Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em!
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Today's must-click special: Grin's BB5 Park Day 28: The Holly Eviction

7/29/04 - Day 28       >> to the future     >> dwell in the past     >> latest

I said I'd post Hollyisms if she stayed, but she didn't.

Sure, she was an easy target, but I don't think she deserved all of the suspicion directed at her in the house, nor the hate directed at her outside it. But she's history now, let's move on. In a minute.

You know I have to to it.. so, in the tradition of The Wit and Wisdom of Lisa, here are the Hollyisms:

Holly doing her hair "like Miss Arkansas"
It's nobody's business how I kiss you (you go, Holly!)

All my friends are like, Barbie friends, you know

So you were a cook? Did you like work in a kitchen?

Like, I don't have an eating disorder... I just don't eat

You two and your underwear hair!

I love Ethiopian food

They should have like a fish specialist in the house, so we don't eat the wrong fishes

(frozen pizza) How do I cook it? Do I just follow the directions?

I don't want to be put in his head as a bad person cuz like, I have enough problems

"Are our conversations that weird that people want to walk away?"
My belly button needs a jacuzzi today

Holly: Have you ever played that pass-out game?
Marv: What game is that?
Holly: Like when you pass out, for like 5 minutes..
Marv: Show us

Never! Not in a katrillion, catillion, badillion years!

This finger is the sidekick to this finger

90 minutes.. is that like 2 hours?

I don't want chocolate.. I'm a vegetarian

I have absessive compulsive, which is when I compulse over everything in my head

I don't think I know any guys who are just gross and, what's the word, pictionary?

Jase: Instead of giving the money to charity, I want to start my own charity
Holly: Like a pyramid scam?

after everyone became convinced she was a twin
It takes a village to make a child

What's government cheese? Is that like Soylent Green?

Marvin, get your corpse-loving booty in here!

I used to think tartar (on your teeth) came from eating too much tartar sauce

I think my perception of vision is a little strange

My hair has been this long... since, like... it grew this long

(mixing concrete craft kit) This reminds me of like, have you ever been to one of those clay mountains? That has the clay on the side?

Marvin: They will be all over you like stink on shit
Holly: I didn't know snakes liked shit, and I am a reptile expert
(total silence from everyone)
Marvin: Damn woman, I said stink, not snakes.. keep up

Holly does an Amy
Oh no, I broke my nail.. what a nightmare!

(playing golf) We're not paying attention to that hole over there

I'm crookidized.. I did a Mr. Bendy!

Well I am gonna miss you, but I'm not gonna miss that piece of pizza spinach stuck between your teeth

Do you think they're like, filming us thru these windows and stuff?

Don't banana me in the head!

I would have brought a cute bible, like one that talks like I talk

I want to be entertaining, but I don't want people to hold it against me

Diane: Thank God and good riddance.

Marcellas on Housecalls: You're the Helen of Troy of Big Brother 5

The rest of the day

Drew primps for the live show.. "Dude, where'd you get those jeans?"

HOH endurance competition is predictably dull, especially since Marv stopped
baiting everyone.. Cowboy peed his pants early, and Diane has threatened to


10.30pm - hamsters are getting tired

1am - they are not giving up

After 9½ hours Diane finally won
(but why was she wearing a tablecloth?)
I'm treating them as one person for now, since that's how they're being fed to us. Ad/Nat lost ground with the endless waterworks after being nominated, but made up for it by being CBS's prime tease, and by dancing up a storm in the kitchen.

This guy just gets better & better. Idiot savant or just idiot, it doesn't matter. He knows he's the butt of a lot of jokes, but he keeps coming back for more (you couldn't find a better sport when it comes to pantsing.) Cowboy's a walking example of not taking oneself so seriously - we could all learn something from him.

Whiney, bitchy, self-centered, volatile, and determined to play the Victim. And most of all, bitter. She's taking credit for the anti-Holly sentiments in the house and she's still gotta play "poor me"! She's got nothing to back up her tough chick/femme fatale persona, yet she keeps on with it - maybe she thinks it's attractive? We need more Diane shenanigans!

Frat boy beer chugs; 4th grade boy/girl convo with Diane in bed; puppy dogging his boys and whining for Jase to spend more time with them; and more HOH tears than all the Big Brother drama queens of the past.. all with Bible verse. This pretty boy may outgrow adolescence eventually and won't have to shout "I've got balls!" anymore to try to convince us.

He's got game, he's got friends, and he's got mirror-face. He seems like a good guy all around, in spite of his arrogance and odd hygiene habits. He's funny as hell, and he fell in love on live tv - can't beat that with a stick!

I dunno what to make of Karen. She seems smart and fun, and she seems whiney and irritating too. One thing she does is talk too much - she'll make her point 100 times and then start over. I'll figure out what I think of her eventually.

Marvin is the man! Not only does he talk the best smack in town, he maneuvered the boys into evicting Lori and Holly, and he has Diane fascinated (don't be fooled by her cries of "harassment" - she is loving it!) This guy is smooth, let's keep him around.

Jennifer/Nakomas was put in as part of the shocking DNA twist, which tanked, and now she's just the resident weirdo. She may be the smartest person in there, but she's dull - never a good quality for a weirdo.

Obnoxious, juvenile, crude, vulgar, and hilarious. Not as dumb as he looks either. His main weakness is being jealous of his buddies having girlfriends, but now that Holly's gone, we can get back to pointing 'n laughing.

Will isn't doing his job as the token gay guy - he never flutters or frolics or throws a hissy fit. He's like gay people in real life - where's the fun in that? He seems sharp and occasionally funny, so there's still hope for him.

Tuesday's show was the best editing yet, catching all the best moments of all the best fights. But as usual, the live show was uninspired and biased, and left out some pivotal (and hysterical) moments. And Julie has either been cured of her eating disorders or she's pregnant.. but she's still wearing the same size clothes as before. Julie, get a grip - they're too damn tight!

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

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