View Full Version : Live Feed Updates Monday 10/3/16

10-03-2016, 05:58 am
All 13 Hg's have moved in

Jason Roy BB17 was voted in by America to enter the BBOTT House

BB BUG infection released in the house by Shane Last Hg to receive the bug will be HOH

Monte avoided BB BUG infection and is the 1st HOH-BB BUG

Safety Ceremony Round 1: Monte chose Neeley Whitney Cornbread Morgan Shane to keep safe

Safety Ceremony Round 2: Monte chose Justin Alex Kryssie Shelby and Scott to be safe

Monte nominated Danielle and Jason to be on the block

HG's have been told about America's Nomination vote

America's Voting Rules

1)America can not nominate the same HG 2 weeks in a row

2)All nominees will compete in POV

3)Should America's nominee come off the block because of the veto America will NOT name a replacement nominee

Which means at each live eviction there could be 2 or 3 nominees on the block

America chose Cornbread as the 3rd nominee

Danielle Jason and Cornbread are on the block and up for eviction

POV players Danielle Jason Cornbread Monte Whitney Alex, Shane hosting

Jason won POV VETO Vault

Swimsuit Photo Shoot LIVE tomorrow 12:30 EST 9:30am PT

10-03-2016, 06:11 am
What to know

Hg's are worried who America will nominate as the 3rd nominee

Shane and Danielle are getting closer. Danielle has no clue that Shane knew ahead of time she would be nominated . The Plastics did.

Alex told Morgan she needs to be careful and to wear her make up and no glasses and dress up more. Alex is worried that others might catch on.

Shelby is playing both sides with Alex Morgan and Shelby aka "The Plastics" vs Monte however she appears to be more loyal to the girls.

Scott still riding well in the middle of both of his alliances however The Plastics are watching his game and have mentioned how close he is with Monte

Each one of the plastics are going to keep track of the traffic in the HOH

Neeley is playing the game, Shelby has caught on and got confirmation from neeley she is very observant. Shelby relayed that back to The Plastics

Voting for America's nominee ends today at 9 am BBT

Today 1pm BBT the 3rd nominee will be revealed to the HG's and the Veto competition will start

7pm BBT BB Recap

10-03-2016, 06:13 am
http://emoticoner.com/files/emoticons/smileys/hello-smiley.gifWELCOME to Hamsterwatch Forum BBOTT Series Coverage!:wave:

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10-03-2016, 06:16 am
all HG's :zzz:

10-03-2016, 07:04 am
CB up to use the bathroom

10-03-2016, 07:08 am
CB did NOT wash his hands once done in the toilet. :cuss:. heads back to bed

10-03-2016, 09:19 am
HG's on inside lockdown. and woken up early

10-03-2016, 09:23 am
Scott i was at the Ht and the girls were sayig they were shocked and i said i was shocked thsa danielle went up

Scott next week i dont ant to take out justin.. we have so much fun with him

shane yeah oh n i dont want to either

scott maybe danielle as a apawn next week

shane no

scott i wanted to take a little heat off of monte..

scott yeah

scott kryssie is emotional.. cuz she is missing home.. and shelby

shane yeah she is a snake in the grass..

10-03-2016, 09:25 am
scott i also said that if i win the veto i cant use it on him sorry.. i told you taht aleady right?

shane yeah

Monte i wanted to ahve a 1 on 1 with you last night but morgan was up here

before morgan came up justin and I each had a 1 on 1 with jason and said that if we won veto we wouldnt use it on jason.. we cut it up and have fun at night but jason knows what it waas

10-03-2016, 09:26 am
scott next week we cant take out justin cuz then it's only 4 guys left

monte yeah no.. im thinking kryssie..

scott yeah it will almost be like a mercy kill.. and shelby is snaking around like no other..

10-03-2016, 09:27 am
Monte im worried aobut CB.. i can see him being the 1st one voted out of us

scott i see that..

