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Old 03-25-2018, 05:10 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 3/25/18

Erica being in here with your own head.. you get to see who you are .. and it's this weird paradoxical feeling.. and im so greatful how it's making me feel but it hurts like a bitch

maddy yeah it's a life changing experience

maddy i appreciate this door being open with you and it's cheeesy but it's changed how im thinking

erica you seemed empoweerd

maddy yes very much

erica i struggled more with putting a woman down.. but when you see how you face adversity and how you fought was incredible

maddy to not seem contrived it was you who put me there

erica it wasnt out of malice.. and who knows how you will feel tomorrow.. or what will go down.. i turned my brain off. we were sitting around playing games

maddy the tension is different now..
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