Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! More to come, bookmark & come back! .. that dingo

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Today's must-click special: Grin's BB5 Park: Day 40

8/10/04 - Day 40       >> to the future     >> dwell in the past     >> latest

Forty days and forty nights.. a phrase of Biblical proportions. But I won't go there: all the moral high ground of yesterday's Hamster Watch episode has made me feel dirty.

Checking in with the current HOH regime, I have to ask what's going on in there? We used to have hilarity, tears, fart lessons, and more hilarity. Even the Drew/Diane weeks with their 4th grade boy/girl bicker-cuddling was better than what's going on in there now.. they are watching the fishies! On purpose!!


Much was made of Karen cracking up on tonight's show
I think she has a ways to go.. and I'm patient

When they emerge, Nik tells them how she has named the cameras Joe and Pie, and encourages Will & Karen to play with them.. Will gives a half-hearted effort, but Karen really takes an interest


Outside Drew says Diane has the "sexiest curve in America right now"
She responds by calling to Marv "I'll give you $10 if you can pick me up
right off the ground right now" - think she'll pay up?

But back to Karen-watch.. let's follow her around a bit - she does get around!

Diane asks if barbecue sauce is a condiment (Lisa, is that you??)
and all the hamsters gather to tell stories and laugh and laugh

Voting is tomorrow.. let's take a look at the nominees

(they are the ones who are entertaining everyone else)

Thoroughly hateful bastards, aren't they?

We can't leave evil Karen out of this - she'll be up next

Truly a fun-filled evening for the hamsters. Charades was mentioned, but never really took off. Instead, they fell into an impromptu truth-or-dare type discussion, with Marv as emcee. Everyone joined in, enjoying themselves, as Marv asked each about their first experiences, bisexual desires & experiences, "questions for the gay guy", and oral & anal experiences. It was all good-natured and fun (likely too explicit for many viewers - but educational), with much laughter.

Cowboy wasn't feeling well but he hung in there like a trooper. When Diane's turn came around, the tone changed a bit - her "truths" carried a hint of resentfulness and defensiveness - but I don't have to go there tonight.. plenty of time for that later.

Marvin shared some elaborate, detailed, and explicit technique how-to

A good night for hamsters and hamster-watchers alike!

The bowling ball

Marvin demonstrated, with Jase's assistance, his patented "bowling ball" maneuver. I won't go into the detail he did.. suffice to say it involves - among other things - fingers, glands, and various body cavities. Go Marvin!

Incidentally, for those interested, most - if not all - of the gathered hamsters admitted to having anal sex.

(I believe two of them.. maybe three.)
They sing! They dance! They apply makeup together! They can be dull, and they can be lively.. and they better stay lively, cuz once Jase is gone the others will remember how they got all that out-of-house time and cry "Unfair!"

The HOH crew talking about how awful it is that Cowboy gets made fun of: "We all went to school with that guy." I don't see them sticking up for him though, and chances are good some of them were that guy in school.

A low profile day for Diane. The sex chat made her very uncomfortable, yet she's determined to look and act sexy & provocative at all times. Nice bit on the show of her boasting about being hateful.

A low profile day for Diane, therefore a low profile day for Drew. Nice bit on the show of his selling out his boys and himself, and of him admitting he isn't a good liar (tho he does lie very well to himself.)

Ease up on the self promotion now and then and he'd be a way cool guy. He entertained the troops tonight, and they all enjoyed it. (Odd behavior considering how much they all hate him.) Bath buddies forever!

Ok I am starting to catch on, finally. She's whacked, with potential to go full shred nutcase. If only she didn't drone on and on all the time.

"Bro's before ho's, remember? It would behooooooooooove you to put somebody else up." This guy just keeps getting better. More sex chat please Marv - people need to know this stuff.

Don't let those six fingers go to your head much more, Nik.. Your days in the satin robe are almost over and you're back to the trenches.

They sing! They dance! They apply makeup together! They can be dull, and they can be lively.. and they better stay lively, cuz once Jase is gone the others will remember how they got all that out-of-house time and cry "Unfair!"

The CBS token came through tonight with flying colors! Maybe he would have opted for charades over "Ask the gay guy", but he played along - openly and (probably) honestly. Likely a bit more than CBS bargained for - always a good thing!

A good show Tuesday. High drama, complex plot, and zany cast of characters. Ok, it was a bit overblown, with many "key" sequences totally out of order & context, but that's their prerogative: they own these hamsters and their cage. They made a good show out of this mess, and yes, I noticed how they used the same image for Cowboy's big speech yesterday that I illustrated Cowboyisms with.. four days ago! Just freaking hire me.

The goon is gone - long live the goon :)

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

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