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Old 07-20-2019, 07:44 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/20/19

What to know

Cliff is not phased by either side inside of the house. He's willing to make a big move and wants Jack gone. He is ok working with Bella Nick this week as long as he can get what he wants.

However, Jack, jackson believe both will be taken off the block with one winning veto and one with christie using her DPOV and that's not going to happen. Christie will not use her power on either of them no matter how much she might tell them to their face that she will.

Tommy's game is starting to be lethal.Many are seeing him being a social butterfly. Some are starting to be aware of it however this is not the week to backdoor Tommy.

Jackson has been eating a ton of slop and over night drank more milk and chocolate milk so when the Have Not's get up they will have less milk available. This will be the beginning of people being upset and grouchy!

Sam is clear and free this week having mad alliances with christie and Nick and bella separately.

Today will be the Veto draw and jack said he will use his power if he doesnt have a majority of Six Shooter playing in the veto.

Kat's under rated game is one to look for. She's got holly with her and Jessica and could have the pick of any one of the guys to help her if/when the time comes.

Unfortunately Nicole is in the middle. She is no longer on an island. Both sides want to use her but she wants to work with Cliff and whomever is there with cliff she will go along with, for now.

Veto draw and veto will be played today/tonight.
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