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Old 07-18-2019, 07:49 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day 7/18/19

What to know

HG's were locked in early yesterday. jack had a meltdown where he was actually sobbing and Nick made some sorts of attempt to clean up his mouthing off game. It is possible that the DR has told them to lay off the Kemi bashing that they have been doing. Nick had said he wanted to spit on her" to others. and Jack said He wanted to tell them ALL to pack their bags. There were other things that were said that were negative about each of the campers. Maybe production did get involved or give them a heads up. It's a shame that people don't recognize their choice of words shouldn't be said on their own.

Jackson has been talked about by the other HG's about eh amount of food he eats. he gets up late at night makes full meals and then eats again and again through the day . YET jackson is the one thow wants to ration the food for everyone else. I posted the other day he took a lesser full bag of M&M's from Ovi, without discussion, and swapped it for the bag that Ovi was eating from.

Ovi David and Kemi have been treated poorly by a lot of people in the house. and that above is just one example of it.

Jackson has disclosed ON THE FEEDS that he was taking Xanax without prescription for a while and now that he is in the house he is glad that he his not on them anymore.

Now onto game talk: Clif has no idea that Tommy, Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Christie, Holly are all going to blindside Nick, Bella and Cliff with Voting to Evict CLIFF!

Nick, Bella, Jess ,Kat, Sam all believe that Nicole will be evicted. Nicole believes she will be evicted as well.

Sam late late last night talked very long with Nicole and disclosed he is aware of gr8ful, part of Unde9able, and that there is a 5 person alliance as well. Nick encouraged Nicole to talk to Christie and Tommy to keep her. he said that even though he loves Cliff he wants nicole to stay in the game. Sam doesnt want to be a bottom feeder and told Nicole that he knows that the other side is going for Nick and bella and if they are gone then Sam is next. Sam also said if he won HOH he would put up Cliff/Jess if Cliff stayed and Nicole was gone.

Sam doesnt know that Christie Holly Sis tommy all plan to tell Kat right before eviction that they are keeping Nicole and also telling Nicole that they are keeping her so they can look like hero's and that Nicole will owe them and possible come into " their fold"

Kemi has been through a lot in this game.If she stays she will still be targeting jack and Jackson. Ovi and David really have disclosed whom they will go for since they are better at keeping their cards close.

Tonight 1 of the Camp Comebackers will be returning to the game. There is no information on how that will work out and if an HOH comp will be played on the Live show or possibly after the returnee comes back into the game and shown on the LIVE FEEDS.

Today there will be some game talk but look for Bella/Nick to return back to the RV room.Cleaning and primping and feed blocks for HOH lockdown and rehearsals.
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