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Old 02-05-2019, 04:13 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 2/5/19

kandi to tom: people are telling me im stupid that im being straight up with them. you have to remember whoever is off the block can take someone off. so for me you have to put 2 people you want most gone.

tom: lets think about it. im thinking it's a psychological way. if i put lolo up and not nat and nat will trust me next week but then she will go next week. they all lied to me. so im lying back

klandi i get what you're saying. if you have some type of deal with lolo. i think she will stick to it or at least be easier to read her if she doesnt stick to it. and i think she will be more appreciative

nat up to hoh

tom i think that someone might have told her everything.

tom what is up? you want to chat more after im done talking to kandi?

nat yeah ok.

kandi she has a serious attitude..

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