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Old 05-01-2016, 07:26 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 5/1/16

tim point out to kelsey and the bro's that joel has 4 votes on jury.. and the bro's think they are canada's favs.. they were talking so much shit. why do you think they were voted on.. cuz they would be the laughing stocks of HOH's

Cass kelsey wont see that.. and the brothers are

tim they are turds

tim that is what happens when you play the game you played.

cass i get it.. but i owned up to it. but not joel

tim im fine and if i leave this week.. if i dont use the veto.. or that i use you it on.. what statement does that say,. that i support my friend cass or i support the game taht cass played.. and that's what i ahve to settle inside me

tim what happens if you dont get to the end

tim if we stay and then wee have that option joel going on the block and then we get them to se that joel is a winner and not you

cass the bro's think they played a good game and that i didnt

tim i think what they said.. you're maddy

tim i dont think anyone believes what they've said.. theya re not going to put you out of your misery..
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