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Old 04-11-2018, 08:56 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/11/18

Johnny im going to have to win

Ryan yeah both of you will ahve to win.. and i thought that the 5 was a good thing and still do.. and im a person that likes to go with those that win and i can go deep and next week you are kaela.. and youa re the veto king right now.. 60% aint bad.. but it's not 100%..

johnny which ones did i lose.. tomb raider and what else..

ryan you weren't in mine..

Will back again.. see's theya re still talking

ryan are the consequences truly thrreeatening to you or nit. a lot of people like to magnify their importance in the game and they dont ahve it.. and i know that id rather be here than not here. i think it's a stronger 5 than anything else you ahve going on

Ali walks bye and sees them talking

ryan if youa re a friends close enemies cloers tyep

johnny hmm

ryan if the danger was of me being smart i cant win..

johnny im already that guy

ryan then why not.. you know i ahve yoru back that's not a question for you . why are you keep the question mark and not the certiantanity.. and erica is only going to vote me it if she knows im going home and the same with ali/liv.., and i think they beleive if you take the show now they are better off.

ryan are you willing to stack maddy paras will derek against you.. and i dont see why i dont fit in that plan was well and it could be that i am toxic.. and if i am they are waiting for you

ryan if you dont think you are in a safe place there is reason for that feeling..

paras walks by seeing them talking

ryan but it's going to be what it is.. and if it isnt me.. just be very careful. i didnt know that when i talked to you that you maddy paras ali liv.. had a thing.. and they went to you saying they didnt ahve a f4.

ryan head my back he said and the 1st time i gave him information he went back to them and laid it all out.. and that is why ali didnt trust me.. will went back to ali.. maddy told me it was will and i dont know if you and maddy were running game on me.. and i dont know. i dont buy it but it's a possibility and i have to be open for that.

ryan i can be there and if you dont want it there .. i hope i dont see yo.. but i dont see it that way.. i think i will; see you before i see a bunch of others.
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