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Old 03-22-2017, 07:44 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 3/22/17

Dallas everyone but you cass jackie is getting put on blast.. and i ahve to do it when i know i dont ahve the votes.

Ika i cant beleive emily is running around that she has the votes.. and that it was fake and that you guys know each other outside the house

dallas should i go and tel them i dont know them out side the house?

Dallas it's jsut messed up i think demetres has a deal with dillon.. and him keeping emily..

ika there was a deal that ewas cut for sure.. and i feel taht bruno is keeping her close and i think they are telling people different things..

dallas yeah im going to throw him under the bus.. i got something good for sindy and bruno.. im going to talk to everyone individually and then i will tell you everything i know.. everything!

Ika i was up ther with demetres and cass and sindy walked in a bunch of times and bruno was in the bathroom for a really long time and then kevin walked in to say g'nite.. like how did he know we were in there..

dallas im just going to put everyone on blast..

Dallas and what if i cut neda a wicked deal..

ika i dont know..

Dalls she said that if she doesnt bring vets to the end she wont have a chance to win the game

ika she said she wanted to go with the house but there is no house.. so she might do it.. we need demetres to say he want emily gone..

ika dont say anything to cass.. i think people are sketched out by cass.. and i think that you if you are leaving it is cuz of her not you..

Neda in..
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