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Old 10-10-2016, 07:29 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/9/16

Backpost 10:39pm feeds 3/4

Whitney and Alex head to bed Justin Neeley and Kryssie on patio

Kryssie he's trying so hard to be on this crusade that he isnt like that he keeps fucking it up.

justin cuz yeah he';s not really like that he's trying to be someone who he's not up in here. it's clear what kind of person he is

Kryssie i cant beleive monte told shane that he didnt like me.

justin he doesn't like people

kryssie no he doesn't like people that are different than him. i was really disappointed that monte came in side and said she is hitting that ball really had and he said im sorry that 's what you get for what she said yesterday

justin why is he mad she said that danielle.. like that jsut goes to show what kinda snake he is

Kryssie he is afraid the whole world is going to look at him as something that he's not but what he doesnt understand is that he keep perpetuating that kinda thing it's going to make him look worse.. he said to me he purposely runs over squirrels like what the fuck is wrong with yo. it pisses me off i wanted to really like him..

justin he';s from tennessee

kryssie he's from mississippi but a stone throw away from tennessee

justin well that explains it :shurg:

kryssie he's so hell bent on making himself he's this typical southern whatever.. but every time he digs himself deeper

justin that's why he's up in that have not where it smells like donkey ass and monkey balls
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