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Old 01-24-2019, 10:19 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday 1/24/19

backpost cont:

kato: if thinks happen and wee get found out we have to make like we are on the outs.. and we can have a key phrase

Tom: like a safe word

kato: yeah in the conversation.. like Tim green blue whatever your name is SHUT UP!

kato at the right time. it has to be done like and that is the only time you have to be sensational is at the very ened to see who is actually with us.

tom: I'll have a chill day and make some soup. watch the body language of everyone.

tom Id say that jumping on the HOH bed is not a good look. anyone could have come up here

tom; What do you think about doing a talk show? do you think it will affect their decision. it's something to do when they are board and to have fun

kato: that's a late night kinda thing. but it's up to them if they wanted to

tom: yeah

kato: the thing is they are so sick of talking in the DR

tom; it will just be a silly conversation

tom: lets get out of here before we get caught in here.

kato and tom leave the HOh and head back to bed eventually

End of back post 11:04am BBT
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