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Old 03-12-2018, 09:38 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 3/12/18

Ronnie the reason that answer is on the block was that he was trying to flip the house and now he is doing that same thing.. he is telling people they are threats.. so like he said he didnt want to do the dance around me.. the asshole part of it. is that im going to use his quotes that he said to me. and im goiong to say personally. not the house. and im going to say that i dont think you personally ahve anyone's best interests in mind.. and i dont trust what he says

Ronnie i think that after doing this that i would get respect from the house.. and i came in late and i ahve to say i am in with you guys and the family and im here to play.. and i was put in a shitty position when i came into the house and i have to secure my spot and have to make a big move.. and Canada would love this

johnny you think so?

ronnie yes.. i was in the Dr talking for 32 days aobut the circle being talked about and now i ge to put him in the circle and talk aobut.. and i would never do this if it wasn't done to me..

Ronnie it was his idea to sit us down dn talk to us like that and it was a shitty feeling.. and im going to call him out on his lies..

johnny you are not going to say johnny siad??

ronnie no im not using names at all or specifics im just going to say that he was trying to flip the house to get hamza out and that you were telling people that they were feeling threatened.. and i can guarantee no one said they were feeling threatened.. and even if they did feel that way he would be the last person that they would tell.

when he asked us who would we want out or up .. we all lied.. it;was all busllshit.. i told you what ever cuz i wanted you to stop asking me.. and so did everyone else.. and i wouldnt do it if i didnt think that everyone supported me..

Ronnie and if i get evicted next week at least i made my mark and did something ballsy

johnny i dont want to be part of the house meeting

ronnie why? why were you part of it with me and merron then

johnny cuz we all were thinking .. but .. it's the same premeditated.. spot.. like he's in a bad place.. and i feel bad..
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