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UgotBronx 06-28-2019 06:42 am

Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
TWIST: Camp Director will have to be nominated by the HG.

Camp Director has to chose 4 people That will be BANISHED from the house

The 4 HG's must go head to head to battle to stay in the game.

ONE will be out of the game even before the 1st eviction

Jackson banished Cliff Kemi Jessica and David

Cliff, Kemi and Jessica all found their way back to Camp BB

**Julie"David is out of the game BUT you haven't seen the last of him"

Christie won HOH

Christie nominated Cliff and Kathryn to be on the block

TWIST # 2 Whacktivity is in play (TBD what it is)

POV Players Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Jack, Nicole, Sam & Tommy Hosting

Correction Kaycee Clark hosted the POV

Sam won POV Food Fight

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 06:59 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
What to know

Tommy and Christie are working together and each are working on the other side of the house.

Jack Jackson Christie Nicole Analyse and Holly are in an alliance.

Jack Jackson and Tommy are in an alliance

Christie Analyse Holly Nicole Jessica Kathryn are " working together"

Ovi has been irritating some of the HG's particular the women by unwanted massages but the guys have tried to tell him to back it off kindly.

Sam intends to use the veto on Cliff

Christie's orginal plan with the alliance was to nominate Kemi as the replacement nominee and everyone agreed they'd vote her out. HOWEVER last night Christie Holly Analyse have mentioned how " THIS IS NOT THE JACK AND JACKSON SHOW" and since Jackson is safe from winning the Camp Director twist. Jackson could be a renom. The girls all have mentioned on how Jack is working all the girls.

Several of the guys have mentioned how Jackson and Christie might become " A THING". Christie does not want that type of target on her back and the only way to get that target off her back is to get Jackson out.

Kemi only became a target when she happened to name who is working together in front of bella who brought that back to Jack and Jackson whom she has a 3 person alliance with.

Christie might have the votes to get Jackson out if she plays her cards right but that is a lot of blood on her hands especially if there is a battle back of some sorts which we know Julie mentioned at the end of the premiere night show #2.

Christie would have to secure Analyse, Holly, Kemi, Nicole, Cliff, Ovi, Tommy and Jackson would be evicted over Kathryn. It's a sticky move but if Christie pulls this off the only one that would really be gunning for her is Jack if he wins HOH next.

Jackson spent the night consoling Kathyrn who feels she will be evicted even though he told her repeatedly that she was going to be ok.

Kemi is beginning got get the feeling she may be a renom.

Holly is already sick of everyone since they have nothing interesting to talk about.

Everyone else seems to be either having a meltdown, missing their families or empathy crying.

Still no animosity outwardly spoken of so everyone is still kumbaya in the house to each other's face.

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 07:02 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
All HG's are sleeping

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 07:12 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
:wave: Welcome everyone to Hamsterwatch Forum! :wave:

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:cheers: Here's to a new season of newbies! :cheers:Hope you enjoy the updates! :cheers:

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 07:55 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff is up, making coffee and making something to eat

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:08 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff having breakfast while studying the memory wall


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:20 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Feeds 3/4 7:44am BBT Cliff talking to us live feeders with Orwell

Cliff I got a zero yesterday in POV.. sam is saying he will use the veto on me. i wont trust anything that anyone says till my name is called. i've seen too many of these shows. to know better. Seems like sunday's live eviction show. so that is a lot of time.. I told kat not to say anything to anyone but the 1st eviction might not be till next wednesday.. it's a long time in the house between when David went home and when the next eviction is.

If i could survive this eviction coming up. i think everyone likes me and is getting along with me. of course they could be in the Dr saying other things. i think ive done enough to get passed the OLD GUY in the house.

The only one that i haven't talked a lot to isjess. and we have similar things. she is a plus size and may not feel that she is getting along with others as much as she'd like to.

Cliff I cant coast.. i dont want to float. it's a matter of when the groups break up. it's only a matter of days till you see lines when they are drawn 1 I think i can see where everyone is then i can chose.. well maybe that is a floater.. but i wont stay a floater for long.. and then maybe make some hard calls and cut some people loose

If im playing the game well or not im having a fun time.. Everything Ive seen is from y'all's angle.. being here it's amazing. i keep forgetting about the camera's and mics..

If i play the game the way i want to and p;lay the whole deal it's a drop in the bucket

I think everyone is not trying to play the game hard and not make the unpopular cuts.. I've got some things that I'd like to do if i get hoh.. there are easy choices and harder choices that are bigger power plays. there are people that i think that are playing the game really well. and it's still too early to be thinking of being HOH and making those cuts.


