Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! More to come, bookmark & come back! .. that dingo

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Today's must-click special: Grin's BB5 Park: Day 46 from Jokers

8/16/04 - Day 46    >> to the future    >> dwell in the past    >> latest

Monkey business as usual

Veto won't be used. Ho hum.

Drew slept much of the day, having been up much of the night attending to Diane's insecurity. I missed it.. but "insomniacs with a desire to see covers move" (© Amy's Bus Ticket) were rewarded with a treat. Let Ticket tell it:

Around 3am Diane put on her glasses to stare down Drew while he slept, till he woke up.. then she wouldn't tell him why she was crying, then wanted reassurance that he would still want her outside of the house, then began the usual assault of Drew insults saying 'I put guys like you in-check, all of the time!'

No wonder he's sleeping all day!
She woke him up this afternoon, surprising him with a new bikini

Diane: A doesn't really decide anything, she gets Nat to do her dirty work
Drew: Right..
Diane: This is what's making me crazy right now.. I don't know who to trust.. Drew, I feel uneasy.. just by looking at them
Drew: Let's do a replay of last night when you were crying..
Diane: Shut up! You didn't even come checking on me!!
(they laugh)
Diane: Let's pick up where we left off..
(she lays back and waits.. then they talk about the game some more)

Drew gets up and puts on the boxing gloves, and then they kiss


Will asks Diane what would she do if he just pulled this string.. oops!
Drew checks out the peanut butter brownies that Karen made

He looks in the storage room and wishes he could eat real food
Diane follows him in there.. they kiss, and she plays "Lock You In"

They continue being physical without being intimate
Diane tried this on Drew but he said "my penis is in the way"..
meanwhile the cameras zoom in on Nik's cleavage

Nik says to the camera "Did you know Drew is uncircumcized?"
Drew asks if her nipples are pierced, and she explains all about them
They wonder about pierced nipples and lactation..
Nik says "Have you ever looked at a chick's nipples up close? It's like a Ritz cracker
with all these little pokey things.. that's where the milk comes out"

Outside, nominees and nominators (and Drew) enjoy a friendly poker game..
friendly enough for Cowboy and Diane to join

The pressure may be getting to Natalie, or maybe she's always been a nailbiter

Nearby Karen ran and ran and ran for miles on the treadmill

Afterward she heated things up in the hot tub with a graphic sexual
discussion with Marvin (hot stuff!)

Karen being photogenic, and other odds & ends

The hamsters played golfball-throwing again, and watched a spider spin a web, and a plane circling. Drew recounted a dream from the night before:

Remember that helicopter last night? I dreamt one was flying over the backyard, and another came along - a bad helicopter - but the good one chased it off. It dropped a little balloon parachute with a message on it about the next competition. I tried to grab it (cuz we're not supposed to have floating objects out here) but Big Brother shot it. There was glass flying everywhere but we got to read about the competition.

HJ Update: Diane told Nik and Will about the handjob of the other night (previously disputed by some).. she used painting terminology which made it sound even weirder than it was at the time - but there's no disputing that's what she was talking about. (Apparently my pics of the non-event are an internet exclusive, wheee!) Later this, which was kinda sad, considering:

Drew: I wonder what Lori's doing now
Nik: Probably having sex
Drew: I remember sex.. those were the days
(Diane looked disappointed)

Another feed switch slipup:

DR: Hey Adria, so sorry to bother you while you're in the hot tub, but I have a deadline to meet
Adria: No problem.. whatever you guys need, I'm here for you
DR: Ok. This is gonna be one of the funky little sessions, about moments that happened days & days ago.. I want you to talk about things as if they just happened, as if they just went down
Adria: No problem
DR: Ok, go back to the day of the nomination ceremony.. the nominations have just taken place..
Something has been revealed to me: the whole holier-than-thou vibe is not good tv. She didn't use the veto so will likely have her tie. Big whup.

He's still just there, not doing much of anything.

The repercussions I predicted continue to manifest themselves game-wise, but who cares? Diane-wise, she's got all the femme fatale tricks down pat, but doesn't know what to do with them. Diane's problem? She's aggressive-passive.

He rebounds from the last few days of invisibility and is everywhere! The manchild is struggling to be a good guy, a good boyfriend, and a good game player, but odds are he'll end up 0 for 3.

She goes from explicit sexual technique how-to to recipe invention in the blink of an eye, she's good at encouraging Nik to cross that line from weirdo to wacko, and she's driving board posters nuts - keep her around!

Queen Adria probably won't send him home. She'll make some big speech about respecting him standing up to her, playing his own game, etc.. but we know that she knows that he called her on her BS, and he called it correctly. If Marvin leaves, laughter will leave the house - and that's never good.

Re the twins complaining about being shuttled in & out while switching: "I don't care if I'm gagged and tied up and put in the trunk!" That is looking more like a good idea every day.. change the tone of your voice once in awhile at least, please.

Still on a roll from last night's flurry of happy fun as far as I'm concerned. It's getting easier to tell them apart: she's the one always biting her nails.

Held his own with Marvin storytelling hour tonight but it's too little, too late. Fly too low under the radar and you hit the ground. Pack your bags tomorrow Will, you're going home.

Overall a good show, but puh-leez! "The remaining HGs fought for HOH" against video of.. shuffleboard? The manufactured melodrama isn't cutting it. So many shot-for-shot and word-for-word recaps on Saturday's show as my day 42 two-parter, plus Nik's black hole theories - repeated here first - were finally picked up.. (don't make me beg - just hire me!) Notably edited & absent: Adria's pausing her HOH room debut for "first, the rules"; and the streaking/strip-tease spyscreen escapades were a freaking week ago! Many who'd heard about Truth or Dare night but missed it thought that was it.. shame on you CBS.

Hamster watching doesn't get better than this guy. Bath buddies forever!

The goon is gone - long live the goon :)

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

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