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Old 03-31-2018, 09:18 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 3/31/18

Liv and erica up in HOH

Liv do y8ou want to go over potential outcomes.. what are you thinking

werica for me.. i find merron more of a physical competitor and threat.. and i think the next comps will be more physical cuz the last were more mental.. so merron comes down. it'll ahve to be maddy paras or will and it will piss them off

liv yeah but they will stay.. and we ahve the numbers to reassure them

erica best case is me or someone else.. not merron/ryan

liv but whoever does of them the other will go home

erica yeah.
Liv im thiinking not win HOh for the next few weeks.. and let johnny paras.. and we can sit in the middle they will go after each other.. and then we can wipe the board clean.. as soon as ther ae 8 people.

liv if me you or ali win hoh.. it will be obvious which side.. and we ahve to stay in the middle.. and have to trust each other.. even for me if you win that's bad.. and even if ali wins that's bad.. if paras wins then we can force her hand..

erica what about will? he's got such a strong social game

liv i'd prefer daela to win. i dont think they would put up johnny but i wouldn't be surprised

erica johnny can win a veto.. .. i feel comfy in our 4

liv you and ali are my 2 people and i want johnny to stay cuz i feel close but not as close and he is disposible

erica i feel the same way
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