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Old 07-25-2017, 12:47 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/24/17


Jessica told kevin that she has the DoT but taht she elaborated on the "powers' it has

9:44 feeds 3/4 kevin tells Jason aobut DoT

kevin i think she has it.

Jason oh man.

kevin im just guessing..

jason that means they can stop a vote.?

kevin paul got ti for 3 times he couldnt go up. what if they go up they cant be put up. then who goes up.. they are playing it too cool. i said to her that 9 out of 10 people cant stand you.. when she asked me..

jason i dont give a fuck

kevin it drives you crazy.. i jsut want to sleep..

jason so do we keep ramses

kevin this is way too much pressure..

jaosn i dont care

kevin i dont give a fuck.. but they are playing way too coool. how can you not be upset if everyone doesnt like you

jason they dont know taht

kevin everyone emptied trash on them how can they not like them.. that was fruit cake.. matt..

jason no he's way too big

kevin no he's a tight walker..

keivn and people are eating grill cheese.. and im in slop.. all girls are not have nots.. i'll never make fun of a have not again..

kevin they are too crazy.. paul calling everyone back there.. im like wht?

jason jsut leave it the same if we're wrong vote me ot who cares

kevin it all depends who wins hoh.. we're old men.. they wont yell at us.. or come after us.. we didnt do nothing..

end 9:49
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