10-03-2016, 09:30 am
monte me not putting up kryssie in a way works for us..

scott i was thinking last night kryssie shelby would be the way to go

scott if i win HOH im not going to put up justin as a pawn or anything. it's already going to be 5- 7

scott i might do neeley kryssie honestly.. she will fuxk shit up.. i will say kryssie i know you're missing your boyfriend and neeley in know you are a vote for kryssie..

monte from here on out it will be a miracle if me or shane arent up each week

boys leave HOH

10-03-2016, 09:34 am
ladies getting ready for the nominations and POV which they dont know about yet but suspect

10-03-2016, 09:40 am
HOH Lockdown

10-03-2016, 09:44 am
Music talk in the HOH

10-03-2016, 09:48 am
Shelby prepare to cry if america votes me

10-03-2016, 09:55 am
Zombie benny up close

Lockdown over

CB heads to the HOh bathroom

BB put the large sofa for the 3 nominees to sit on,. no one has noticed yet

10-03-2016, 09:57 am
Alex stop dressing like me

morgan what do you want me to do

alex let me grab my hat..

10-03-2016, 09:59 am
Whitney making breakfast

BB justin please exchange mic

10-03-2016, 10:03 am
10:01 am BBT

Monte out of DR hey everybody gather around in the living room we ahve to pick players for teh veto competition

jason oh hey we got a couch!

10-03-2016, 10:08 am
Cards are shuffling thru stopping on random Hg's pics

America chose Corndread

Monte Cornbread america cxhose you..

Cornbread oh heck this just got real in this hear bithc.. im ready

10-03-2016, 10:10 am
Monte now it time to pick the POV players.. i will pick 2 chips if one of the chips is one of the nominees they get to pick who they want to play

Monte chose Whitney and Alex chips and a host Shane

Monte the veto comp begins at 1 good luck..

10-03-2016, 10:11 am
Whiteny did you talk to morgan yet?

Shelby no

10-03-2016, 10:12 am
Cornbread im ready.. now i get to show you what im about..

jason sitting alone mumbling to himself..

json not till 1..? i might shower..

10-03-2016, 10:13 am
jason trampoline.. (spelling pov jedi training)

10-03-2016, 10:20 am
Monte i think America is helping me out cuz they know we're working together.

CB yeah.. theya re watching.. but still makes my stomach nervous

10-03-2016, 10:21 am
Monte im going to wear my coon hat if i can for an adge

jason dont worry about it cornbread.. good luck.. it is what it is..

10-03-2016, 10:24 am
json to Kryssie.. them with their self righteousness.. saying oh cornbread why would they do that to you.. Cuz that;'s what it is..

jason america is seeing something

Kryssie.. i hope you bring it

jason they are seeing something and we see it too..

jason im going to aliangnet myself here i cant go outside.. not one of them say good morning to me.. and then we'll see when i win the veto if they want to come to me and i will spit at them not literally but in my brain..

10-03-2016, 10:29 am
jason to the camera this is for you America.. and Ika Wong (BBCAN)

Scott out of London

Jason did you count?

Scott yeah.. i dont know how many golden fruit in the china room it might be 6..

jason who knows what they got.. but it doenst hurt to study it.. and i got some words and they dont compare to yours.. but i got one.. trampoline..

Morgan in..

jason you dont have to be sorry girl.

morgan i thought i was going to be nominated

10-03-2016, 10:32 am
Morgan i thought it was me

jason no. i knew it was going to be him.. and they are trying to give me someone esy to beat.. and not to be inappropriate.. and they are all petty betties like me and all that hick shit.. they dont like that.. just like i was annoyed with him for 2 days they were.. it's not like it;'s everybody it's not like your grand ma in michigan it's like fuck these hoe's that's how my twitter is lie.. and no girl it's nt going to be you.. you dont fit into that category

morgan thank you

jason all my fucks are gone..

10-03-2016, 10:34 am
Shane you ok

jason yeah i know they didnt pick you cuz you arent monte's #2.. CB is.

jason he picked both chips at the same time he wasnt supposed to do that.. i dont know if BB even caught that.. but it doesnt matter it could ahve been worse.. no offense. i dont want your ass in it

shane yeah it's ok..

