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UgotBronx 08-15-2020 05:52 am

Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/15/2020
Keesha evicted 13-0

Memphis won Big Brother Watch Party

Kaysar, David,Nicole F and Christmas are Have Nots for the week.

* Nicole F chose to do it for Ian since he was just a have not *

**Previous Have nots got to chose current Have nots**

Safety Suite players Christmas, Cody, Ian, Davonne, Bayleigh, Nicole F, Kevin

Christmas won Safety Suite and used her plus 1 to keep Ian Safe

Memphis nominated David and Nicole A to be on the block

POV Players Memphis, Nicole A, David, Ian, Nicole F and Tyler. Hosting - Enzo

Memphis won POV

UgotBronx 08-15-2020 05:53 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/15/2020
:wave: Welcome to Hamsterwatch Forum! :wave:
I will be posting a brief update on the start of each day before I transcribe REAL TIME updates daily when I can.

This season will be a bit different since I am still on the mend from major back surgery. So please forgive me as I work through the obstacles.

I'll try and let you all know if I won't be updating when I can on that particular day. As of right now it's harder to keep up in the night time since I've had a full day of meds and strain on my back.

So again, please forgive me and be patient. :cheers:

Due to the change of the CBS streaming program I needed to upgrade to a higher/faster internet package than what I've had during the off season.

Getting your LIVE FEEDS here at Hamsterwatch Forum will help me keep updating all summer! CLICK HERE

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As the season goes on if you appreciate the updates and want to show your gratitude you may do so by donating/tipping the updater aka ME! :wave:

How to donate Go to paypal, select "send to friends/family" and put in my email addy Ugotbronx @ Gmail .com (remove the spaces )

Thank you to those of you who have ALWAYS donated and showed your support! It is always greatly appreciated!:cheers:

Make sure to check www.hamsterwatch.com for any critical information that I may have missed from over night.

Also make sure to check the FLASHBACK thread for dates/times for the more explosive stuff! :casey:


UgotBronx 08-15-2020 06:12 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/15/2020
What to know

Memphis held his HOH round table with each HG's but already knew what few he was going to chose from. He is upset that everyone wanted to keep Ian safe. 1st with the slop(would ahve been 2nd week in a row) and then Christmas using her safety suite plus 1 on him. He's told everyone that NOW people are looking at Ian as a target for sure. That what they did along made him shine more.

Meanwhile Enzo has by-product HOHitis and wants to backdoor someone. ANYONE!! He'd like Janelle gone and if Cody wasnt close to Nicole He's want Nicole F gone. He doesnt want previous winners in the end.

Janelle, Kaysar are pretty safe this week unless that bug of Enzo's got into memphis's ear. Memphis said that he won't do that to her just yet. But there's always a BUT!

janelle Kaysar, Nicole A and kevin figured out the alliance of the CLOSERS Dani, Cody, Enzo,Tyler, Christmas. They've kept memphis on the teetering edge of that only because Janelle and kaysar don't want to believe he's working with someone other than them and hasn't told them :shrug:

Nicole A went running and told Cody that there's speculation of the closers alliance. This spun Cody!! I look for Cody to not only distance himself to to go for the POV, keep noms the same and go hard for the next HOH. The only way he can prove he's not part of this alliance is to put up one of them as a nomination. Or they all have to have complete dominance from here on out.

Dani being Dani is using her sarcastic humor to gage people and their temperament on the game and people. I look for her to bail on the alliance of the closers even before they get outed fully.

Tyler is not happy that David is a have not and on the block. Apparently after the season David and Tyler became close friends and now tyler wants to make sure that David stays. Aside from playing for Veto and using it on him he'll have to drop truths or lies about Nicole A to make sure that she gets all the vote to be evicted.

HG's have been able to tweet out but they can no read any tweets and any tweets that are from their account may not always be from them but from the people that are handling their social media accounts. Most are just saying HI to family but look for some " coded tweets" to come out.

If you are on twitter Dingo has made a separate twitter list with all the Hg's tweets that are coming out. Again just know that some are RT's and Likes from family, friends, fans and "others" Click here>>
HG's Tweets from inside the BB22 House

Today will be POV pick for players and the POV

*note* I may be gone all day. Sorry in advance if I am**

UgotBronx 08-15-2020 03:55 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/15/2020
POV Players Memphis, Nicole A, David, Ian, Nicole F and Tyler. Hosting - Enzo

HG's waiting around all day for the POV to be played. As of right now 3:55pm BBT the POV has not started

Spoke too soon Feeds down for POV 4pm BBT :casey:

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