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Old 04-01-2018, 02:02 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 4/1/18

Johnny to merron how do you feel against ryan on the block

merron umm.. ok i guess.. he's good with his choice of words.. but i think he will do and say anything to stay and he thinks he knows everything that is going on in the house but that is not the case . I hope people can see through it

johnny people do see thru it but he seems oddly comfortable this weeknd i dont think he should

merron peole tend to lean towards what the house is doing.. and maybe he is trying to use that to his advantage.. im like i dont know man. dont feel too safe.. and i ahve a few people that would vote for me..

johnny and you can picture it going yoru way

merron yeah but nothing is easy in this house. I wont be annoying but i will go harder when i was on the block with veronica and i didnt say anything with hamza cuz i knew he was going home

johnny he was too unpredictable..

merron did he dcry? Id be so upset if i cried and he didnt. I dont wnt my biggest moment in ths house is me crying over my ally leaving in the house.. i want to do well and i would obviously love for you to use the veto on my. i feel good with you..

johnny who esle do you feel good with

merron this stays between you and i?

johnny yes

merron Will and i think ryan feels the same. but i would have to put in some work.. and with paras.. she is good people.. you as well.

johnny i get along with those 2 as well.

merron you get along with evverypne

johnny no ther are some people

merron you do a good job when ryan talks to you. i look at your face and im like are you going to crack

johnny he says some crazy shit

merron im like Ryan no.. i dont want to get into it and he can be disrespectful at times.. and i think that people think that we are good buddies.. cuz we play pool together.. but the idea of being in the house with him doesnt sound good but it's me or him going.. right?

merron paras will i feel good with.. i feel like i could push for deerek/kaela it's poissible.. its not in my favor..

johnny i think you will ahve more luck with ali/.liv

merron i think that they think im gunning for them and hat liv believes that cuz liv took hamza out

johnny make her not beleive taht then

merron yeah but who's name am i going to throw it under?

merron me and erica when it was me and maddy it wasnt me the target to go home.. and i was like thank you. if i survive i would love to work with you.. and i was somewhat for ral. i was open to it. i survived.. put on the block again..and survived.//. and then she put me on teh block again.. i know she believes me that i wont put her on teh block.. im like why are you gunning for me.. i could be wrong.. and look like an idiot.. why put me up and risk me going home if im not gunning for you..

johnny so you dont know why

merron i said dont put me up.. and she did.. i dont think she is a stone cold person.. and she has had the best BB experience than anyone.. HOH , movie.. pov wins $5000.. and her mentality with this week i think she doesn't wnt to shake things up.. and the best way is to get me/ryan out
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