10-03-2016, 10:39 am
jason im playing a bit but shelby doenst know. she's like half hurt.. like eat that pain away girl.. i hope shelby comes and slaps me

jason.. i called him a hick and i dont care ..

josn the more youa re like the more you whish you are home

kryssie in

jason the pout is even better with pig tails

jason you already missed it im already turning it up

kryssie shelby came in and said he's already bullying me..

jason she is one of the biggest snakes in here

10-03-2016, 10:40 am
Shelby whitney morgan alex neeley in the bathroom

morgan i hope they will call you in to explain things. they dont want yuo doing it wrong

neeley they ahve to

10-03-2016, 10:43 am
jason she says he;s bullying me.. if she thinks that she hasnt seen nothing yet.. she will come in and make like she was just kidding.. like eat my uterus..

jason after you went to bed i went off like 30 mins.. going off.. like yelling aobut nothing and what im going to start telling people

shane it;'s going to be funny,. im just going to watch

jasson production is probably rigging it so that i can go off.. like let him go

jason they all were like ignoring me and now if i stay..

10-03-2016, 10:47 am
jason have you counted stuff

danielle not really

jason dont.. we counted everything and they didnt use that

jason not for nothing you wont be here for the days comp.. these bitches already ahve enough of friends in here..

shane next week we'll stir some shit up..

jason shit in here changes so quick.

jason even today it's not a power.. but people will be like next week BD me.. and i told the people that i thought w3ere my people that i got nothing for all them.. cuz things change.. and you cant flip it that much to roll with them girls.. na...

jason i called him a hick.. and how do you spell that.. country bumpkin mother fucker.. see im already a problem

10-03-2016, 10:51 am
jason he's holding court in the kitchen so that justin cant do what he wants

justin what?

jason.. we're talking about how Cb grabbed and cooked all the bacon.. and make a breakfast burrito and i didnt even get any.. but he wants to be there in the kitchen cuz it's a good advantage point

justin i didnt like that.. it smelled.. i always aks what you guys want..

10-03-2016, 10:57 am
Monte hey good luck to both of yo.. nothing person and if you win then well touche..

10-03-2016, 11:08 am
jason there is this thing that is called HOH itis.. and that some people get up there and let it get to them,.. and think theya re never coming down

monte.. yeah no.. im not like that

jason there are people that come down with the HOH robe to do noms..

Monte youa re up only cuz you are a vet

jason.. i said her are teh keys to the castle.. and y o said no.. and i think yo jsut have tunnel vision on me..

monte it might bite me in the ass

jason you may lead the jhorse to water but you dont ahve to drink

monte you didnt ahve to tell me y8ou couylda browned nose me.. and if i get back up there in a few weeks.. and you are here it woint be lost on me and you and me are playing the game

jason.. i have leprocey the last 2 days. and if i win veto im going to ahve friends again..

monte im trying to show you respect..

jason this is the only option i got

monte you being a vet this is my only option.. but with CB i dont know

jason the only way im going to stay is if i win the veto.. danielle is in a showmance

monte is that official?

jason if you thought he was your #2 you lost it

monte yeah i thought that

10-03-2016, 11:10 am
Scott and shane download info

Shane i would be sure on shelby going

scvott are you sure that danielle wouldnt nominate me

shane i promise

scott good that;'s what i need to hear.. then that will make me feel good.. and as long as you ahve her under control i am cool with keeping her here for 4 or 5 weeks

shane people are like a showmance.. im like im here to play the game im going to need help.. and she can help me but im going to enjoy it too.

10-03-2016, 11:14 am
Shane the next week will be even better cuz we get to see who america doesnt like

scott as long as you ahve danielle under wraps

10-03-2016, 12:19 pm
alex and shelby in yoga room

shelby by a slim chance it will happen but i doubt it will

jason in..

alex can we trade hats for a day

jason yeah

10-03-2016, 12:20 pm
Alex i like your outfit

jason thanks.. the fans bsent me this hat.. and im going to beat your ass in this outfit

justin in with pizza

alex i cant eat.. every time i go into the SR i eat chocolate..

justin leaves

alex you are the only person i feel i can securely talk to

justin in with pizza

10-03-2016, 12:23 pm
alex i would be scared shit to close this door.. they would think we are scheming

shelby yeah there is no way to get alone time unless you stay up late

alex yeah im nervous to even talk ion the hammock

shelby yeah me and morgan were talking in it and people were thinking we were scheming

alex shane goes up to monte's room 3 or 4 times a day. i dont trust him at all

shelby he's giving him updates

alex monte thinks he's running the show

shelby yeah he said he's the alpha male.. ha ha ha im the alpha male

10-03-2016, 12:24 pm
game talk ends scott in yoga room

scott it's going to be cool that all of us that are sitting out are wearing pink

10-03-2016, 12:25 pm
tokyo room Jason kryssie danielle neeley morgan and monte

talk aobut frozen grapes

10-03-2016, 12:29 pm
key note**

Shelby and Alex were talking about throwing the POV to Cornbread..

