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Old 02-02-2019, 08:55 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday Eviction Day 2/2/19

What to know

Kato and Tom are on an island alone from their own doing. They threw their alliance under the bus. Told everyone different things and then got caught. The house was tense all day. Ricky Natalie Tamar Lolo all decided to not talk to either of them for their own game and mind sake.

Kandi has 3 votes to stay IF Tamar votes to keep her which she said she would do the previous night as a pity vote. However Lolo Natalie and Ricky all explained that Joey was the one who came to them not only with a deal and plan to stay to take out Tom/Kato if he wins HOH but also Kandi hasn't offered anything top them to stay and Kandi might go back to work with Tom/Kato if she stays. And they would not have the numbers moving forward.

Tamar said she would think about it. She has a lot on the line outside the house since she just reconciled her relationship with Kandi and didn't want to put that in jeopardy.

Tamar told Joey that she needs an ally in the game and that if she keeps him is that something he wants. Joey said yes of course. That others are flipping left and right. They high fived and then fist bumped on it.

Dina is caught in the middle. Kato keeps telling Dina what to do. Everyone can see it clearly and it's starting to get to Dina. Dina has not made any game moves or alliances with anyone on the side.

Tamar found out that Kato a speech Kato was going to say when he nominated her in reference to" You should have seen this coming Miss Cleo.

Lolo told Tamar this in the lounge. Tamar was ticked off. She asked why did he say that was it because of my African head wrap? Lolo made sure that tamar ask Ricky because he was there and Ricky told Kato not to do that.

Even though it wasn't said at the nomination speech it was said and that is all Tamar needed. Tamar went off on Kato, Feeds stayed on joey taking a shower but the audio you can hear her yelling at him.

Kato was called to the DR shortly after that. And then later took his duffle bag and headed up to the HOH to sleep with Tom.

Kandi most likely will be evicted tonight. If anyone but Kato and Dina win HOH Tom and Kato will most likely be put on the block with Dina as a backup pawn.

If Kato wins HOH he will put up Natalie and Lolo with Ricky as a renom if needed.

If Dina wins HOH Look for Kato and Tom to try and control her HOH.We have no clue who Dina would actually but she has said in the past that the girls could have been nicer and they team up together.

We should have an unusual day since we've never had an eviction on a Saturday. Look for feeds block for HOH lockdown and rehearsals.
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Last edited by UgotBronx; 02-02-2019 at 10:14 am.
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