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Old 02-05-2019, 02:58 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 2/5/19

tamar up to HOh

tom whatever i do in the hoh will affect what happens to me next week. i have a proposal i wanted to ask to keep it confidential.

tamar; absolutely. i wont tell

tom. ok same. if you win hoh net week. i know how quickly you get put on the block. simply put id like to amke an agreement i wotn put you on teh block if you dont put me on the block

tamar; alright

tom if you win hoh next weekand dont pout me up i wont put you up this week

tamar: i didnt come this far to not ahv eth potential to win this. it was game play to put you and kato on the block. im fond of everyone in the hous.e so if im playing smart. if im up agaisnt ahyone in my rooom it's a sure lose. so i wont put you up.

tamar they ahve a lot of friends outside fo teh house who wi9ll vote for them. i dont think they will take me to the end. and if i do those people will not pick me

tom yeah that's another aspect to it the end and the vote././ so if we are making this agreement would you also vote with the direction i want to go this week

tamar: which direction you going

tom; we have time.. it wont be you./ you dont have to 100% after to that

tamar i want to think my whole thing through. thursday's eviction i want to think of it .. if i had the position i want to take out the 2 strongest players. i think that lolo really likes you as a player. I would go after my 2 targets and ot play the BD cuz it might not work. cuz if the one down wins veto and you have to put someone up how you not going to put me up if you made a deal with me. and i will say if i do win veto i wont use it

tom; that's good but id like to think that it might be something i want to change cuz things change
tamar; whoever you want out i'll do my part

tamar this is the toim i like

tom; i told everyone that i ant to talk to everyone and i told everyone that i dont want them to tell anyone what we talked about.

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