10-03-2016, 12:31 pm
scott 1 this isnt the place where to be obsessed about yrou home life if that is where your head is at then you dont need to be here

whitney yeah

whiteny im scared..

scott there's a 5 out of 6 shot that it's not happening and the draws went really well.. that woulda been rough on shane

10-03-2016, 12:32 pm
Kitchen jason eating pizza

10-03-2016, 12:38 pm
whitney the plan is if i or alex wins to take cornbread off

morgan yeah.. and i asked if he had to name a replacement he would put up kryssie.. but if CB comes down then no one goes up

morgan we need to get danielle and shane to split..

whitney i think monte takes our opinions into consideration

morgan he says that he wouldnt out us up and i trust him but he could be lying but that will be our downfall

10-03-2016, 12:43 pm
jason and shelby in SR

jason i dont thik the jamboree is real anymore..

shelby kryssie is driving me nuts

jason she's driving you more nuts than me

shelbyu no one is suspecting us right now..

jason but we were all the 2nd group in the safety things

shelby but the girls dont suspect anything.. and if you stay we should keep it going.. and i wont say anything about kryssie but she is driving me nuts..

jason she is a high maintenance personality.

shelby i cant listen to her stories anymore

jason shane isnt going to save me if he was playing.. she's got a soft booty and a vagina.. and scott said that he wouldnt use it on me either.. and im like i want shelby cuz she would use it

shelby i want to make a crazy move

BB Shane to the DR

Shelby we're all wild cards and no one suspects it

jason i feel that shane knows what is going on.. i said no one else put up.. the other girls are monte's girls.. and monte is jsut taking a shot at me..

shelby i think scott is dangerous

jason yeah but he is also telling me all these words if this is the spelling comp.. and what otgehr girls can monte put up that wont be made at him..

jaosn im sure he would be making sure danielle doenst go home

10-03-2016, 12:47 pm
Shelby monte has CB

jason no but america doesnt like him.. and monte is worried.. i said to him that not everyone like this kumbaya stuff.. they dont like all this southern stuff

shelby good then us crazy people can have fun

alex in

jason would you ever use the pov on me

alex yeah we can talk about it later..

jason but it would be boring you know as a fan if i went home and it was taht easy

10-03-2016, 12:48 pm
Monte and Cornbread in the yoga room warming up and stretching :eek:

10-03-2016, 12:48 pm
12:46pm BBT Veto Comp is coming soon! :casey:

10-03-2016, 01:03 pm
POV Comp The veto vault

Veto is locked inside the safe. crack the 4 digit code.. you will head inside to gert clues to crack the code and wait in line you only get one crack at it. if you are wrong.. you need to lap the fence even if no one is there.. after 1 hr if no one has cracked the code you will get 1 clue no matter where you stand in the game if fter 3 hrs you will get another code..

10-03-2016, 01:06 pm
the game starts on the air horn

Monte whitney and CB are working together..

10-03-2016, 01:08 pm
goldfish in the chess board

VETO on the fridge door

Dani tries 1947 .. wrong.. heads back

10-03-2016, 01:09 pm
CB tries 1463 wrong..

10-03-2016, 01:13 pm
Danielle 8380 wrong

jason 9542 wrong

Whitney 1944 wrong

Alex 1449 wrong

Monte alex tells him her answer.. then he puts 9144 wrong

Whitney 1943 wrong

Monte again 1539 wrong

CB 3449 wring


10-03-2016, 01:14 pm
alex 94432 wrong

Whitney 1349 wrong

jason 9445

10-03-2016, 01:16 pm
i'll post when they get it

10-03-2016, 01:19 pm
Alex wrong

10-03-2016, 01:20 pm
Monte is helping CB

Jason is working with Danielle

10-03-2016, 01:22 pm
Not yet :casey:

10-03-2016, 01:24 pm
Some are inputting the same #'s over and over

10-03-2016, 01:30 pm
still no one got it

10-03-2016, 01:33 pm
jason won POV!!!! :casey:


