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Old 04-07-2018, 10:50 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 4/7/18

maddy moving foward.. ryan is your target.. and you said that ali/liv is your targets when the triople comes

akela and if i win then i can finally take my shot

maddy when do 8you think it will happen

kaela in 21 weeks

maddy moving forward i dont know what your plan would be.. but the people i feel least comfortable is with ali/liv.. it's jsut cuz they have allegiance to other people

kaela yeah i didnt want to put them up this time and i knew i wanted ryan out the whole time

maddy i left my conversation with him that i was manipulated and i know that paras talked to him this morning and i dont know what happened

kaela yeah paras said tha she didnt want to talk to ryan and he wants to and she didnt want to feel manipulated..

maddy im putting it to rest now.. im done.. and i feel good with you now

kaela i even told johnny that there is no way i was every going to put maddy up

maddy i get where everyone was coming from.. we are all feeling some type of way yesterday but i get it

kaela his side of the story.. he haas a way that if you dont go with him

maddy i acted a way that i will be embarrassed to watch.. i felt like a fool

kaela he was trying o do that to me too.. and i like you that you are honest and genuine.. and i can talk to yo

maddy moving forward.. with a blank week in between im unsure where you are and i know you want ali/liv to stay for the triple.. but for me i dont know with them.. if i win HOH i would be inclined to consider them as an option and i know for you it's not ideal

kaela there are 2 of them..
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