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:27 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff the way these people are staying up. i want to stay up. i'm getting so tired trying to listen in and stay up. there are too many room and too many conversations.. so i try to find the room where there are the most people.. and i always feel good with Christie in the room. she seems to be the lynch pin with everyone maybe it's just cause she is in power.

It;s tough to talk game. just as im ready to talk kemi or ovi or someone else who is not relevant to tht conversation come in.. they come in to see what is going on and that is what i find myself doing. and they want to make sure that you arent talking about them. i wonder what it's going to be like in a few weeks.

everyone is friendly. i hope that i can still be friends with everyone when this is over. i hope everyone is feeling like that.

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:32 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff: I feel that we as a cast didnt have that division that they have started off with like last year. we dont have that in here. I know that people might have thought that those that came back after being banished would be chapped at jackson but that isnt the case. I havent forgotten that he did it it makes an easy excuse to put him up if i need too along with christie.. . it's hard i look at the memory board.. there isnt anyone. but maybe kemi, she rubs people the wrong way. she has some people upset. Ovi, i think he's trying too hard in the social part and coming off awkward.. and i hate it i have to distance myself. it's hard i caught others making fun of him and i had to go along with it. it's hard.. it's like HS and being with the IN GROUP. and i feel bad. he's just doing things that are rubbing people the wrong way.

Im going to try and avoid being in here when they do things like that and down the line in a few weeks you might look at me and call me a hypocrite. i keep thinking of piggy and Lord of the flies.

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:35 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff: It seems like it's been forever since we've had the pool and the backyard.. and feeling that sun on my face. there is something about solitude. it's nice to sit here and talk out loud and not having to worry about everyone taking every word you say and using it against you in the future. and as much as i know that there might be someone outside that door and im screwed!


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 08:43 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff: I do wonder what twist i'm missing completely who's related in here? christie and j michie brothers and sisters? is jack really a stand in for aquaman. already a stunt double. I like the guy he's a dominating presence. I think he's playing the game well

Cliff: Tommy, i bet you guys are enjoying the guy. every room he walks into he lights it up. he messed up yesterday talking about his family playing the game at home and challenges.. he's hard core.. but ive got to pay attention to him. he's got a lot more going on. He's not showing he's playing the game at all. he's doing a good job of coasting and using his friendliness and joyfulness. he's going to be one of those that never see the block. he;'s going to be the one who's driving the cart from the back. maybe he's playing JC's game from last year. not in front but still can control a lot of what happens.


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 09:10 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff goes on for another 20 mins about random stuff and then retires back to bed at 8:44am

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 09:16 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
All HG's sleeping :zzz:

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 09:44 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Wakey wakey time!! :casey:

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 09:58 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
HG's are on the move.

HG's were told " what do you not understand about wake up! by production

Jack crawls into the bed with the girls in the HOH talking about how jackson was moist when he was sleeping on jack

Nick in HOh saying that someone slept with him but no one elspet with tommy.

Nick I got called into the Dr too at 5:30


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 10:01 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Christie to Nick: is this still the plan. i dont want o be crying and everyone flipping on me i dont want to be a scumbag and crying all week

Nick no.. here's the deal kemi talked too much and if she didn't then kat would be going home.. kemi dropped every name

Nick; when i talked to her she said she would put up ovi and cliff

christie why would she do that

jack; she;'s toxic like Britney spears man

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 10:35 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Christie im not up for blindsiding someone today. i hope america doesnt think im evil

jack you are over analyzing it..

Christie well it's easy for you. you are not the one doing it

jack Well it was my idea just say that

christie: i dont want people to think that you are playing my game for me

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 10:36 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Cliff up in HOH trying to find out if sam was going to use the pov on him.

Christie confirms it.



UgotBronx 06-28-2019 11:35 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Tommy: there were struggles growing up being gay. and i think it's important to acknowledge it. and feeds flip away from tommy


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 11:38 am

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Bella and nicole talking while playing checkers

bella: how do you feel about noms?

Nicole: well the house wants what the house wants.. so i guess im fine.

Bella I dont want a target on my back later.. it doesnt make sense for him to get out kat. it just sucks. Because she didn't win the power so she doesnt get to take someone down


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:00 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Christie someone told me that eviction might not be till wed. and if so that is crazy. how do you feel?

tommy: good everyone was crying yesterday.. it was a good check for everyone

Christie: i wnat to be more social with the other side of the house

tommy: I want to be more social with our side of the hous.e it's weird that we both got a vobe about jack

christie: yeah.. even the girls talked about it.. they said that when they get down to 8 they want to get him out. he's playing the game so well

tommy: I dont think so. everyone is onto him..

