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Old 01-28-2019, 09:03 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Eviction Day 1/28/19

What to know

Feeds will be on and of most of the day for preparation for the LIVE EVICTION SHOW

HG's will be doing the POV Competition and then the VETO Meeting followed by the LIVE EVICTION ALL TODAY!!

Per the HG's all of this will play out LIVE so this might be like a double eviction or a fast foward of past regular seasons.

Kato and Tom are staying solid but it's clear that Kato is head honcho of that pair. Kato appeases Tom by hearing him out and letting Tom feel that what he has to say is valid and /or important. However Kato has his own agenda and it's clear that's most important to him.

Kato Tom Natalie Lolo and Ricky are working together under Tom's premise of an alliance called TEAM FUN.

Ricky Natalie and Lolo are over Tamar and are willing to evict her tonight if nominations stay the same.

Tom and Kato would prefer that Tamar stay on the block if the veto does get used and to backdoor Ryan/Joey depending on who wins veto.

Tamar wants to team up with Kandi Ryan Joey and Dina and said she'd like to break up the pairs of Tom/Kato and Natalie/Lolo. Tamar is still playing as if she trusts Lolo and Natalie to their faces but Natalie and Lolo know that is not the case and know they can not talk truthful game with her.

Ryan and Joey want to take out everyone but first on the list is Kato and Tom followed by Lolo.

Kandi and Dina are the safest in the house. They are both low key and have not ruffled feathers. They also are an easy out and pawns.

Kato asked Dina that if she was to somehow be saved/taken off the block, would she vote the way he wanted on this eviction and she told him yes but I do not see her keeping that promise since she felt betrayed by the Jonathan eviction.

Ride or dies are Natalie and Lolo, Ryan and Joey, Tom and Kato. Ricky is flexible and has not made it clear who he would like to be with in the end.
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