10-03-2016, 01:34 pm

10-03-2016, 01:40 pm
Monte i knew you would win..

jason i should ahve know that these were teh chairs in BB18

Kryssie to whitney i ws falling asleep.. then buzzer got to me

Scott im sorry danielle

scott who know who the 3rd nom will be ;like shelby or who knows

danielle i hope i get to stay.. shane is going to keep you and i will. i feel like i got to know you a lot better.. like yeah we'll see

10-03-2016, 01:43 pm
Shane you have teh numbers to stay

danielole yeha i hope so.. i was close

jason joins the rest outside

CB i had the chairs..

jason i dont remember counting plates in my season..

jason can i go back to looking cute..

justin im an observant person and i was like wow

CB.. I think i did good for the 2 i got.. and i think america is going to think im floating thru this.. but walking keeps me thinking.. like what run when y8ou can walk..

jason i had the combinations and ther was like 30 of them..

CB im sorry to people in GF country.. i lost that shit.

10-03-2016, 01:45 pm
shane you got it .. you're good.

justin that shit crazy yo..

10-03-2016, 01:48 pm
Justin it was them all working together and i thought it was all unfair.. and no one waas talking to you to jason.. and it;'s obvious.. theyat shits unfair

danielle it backfired.. he and i were the only ones that had the numbers

Justin people are so 2 face..

Justin shelby dont even talk to him and he called her out (not really and it's all a front for ther jamboree alliance)

10-03-2016, 01:53 pm
See the fall out of the POV win by Jason! Sign up for BBOTT and watch it all play out on your own! Click Here (http://cbs-allaccess.7eer.net/c/130716/308305/3065?sharedid=forum)

10-03-2016, 02:00 pm
jason.. really good comp.. never saw before.. really cool! they all applause

10-03-2016, 02:16 pm
Monte holding court in HOH

Monte what did you think?

justin that it put a whole new perspective on it.

monte it's me and jason taht are only safe this week now

justin do you think we vote tonight

mnte no eviction is wed..

10-03-2016, 02:17 pm
Danielle when you put jason on the block the fans might have bee like wh will vote against jason and that's why they picked CB

Monte oh yeah.. you're right.. and i aint going to kick shane's girl out
justin it's a lot of brown noses

monte i'll know my real friends by next week

10-03-2016, 02:19 pm
Scott dont show the 4 anymore

CB yeah ok.. i played it off

Jason im so excited..

10-03-2016, 02:21 pm
kryssie they are all kissing his ass again..

scott im going to talk to monte

feeds flip to shane and alex.

shane what about kryssie/

alex yeah..

10-03-2016, 03:45 pm
Everyone is making the rounds to see who monte is going to put up.. Kryssie is going up.. it's jason's fault.. i tried to save her.. and sorry America.. there wont be any drama.. and if she tries to come in im nt going to let her cuz i dont trust her

10-03-2016, 03:47 pm
Monte you are safe whitney no worries..

whitney yeah we had the odds in our favor 6-1 and still

monte i knew that would happen

10-03-2016, 03:49 pm
3:48pm Fishies :shrug:

10-03-2016, 03:53 pm
Monte the only thing that bothers me is that jason hates whitney

whitney and i dont even know what i did

monte and it's not like i know whitney for years..

Monte i got too much pride that;s what i like about you..

Monte if jason gets hoh.. i told him i get it im a man.. and im not a brown noser.. and if justin gets HOH i wont come up here..

Monte whoever gets HOH i hope they can put jason back up. America wont put jason up ever

alex CB is a pawn..

Whitney so is danielle

monte yeah she is the perfect pawn.. and i did some damage control on her.. and i didnt see that coming and she told me she is in a showmance.. nad i was like ok..

10-03-2016, 03:54 pm
the girls leave monte's room

jason is looking for a dust pan..

