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Old 04-02-2018, 10:51 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 4-2-18

Erica what's shaking

Ryan perception laughs that are too long and looks too long

erica with merron?

ryan i feel that i ahve the same concensus with the dou's

erica its clear that daela is best friends with merron

Merron up in HOh i left my comb..

Erica yeah

merron leaves

Ryan i feel they are easily gflopped to the other one and they want to take me out

erica i think that merron would be more easily flipped.. byt that logic

ryan im a little hinky .. if it gets to the tie and the argument gets to you ..

erica i dont see that

ryan the peole that commited to me im going to stay on them.. the question is that i dont think i can get both pairs.. there is only 1 pair i can pitch to and deal with on a longer term.. so wht is that pairing to keep you safe..

erica by your logic.. im not really paying attention.. i dont feel like im hoh and it's so different than last week.. if liv/ali dont seem like that will flip they are the ones that you pitch to no?

Ryan i feel that i was outright upset with ali/liv so i dont think they can accept it.. adn i see you lining up with the pairs.. and with out giving you that logic to line up

erica you know where i stand.. y big thing is i dont want to be a 3 of a 2 or a 5 of a 4.. i dont want to be that person.. it makes more sense.. if it's counting the other humans.. they all ahve been very vocal about them being an individual

ryan you ahve to separate yourself about they are not

ryan there is no way that if i came down and you put up dereak or ali.. there is no way they will be ok.. like will did.. will and V weren't a thing.. if liv goes up ali will fight like hell to keep her
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