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Old 09-12-2018, 12:43 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 9/12/18

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Kaycee and tyler up in hoh talked more about getting brett out on this double eviction. kaycee is ticked that brett wants to take out kaycee per tyler's and brett's SR talk yesterday. They dont want to tell angela yet because she will freak out and also incase brett wins HOH.

both feel that they can convince whoever wins HOH to get brett up and out.

plan is tyler will try and get brett to throw HOH and he is also telling brett taht he told Angela to throw HOH (which is a lie) so he wont try as hard to win hoh. and this will make brett feel better about trying to get angela out.

The whole plan is to make Brett feel safe and that tyler is onboard to get angela out.

kaycee and Tyler also agree that Brett thinks he's got JC and Sam on board with whatever he wants , which is to get angela out. so they do not want to let sam/jc win hoh or veto.
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