10-03-2016, 03:58 pm
Hg's still on inside lockdown for the breaking down of the POV

10-03-2016, 04:04 pm
Alex alone in SR to us

monte is full of shit.. shane is full of shit.. I dont want to trust anyone but my sister , everyone here sucks, not really.. but they're not playing smart..Whitney is too naive .. she is trusting everyo word that monte is saying and monte cant be trusted . really no one here can be trusted but my sister but she doesnt know how to strategize and talk game.. uhh god.. im going to be targeted next week .. And Monte thinks he is winning this show

Alex leaves the SR

10-03-2016, 04:09 pm
Yoga room

10-03-2016, 04:11 pm
HOH landing talking about the bracelet that neeley found and they got in trouble

10-03-2016, 05:08 pm
Scott the jamboree is done if jason was gone and wouldn't be mentioned again in teh DR.. but i really like you shelby.. and for you to do well in the game those 3 girls morgan alex whitney .. consider to working with.. to do well with.. those 3 you get along with well and they like you

shelby yeah i do get along. with them. it will be interesting to see w who is HOH and who is sucking up

scott i will be one of them sucking up ..

shelby i ahve no idea what is going on with neeley.

scott i ahve no idea..

10-03-2016, 05:10 pm
shelby kryssie keeps going on about it being like HS.. and im like you have to keep it together.. and if both were up there was no way we ahve jamboree..

Scott i love jason.. here's the thing. i feel that there are individual relationships that can be salvaged but the jamboree as a whole is done..

10-03-2016, 05:12 pm
scott i do feel taht justin might be one of the smartest players in this house

shelby i thin so too. he;s the goofy funny one.. and i don't know if you ever heard him talk serious..

cott jsut in bits in pieces.. like yesterday justin and i told jason we werent going to use veto on him.. and i haven't had any other talks with him.. like i ahve with you.. and this is a good one..

shelby it's ahrd to talk one on one with him

scott yeah people ahve their eyes open.. and i don't under estimate anyone.. i take everyone seriously that they want to win this thing..

10-03-2016, 05:15 pm
shelby you know who is always watching? neeley she sits wher she can always see.

scott i haven't had any good talks with her..

Shelby she was staring the other day and is aid to her that i saw her staring me down and she changed the subject

scott you can have all the information in this game but you cant do shit with it..

scott she is close with danielle shane kryssie.. jason.. that's her core.. i heard someone say sorry.. i dint know about doing chores.. and she said something like some people arent trying at all and im like oh shit she might mean me

shelby yeah i saw you doing one dish for a long time//

scott she thinks that is a strategy taht she will take her to the end..

10-03-2016, 05:20 pm
Scott this is a once in a life time opportunity.. it'll be the last time i'll make a $1,000 a week .. and im not going to blow that to come anhd visit someone that voted me out. they think that cuz i played chess that im going to be good at this.. Chess is not Big brother It's silly that people think that playing chess will make you good at playing BB

10-03-2016, 05:36 pm
Inside lockdown over.

CB up into HOH.. i was playing it off a bit.. it was like i had something going on..

monte kryssie is going up..

Cb dude

monte you are going to have a few votes on ya but you ahve me whitney shane alex backing ya.. i got a good read on everyone in the house.. it will be jason justin neeley voting you .. i was thinking justin.. and i dont know about his,,. he's close to danielle and i need danielle for shane..

CB i tried on that thing.,.

mote we cant beat ourselves on it..

Cb i hope nobody in the group gets their mind changed on it..

monte no.. no.. i dont trust danielle she really likes justin and i dont trust him and he;s the most obvious brown nose and that's annoying..

10-03-2016, 05:39 pm
HT and billards going on

Morgan you can tell that CB is down

Danielle you want to come sit with us,..

10-03-2016, 05:56 pm
neeley and scott on the patio

CB and the girls Hot tubbing

10-03-2016, 05:58 pm
jason to justin.. they are now all acting like they want to be firends..

justin that shit is cry

jason it all shuffles every week.

Justin i dont know what i want o cook

jason.. those steaks are out..

justin i dont know how they will taste those steaks need to marinate

jason heads outside

10-03-2016, 06:00 pm
scott is going to get a cup of coffee

jason i dont know how to even make it.. i get mine double brewed.. i didnt even know what that was

scott yeah we did that at mcdonalds..

10-03-2016, 06:01 pm
Whitney to shelby i think he is going to put kryssie up

alex danielle and morgan there game talk ends

danielle in london room

they girls are going to work out.. morgan is going to run with neeley

10-03-2016, 06:06 pm
danielle heads outside and alex comes back in

Alex she's been following us.. she's tag teaming us

whitney yeah that wasn't good what happen

Shelby kryssie told monte that im the target.. and i told monte that kryssie is my target next week..

Shelby that was on accident..

