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Old 05-03-2016, 06:59 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 5/2/16

joel it's like a court of law.. and that;'s how they decide.. i have proven to be not a good competition so if im a jury threat then it's easy for everyone to get rid of me at f4 more so than cass cuz she's finished better than me in other comps.

Jole i dont think i ahve a better case than anyone else as to w why i would win. and would i give points sure.. and if i walk into the jury.. there's another thing there's all assumptions of the vote.s and people in the jury might be thinking that joel voted against me here and joel did this.. we dont know who they will feel. if they think i was a friend to them they mioght be like joel just stabbed me in teh back like why would i want to reward that kind of play

joel even though i never shook on anything.. i can say jared went to jury saying i believed joel and joel was the deciding factor who stabbed me in teh back.. raul same thing..

Joel and even when i put raul/kelsey up i thought that was good for my game..
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