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Old 04-06-2018, 10:11 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 4/6/18

kaela to ercia everyone has mentioned every perosn in then house

ercia im lke what do people think theya re on. of course they are..

akela of course you are safe

kaela ali said when she leaves she;s going to be angry and i was like ok
erica if we all turn then we all crumble..

akela we control the house with 5 peole..

erica do you know

kaela i ahve a couple of combinations.. and im jsut calling people out on everything

erica you are impressing me with everything..

kaela im not doing this how;'s yor day stuff

kaela will stormed out of here he didnt even finish the conversation..

akela everyone went to ryan and said you have to say you are going to have to say you are going after derek and kaela if you want to stay

erica you decided to keep the person that you said that was going after daela.. and you are surprised that you are a target..

akela i said that convo in teh bathroom that if you wanted to keepo ryan if i won hoh i wasn't putting him up but apparently will went in the room and said that i said i was putting him up and i did not do that

erica i was not suing my week to get out someone that they want out,..

kaela they all came in thinking i was going to put up ryan and i said absolutely not. all 5 said they will put up derek and akeal on the block and they all came in and said that it wasn't them and they each threw each other under the table but 1st they mentioned who to put up.
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