Shelby she said that everyone thinks im a snake.. i tlaked to scott that means im a backdoor target..

alex what if this was the whole BD thing.. and she knows she is pawn.. and i ahve a feeling it might not be kryssie..

whitney i dont know.. but she heard us talking

alexz was it loud

morgan.. someone needs to be on danielle and one needs to stick with kryssie..

10-03-2016, 06:10 pm
morgan i already talked to monte and he trusts me i said that you are with us..

morgan if justin gets HOH he will put one of the girls up..

Alex i want to beleive monte. but a little piece of me is like this whole web of deceit

morgan he was talking about kryssie going on.. like dead set

alex if he puts up kryssie i'll trust him..

morgan he;s not trusting shane that much

alex someone needs to be on shane.. .. and even monte was saying that no one thinks morgan is a threat..

morgan yeah i want to keep talking to shane but i dont want anyone to think anything

shelby kryssie said that everyone thinks im a snake..

10-03-2016, 06:11 pm
shelby justin keeps following ,me.. he's onto me

morgan he's onto a lot of people..

morgan we need to keep an eye on shane and danielle more than anyone..

Shelby monte needs to see them together all the time

alex shaen said he would pick monte over danielle..

morgan monte said that he got a sketchy feeling from danielle

10-03-2016, 06:14 pm
Whitney in after talking to monte

Whitney i told monte that i said that i think that kryssi was going to go up to you guys and he said tha danielle already knows..

alex i think that's a lie..

whitney it coulda been shane and not monte who made that up

justin breaks up the chat..

10-03-2016, 06:15 pm
girls less shelby head outside to work out

10-03-2016, 06:27 pm
working out and patio talking about redwood trees, bears

10-03-2016, 07:22 pm
taco cooking inside

General chatter outside on the patio..

10-04-2016, 04:34 am
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10-04-2016, 05:48 am
Backpost Feeds 1:45am feeds 1/2

Cornbread loses it to Kryssie and Neeley about Shelby

Kryssie you said it yourself that you were going to play a clean game right

CB uh huh .. She is making my stay in this house miserable and a;; day today i didnt want to tell everybody that she has gotten under my skin so bad thats why im walking around like biting my lip. we've had some times where it's good and then right at the end of it she goes like off the deep end.. and im like WHAT IN THE FUCK!?

CB She come in my room the other day, i was talking to my roommates , she comes walking right up in there and lays down on someone elses bed, unbinvited and im telling a story, and i get almost to the end of my story and she's like" OH fuck that shit! that's fucking bullshit! and fucking gets up and walks out CB is moving his body around all sassy and ticked off at the same time telling this walks out in the middle of my conversation from my room that it aint hers! and i said What in the FUCK is going on here?" he never said that Im having having a conversation in here, laying in my fucking bed :tantrum: and you come into my fucking room and you God Damn run your mother fucking trap! Don't fucking bring the GHETTO out of me! I'll God Damn get on your ass! :tantrum:

kryssie under her breath i love it

CB I'll tell you right now i'll fucking tell you right now. i'll throw some shit at you that will hurt your God Damn feelings

Kryssie nods

Cb but that ain't the person i want to be. She;sfucking got me so fucking bent out of shape . I feel like i ahve my hands tied and then it's like God tells me.. calm down.. do the right thing and go make amends . and i get it back again and she fucking falls off the deep end

CB she;s lacking some kinda medication

Kryssie well then maybe she should go home and get on it right?

CB yeah

Kryssie you do her that favor

CB and if America wants to send me home for fucking some crazy bitch taht is driving me crazy

kryssie America cant send you home as of right now America cant send you home

CB in the meantime i cant go and talk to her about it cuz she is going to cause a bigger problem

neeley no i wouldnt .. you stay away

Cb Im the type of person if someone is a problem I stay in a different
room. and now that i got that out i dont want you to think im a bad person but at the same time i want to let you know that losing today .. that was only a part of what's been going on

neely is taking it all in along with kryssie and making like they support his rant to him

Kryssie youa re not the only one.. and i knew who you were talking about even before you said anything like it;s early on and there isnt anyone that anyone hates.. and then everyone catches eyes when that person walks into the room like kryssie snarls her lip there are times she sits by me and we sit in complete silence and im just like.. grinds teeth

CB i dont mind that,. or even having a conversation and being nice to ya and not even outta pity.. and i say something funny.. dont fucking pounce on me .. it fucking.. i mean my fucking eye balls start God Damn shaking .. I was like what in the fuck is going on here! And i sat here and stuttered and then shut my fucking mouth and then in front of everybody on that camera right there i look like a little fucking bitch! :cuss: and i am far from a little fucking bitch!

