio captured by Aldav
Transcript by Penguin at Big Brother Chatter
Recap with game talk by IA/It's Aawwn

Daily linkage just highlights unique sites now - check the new links page for more

Aldav first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town (adult content)
Screencaps refresh site is back from bbfan
Houseguest Tributes videos, quotes, pics from all seasons by BB's number one fan Attw x
Househappenings in-depth Big Brother analysis by IA aka It's Aawwn
Photochops by C=Venus - also try Destroy a Hamster by Johnbb
Big Brother Keyhole peruse various BB sites in the same window, feeds too

Reality TV Links - Big Brother 7 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 7 All Stars all the links
Patrick's Place One-man BB show, 20+ streaming cams including his car
Another 2 cents quasi-intellectual sleaze & radical gumbo aka blog - off for the summer
RealOne SuperPass 14 Day Free Trial Using this link helps support Hamsterwatch, thanks

CBS Big Brother 7 the official site, plus Housecalls live weekdays 10am BB/1pm ET
CBS Innertube same-day Housecalls and next-day air show replays

Hamsterwatch Big Brother 7 Navigation tool for that dingo's daily recaps on this site
Hamsterwatch MySpace
Hamsterwatch on YouTube BB6 & BB7 videos off the feeds
BB7 Park by TD South Park-inspired versions of the goings on
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Big Brother Top 100 all seasons, many countries - Hamsterwatch is #1 wow!!
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red devil duckie
Red Devil Duckie

Lots more devil duckies are available
Pirate, Tattoo, Camouflage and
Hot Rod Devils, plus Dead Duck

Get your shopping done & your bills paid - feeds go live TONIGHT
6pm BB time/9pm Eastern.. so they say

Move-in show is Thursday, July 6 at 8pm. It won't be live. BB will air Tuesday-Thursday-Sunday, all at 8pm

Individual daily ratings will start tomorrow when the feeds do. Complimentary neutrals for all (except Editors) til then, along with their inner-page CBS glamour shots and claims to fame.

Pre-season ups for a terrific casting special! They jumped right in at the start announcing names instead of waiting til the last 5 minutes like many of us expected, and they gave us good highlights for each of the 20 potentials. The mix of hopefuls is so varied and volatile they really should put them all in there and let them fight it out, but we'll have to settle for 6 of our picks and 6 of theirs (or 12 of theirs, depending how you look at it.) Julie teased about something worse than PB&J and an HOH room surprise (but not surprisingly didn't mention that the CBS site had already leaked the list of 20 on June 5.) Here's hoping for more shows like this one this season.. we've all had enough of the misdirection and created drama. Hamsters in the house, plain & simple, is all we need to see to stay happy.

BB4 - Finished 2nd
Known for skanky behavior, lying, being freaked out by a mime

BB2 - Finished 8th
Known for bad hip hop, proposing to Krista in Julie's boudoir, celeb namedropping

BB3 - Finished 2nd
Known for successful secret alliance, giving good diary, having diary backfire on her

BB5 - Finished 3rd
Known for having no filters on her mouth, being dumped on tv, Hamsterwatch star of the season

BB4 - Finished 4th
Known for semi-successful secret alliance, not sure what else

BB1 - Finished 5th
Known for wild shenanigans, attempted walkout, hometown power phone bank

BB6 - Finished 5th
Known for boobies, Busto rant, his jack shack, light sabers, icky undies

BB6 - Finished 7th
Known for playing both sides, swearing on Beau's Bible, winning 4 vetos

BB6 - Finished 3rd
Known for being a buxom blonde bombshell, 'bye bye bitches', being smart, Hamsterwatch star of the season

BB5 - Finished 10th
Known for mirror-face, bath buddies, last ditch efforts

BB6 - Finished 10th
Known for taking out Eric, 82% public vote to return, trusting Jennifer

BB3 - Finished 5th
Known for getting thwacked by Julie after not using veto, Boo the gnome, hosting HouseCalls

BB5 - Finished 4th
Known for tats & kooky hair, Five Fingers & a Pinkie Plan, meltdown rant aimed at producers(and feedsters)

Dr. Will
BB2 - Finished 1st
Known for lying

I am really working toward pulling this off again this summer but it isn't going to be easy. If you'd like to donate to the cause, please visit my sponsor links by clicking on the banners, or make a Paypal donation by email. Please support other BB7 fan sites that you like, too. Many thanks to those who have already contributed, and in advance to those who will

This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo

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