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Old 04-01-2018, 04:04 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 4/1/18

Erica kaela's whole rugby thing.. ive given her so many chances to tell me aobut it

johnny it's whatever..

johnny we get rid of kaela before derek.

Erica yeah..

johnny derek isnt a threat

erica he auditions twice but never saw the show.. and in the catacombs we got closer.. and i dont think merron will come after you oir i and i think if we can go back and forth.. we can.. and im so nervous that people are going to backdoor me.. and that 's what makes me nervous about ali she's the biggest floater and she will take me out.. and i know if anyone will turn on us it will be ali.. and she is a competitive person.. and she feels that she hasnt done anything.. and i can see her saying lets BD the biggest threat.. until we get to 6 thren we can play in ever comp

johnny yeah that's why they dont see us together anymore..

erica yeah i made sure to stay away..

erica i feel that you are the only one that can win veto for me.. im in im in IM IN~ 100%

Johnny im in!!

Erica i talk so much game with ali and liv. theya re always in here.. ali is a good talker.. the people that are constantly on my ass are the people that are red flags to me..

johnny i think she controls paras though

erica no.. paras always cvoices her concern about not liking ali..

johnny we are getting a head of ourselves
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