Kryssie the people that are watching those cameras know this game

CB cuts kryssie off. people that reserve themselves in that situation is a real man. But i'm gonna tell you it still eats you alive

Krysie you're tougher than i am.. you handled that like an adult

CB right now im not but she's not here and im talking behind her back

kryssie youa re having cathartic vent session that 's what this is.. that's what the smoking session is for

CB that's what im talking about .. no matter how bad this shit gets in here we still gotta put an ear out there and listen to what someone's gotta say because it's fucking.. it's'.. well unless they're your enemy, none of y'all are my enemies . if you're down i want to hear what you gotta say cuz i wanna help ya, build you back up but i need fucking help too!

Neeley we all do

CB im a big man but i need a little hand to fucking get me back out of this hole ya know. Just someone to stick a hand out to say c'mon buddy.. cuz ya know everybody's got a little bit of weakness right now cuz we're all in fucking treading water ya know

neeley and we dont know what is going to happen tomorrow

10-04-2016, 06:05 am
BackPost Cont

Kryssie this isnt season 19 this is season 1 of a brand new show so any kind of studying anyone did is out teh window.

CB i would rather someone be phoney with me than be aggressive cuz i give what i get.. Im not a quiet guy and it eats me up inside to be quiet.. and you know what gets me the number 1 things that gets me from where i come from when a mother fucker SHHH's me! if you go SHHH i'll shove that mother fucker finger up your fucking ass! :cuss: I had a motherfucker shh me one time and i came unglued im not no mother fucker kindergartner

kryssie yeah if anyone talks to me like im in preschool my bitch switch is flipping

CB i mean that with mutual respect .. i will never fucking shhh you .. that's your world. this is my world and im not going to knock you for what you do but at the same time dont knock me for what i do. you know and lets have some respect . thats what we dont need to lose in this fucking house and i know that sounds cliche but the people that are going to show respect will be the people that keep moving on in this house.

Neeley that's the hope

CB i haven't had a chance to talk to the people i like in here cuz people are so fucking glued

Kryssie people dont want to touch the leper when youa re on the block.. i sat with poor danielle in the bathroom cuz nobody else would. you can speculate however you want on what strategy was used if she is a pawn or whatever

CB me and danielle never connected in the begining cuz she was off somewhere else.. I like danielle and so far since we've been on the block she's talked to me. we talked last night laying in the bed, it was on eof those things when she didnt get her light cut on. and we didnt connect and i didnt want to be phony and fake..

10-04-2016, 06:21 am
backpost cont 1:53am

CB i'll tell you what i ahve come full circle in my life. i have turned this down twice.. and here i am now it came around a 32rd time and im like you know what god put this in my lap for a reason and now im here.. im like be careful what yo wish for cuz you are in it. i gave yo what you wanted but can you handle it.. ive come in here and ive cussed like a sailor.. and it's a known fact this is psychological warfare and we've been put in a position to see who the core person is.. who our true foundation is ..and ive been a shit head longer than i've been a good person .. what i mean is ive been the kinda guy that if someone talks shit to me i will talk shit back

kryssie you let the shit head run the show

CB yeah and the good person has finally prevails and i have found my purpose and that's to help people but i'll be damn if the shit head has come out on me and i dont want to be that person. CB is better than that..

Cb i let some shit fester in me today that put me in a bad place

kryssie i know and you ahve to take yor own advice and do the about face that you told me to do last night

CB i went in there and told them what is up and i did not hold back. I dont know how far that is going to go .. hopefully they just let it be between me and them and my vent session but it felt good to get it off my chest.. and i wanted to let them know cuz they are my peers

CB im talking to y'all cuz i like ya but you all will give me a little medicine.. i lost my focus. and i want to be brought back

kryssie we came here to play a game and you cant self sabotage and you cant play this game by knocking over your piece.. i am here to walk out on that stage and have confetti on my face..

convo tampers down

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