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Old 04-25-2018, 05:14 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/25/18

Quick recap

kaela pitched to will maddy paras to keep her.

Will gave paras and maddy an ultimatum he wants to keep ali and he said that if they dont and keep kaela he's going with johnny and liv cuz it's about the numbers

maddy tells paras that will is freaking out cuz he's thinking that kaela will take him out

7:42pm maddy gives Paras something to hold onto a shirt if they get split up in the triple

paras is shaking her head

maddy no paras.. no you're going to make me cry

maddy and paras have a hug and cry .. maddy is sobbing

Will then went up to Hoh and talked to johnny about what he said to paras and maddy. Johnny cant understand why they would want to keep kaela. Will told johnny that paras will fall in line

mean while paras and maddy have a talk in the white room aobut what will jsut did to them. paras doesn't want to go against will and wants to be loyal to both of them
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