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Old 08-17-2018, 06:31 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/18

Fessy: it's cuz you flipped your vote and there have been votes being flipped each week.. 2 people think it was you who voted to keep RS and some people think it's him

scottie: is there any other reason that people are saying that it was the swaggy vote or is it more than that nugget

Fessy: me and you are suppose to be on the same side of the vote.. and i try to talk game to you.. you are real cautious to talk game me to me and i dont know wjhy

Scottie; that one week i lost my friend in the house.. and it shook me

fessy; i knew swaggy didnt have the votes and then i hear all these other things.. and this is why i didnt want the top 3 thing and then you didnt come to me about it.. i didn't want to say it but im stating facts. i dont know who to target.. i dont have any targets.. this is the only way to get truth

scottie.. ok.. well one ran away and one stayed here to try and figure things out

fesy; im nto down with all that were's here to win veto.. it comes down to one little thing. someone is lying. go win the veto.. i dont give a damn.. if you think it's ahrd now wait till top 5

scottie: i know .. ok i'll just play veto.. cool

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