Christie: Even the way he flips his hair.. and I want to have a talk to him but we can string him a long.. and I feel i need to tell him that i dont want a target on my back.. like it's cool that he flirts with the girls. I dont care.. and him saying lets work on the 5.. like just work on our 3.. and that makes me think he's saying that to everyone else.

Tommy: I think that i want to keep him around to work with him.. you just ahve to talk to him

Christie: yeah.. I just dont want people to think that me and jack are working together.

tommy I was with bella and nick all night. i wanted to get closer to them. Nick is so worried about him and bella being a target. and Im like why worry about that.. I dont think bella wants to be tied to nick

Tommy and just so you know there might be a time like last night, that i might not back you up some times.

Christie OH i get it yeah

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:04 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Tommy there has tio be something with him. that he has no one outside of here

Christie: yeah like why doesnt he have a release from him like no one.. and then not even ex g/f like maybe he's a villain.. but a really good flirty villain but he's like that cuz he's not in control. so I will let him think that in times.. i just don't want to kiss his ass!

Christie: Im glad that we are on the same page..

Tommy: yeah

Christie: yeah so im going to have to suck his ass. like i have to be subtle and not like : get your fucking arms off me"

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:07 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
tommy Im really good with bella

Christie: yeah we started off strong.. but then she backed off a bit.. she's mysterious in this game.. and i like that

Tommy: she reminded me of nicolette..

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:21 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Tommy between you and I, im going to be throwing comps..

Christie: I just hope someone from our side will win it

Tommy: well if i see someone isnt doing well I will go for it

tommy you like my beard?

Christie: yeah i love it!

tommy: I know my mom hates it

Christie: I wonder how gelica is doing with your instagram and i wonder how they are reacting

tommy: we have to keep an eye on jack he is the only one that might be on to it.

Christie: I think we are doing a good job..

tommy yeah me too but any time i get a chance to throw in something that makes them think we don't know each other I do it.

Christie: Ok this is so much fun. hug me

Tommy hugs christie and leaves HOH


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:27 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Christie: they told me that they are calling me in the Dr do you know what you are doing with the veto?

Sam: yeah but they will call me in no?

Christie: yeah but they wanted to prep me

Sam: yeah Im going to do it sad if they say that we have to do it sad.. but we can do a bunch of takes. why were you crying yesterday'

Christie: I just feel sad.. she just inst vibing.. like when she washed the teflon pan after she scratched it

Sma: Im going to say something to lighten the mood

Christie: Im going to say that it's not personal and that you name dropped a lot

Sam: you are going to say that? I wouldn't. I would tell her that later on and that it was kat who said that..

christie: Im going to say that kat is being paranoid and sleeping and not being social

Sam: you can say that about kat

Christie :L but the veto meeting isnt about the other nominee..

Sam: you can make it about it though. who says you dont


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:38 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Smaa: I thought that some people that are low on the totem pole would come to me but the only person that really did that was kemi. like no one like very comfy.

christie: cliff was talking to me about that this morning. you dont want to appear arrogant..

Sam i would think the bottom feeders are nicole jess ovi kemi and social wise.

Christie: not unless they all got the power and they think we are immature assholes running around here..

sam: nick told me that kat is freaking out that you're not using the veto. like talk to me then!

UgotBronx 06-28-2019 12:50 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Christie: Why doesnt she feel that she should come to you to talk to you about the veto.

Cliff: yeah i dont get it . i think she thinks she is good.


UgotBronx 06-28-2019 01:00 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Backyard is open!

Kemi grabbed her laundry and got 1st dibs on doing her laundry

Cliff" you know the sound of music when she is on the hill?"

Kemi: I feel like im getting backdoored!"



UgotBronx 06-28-2019 01:10 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
kat up to check on what was going on with sam and the veto.

girls are getting in their bathsuits

Bella up to use the bathroom then informs the girls " Sorry I kinda like have diarrhea"

they leave! LOL

Christie: no banishing.. you dont need to be sad. but there is no reason to campaign. I dont want to be mean but let her think that you are the target.

Sis up in HOH .. let me know if my tampon string is hanging out . Im so scared of that



UgotBronx 06-28-2019 01:24 pm

Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19
Jessica is waiting for her nair to activate and work

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