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Old 03-26-2018, 08:07 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 3/26/18

Quick recap:

Veroncia has been sayig to eveyone that she wont go for erica however she haas told Will anda hamza she eventually will. if they keep her

hamza told merron about five company alliance of him will kaela derek and veronica but that merron wasnt part of it so it wasnt a real alliance. that ticked off merron

merron knows that veronica has been throwing him under the bus while she's been campaigning

Johnny has showed his cards to wanting to keep veronica and ali/liv are sketched out over it.

Erica got wind that veronica is saying she wouldn't go after her but she doesnt beleive her and wants her gone and if she has to be the final say in a tie breaker she will. Erica told everyone to vote the way you want.

kaela had a talk with paras where paras showed her cards that she wants to keep veronica

maddy is under the impression she built such a strong bond with Erica these past few days that is why erica used the pov on her that is not the case

veronica is telling eveyrone the same spiel and they are all reporting back to erica with the same information. however veronica has not owned up to the ninky vote and thus is still lying about it or avoiding talking about it.

Ryan told Veroncia that he didnt want to be on the wrong side of the votes

11:05pm Feeds went down for a bit and came back and went down at 9:48pm BBT and have been down ever since
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