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Old 02-06-2019, 08:20 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 2/6/19

What to know

Tom's nominations has Nat and lolo confused as they were both told different things during thier one on one meeting with Tom.

What they do not know is that before tamar's talk with tom is that she told Kandi that kandi needs to get in Tom's ear and have him put up his real targets and not play around.

Tamar did this because she already see's that if someone who is not on the block of the 3 wins veto and uses it on one of the 2 on the block that TAMAR would be the replacement nominee and she doesnt want that at all.

Kandi had already talked to Tom in the back room but she was the last one up to the HOH and in Tom's ear and that's all it took. It also didnt hurt that Kandi's target is natalie so making the case to nominate Natalie instead of Lolo was most benificial for her.

Lolo was very upset because she thought she had a genuine conversation with Tom and she asked him if what he was saying was true. Which was he was not on the show for the money.He was there for exposure and he said if she was there at the final 4 that the money and he knows that it would help her with her health insurance and Olympic expenses for 2020. IMO he was genuine because of the very deep breath he took when Lolo got up to get tissues for her tears.

With Ricky and Natalie nominated Lolo felt betrayed because she now feels she might be a backdoor plan and that everything Tom said was a lie and used her Olympic dreams against her and that it as a very low blow.

Kandi spent most of the night with Tom and Dina. She told Tom that Dina plays dumb but knows what is going on

Lolo and Natalie tried to secure a vote for their side to keep the girls in the house. Dina agree'd sorta but Dina will do whatever Tom wants.

Tom's main target is Ricky. But he also has a good case to put Tamar on the block should that seat become available. Tom might have a personal issue with Ricky but has a a game reason with Tamar.
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